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Some other things i've been working on

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#226 _77hatch_

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Posted 28 July 2011 - 10:50 PM

you got that thing going yet? !...... haven't heard any late night sneaking !

i hear there's some pretty dodgy blokes that work in diff shops ;-)

Thanks to 77hatch i have a tail shaft again! Yay :).
I've fixed my exhaust up, it was bumping into the diff and had no hope of clearing the new housing so i cut the old pipe up and recycled all the mandrels and added a new 45degree piece. It now clears the diff and all the body work, i've added a few extra mounts to hold it steady to hopefully stop it rattling on the body work. Its a tight squeeze, its hugging the body work very closely with only mm's to spare in places . Hopefully tomorrow my axles will be finished, then I'm on the home stretch to getting it back on the road :D. Only a few fun jobs left, e.g. handbrake cables :P.

#227 _jabba_

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Posted 29 July 2011 - 09:27 AM

haha, nah not yet. Axles are done, just gotta drill the disks, press new bearings onto diff centre and press new bushes into trailing arms. I've remade the exhaust so it should clear the diff now *fingers crossed* :P. Maybe it will be finished tonight or tomorrow, depending on how hard these disks are to do :P. Oh i also have to get Phil to make a spigot for the tail shaft, bloody internet information on this conversion they leave out important information like the tail shaft fits but its hub is different :Headbang2:.

#228 _jabba_

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Posted 29 July 2011 - 08:48 PM

Today i have drilled two new holes in the disks, and they fit very snug. Tomorrow i Just have to slot the last existing hole and they will be done. Since there is already so many holes in the disks i could only drill two new holes, one existing hole lines up and one needed slotting. It locates tight on two of the studs and the other ones clear the stud. I just realised that i pressed the bearings onto the new diff carrier without installing the shims, Turns out they put shims between the carrier and bearings on these diffs. Ill fix that tomorrow and hopefully get the bloody thing installed, pending any more unforeseen frOckups :). Oh yeah i also pressed in new bushes into the trailing arms.

I forgot to snap some pics along the way so i stuck the axle in the 'jig' that we setup to give an idea of how it was done. Mates big drill press is broken, it fell over a while back so we had to use this old girl. Thats a lathe chuck clamped to the base.
All the holes were welded up then while on a lathe the PCD was scribed into the face. Then we centre pop the location for the first stud, the required distance between the holes was measured, then working our way around the axle we scribed the location for the next stud with some callipers. When we came back around to the original centre pop we know its correct because the callipers scribe a line straight through the middle of it :) Then it was just a case of drilling the holes and installing the studs :).
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Oh and this toy finally turned up today!
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#229 _jabba_

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Posted 01 August 2011 - 12:12 AM

Celica drives again, the diff is fantastic. Just have to roll the guards coz she's scrubbing badly. The torsion centre seems to do the trick! Im having trouble getting the brakes to work well, after a quick google i found out that the ma70 supra master cylinder bolts straight on so i've bought one off ebay. It has a larger 1" piston so it should give more brakes for less pedal pressure. Im also going to install an adjustable proportioning valve coz the rear disks are locking before the fronts.

Heres the adapter to align the celica tailshaft to the volvo diff.
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#230 _Liam_

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Posted 01 August 2011 - 06:04 PM

I like your bead roller. Where did you get that from may I ask?

#231 _77hatch_

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Posted 01 August 2011 - 10:12 PM

HMMMMM 3 seconds ago i think a celica rolled past my house , ps i could have made that adapter ring if i had of known !


I like your bead roller. Where did you get that from may I ask?

#232 _jabba_

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Posted 01 August 2011 - 10:39 PM

hahaha, you might have ;). Come for a drive already ;). Yeah the bloody people at toymods that have all this info regarding the conversion forgot to mention that it requires an adapter ring or i would have asked you too. Oh well :P.

Well i now have brakes, I'm an idiot and put the callipers on the wrong sides! the bleed valve was at the bottom :Headbang2:. I now have loads of brakes! I ended up hammer rolling the guards, i couldn't take the scrubbing any more. Turned out fine, just chipped paint off where you can't see. Also adjusted the pan hard rod so the diff sits centred.

#233 _jabba_

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Posted 02 August 2011 - 07:51 PM

Doh, think i blew a head gasket. Water in oil, steam poring out the exhaust and no compression on two cylinders :P. Hopefully its a simple blown head gasket, id hate to do another rebuild rofl.

#234 _77hatch_

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Posted 03 August 2011 - 09:53 PM

any news .........whats the outcome?

Doh, think i blew a head gasket. Water in oil, steam poring out the exhaust and no compression on two cylinders :P. Hopefully its a simple blown head gasket, id hate to do another rebuild rofl.

#235 _jabba_

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Posted 04 August 2011 - 03:27 PM

Not yet, ran out of time yesterday to pull the head off. I will hopefully get it off this afternoon. There is plenty of wet brown stuff in the cylinders tho :/.

#236 _jabba_

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Posted 04 August 2011 - 07:52 PM

Well theres your problem
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Head will need a little skim to clean up where it blew, happy thats all thats wrong :)

#237 _nzstato_

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Posted 05 August 2011 - 05:32 AM

Jeepers, why do you recken it blew>? Cant be very old?

#238 _mick74lh_

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Posted 05 August 2011 - 03:54 PM

Far out! Thats impressive. Would you consider o-rings or some other means of sealing the combustion chambers a bit better?

#239 _jabba_

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Posted 05 August 2011 - 05:16 PM

The head gasket would be <6months old and <5,000km's :P.

Hmm probably wouldn't o'ring it, not sure what way to go at the moment...

#240 _77hatch_

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Posted 05 August 2011 - 10:52 PM

i say O'rings & 25 PSI ! just my 2c & your $4000 LOL

The head gasket would be <6months old and <5,000km's :P.

Hmm probably wouldn't o'ring it, not sure what way to go at the moment...

#241 _jabba_

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Posted 07 August 2011 - 07:15 PM

hahaha, i agree with the 25psi bit, maybe not with the o'ringing. $$$ :P. What the sillycar really needs now is a 5.7 or a 6L v8. It goes well, but it would be a proper death trap with a v8!

#242 _jabba_

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Posted 12 September 2011 - 11:23 PM

Today i learnt how to mill a head :). had to take 17thou off to remove the damage caused by the blown hg :(. The other option was to weld up the damage then mill it but i decided a little extra comp wouldn't be a bad thing anyway since more boost is out of the question with the current turbo.

#243 _77hatch_

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Posted 19 September 2011 - 10:15 PM

well hurry up !!!! im ready for a spin now ! lol

Today i learnt how to mill a head :). had to take 17thou off to remove the damage caused by the blown hg :(. The other option was to weld up the damage then mill it but i decided a little extra comp wouldn't be a bad thing anyway since more boost is out of the question with the current turbo.

#244 _jabba_

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Posted 20 September 2011 - 12:26 AM

Just waiting on some new valve springs to come, turns out i need up-rated springs to cope with boost :P.

#245 _jabba_

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Posted 23 September 2011 - 09:37 PM

The head is ready, i learnt how to use the milling machine and had a stab at my head. I took .017 thou off the head to remove the damage that was caused when the head gasket blew through. My calculations tell me that it will bump the comp ratio up .3 or a cr. I vacuum tested the valves and 2 of the exhaust valves were leaking more than they should, after pulling them out you could see that they were not sealing properly. It looks like a bit of head gasket got stuck to the valve face which opened the cam/valve clearance up about 4 thou more than it should be. After a bit of research it looks like the standard valve springs were also inadequate, at the installed height they are giving 80 pounds of pressure. I contacted performance springs in Qld and he sent me over some replacement springs, they give me 110 pounds of clamping pressure. Once i stick a .060 thou shim under the spring it bumps it up to 120 pounds. The rough guide (without working out valve surface area) is for 1 psi of boost add 2 psi of clamping pressure. The problem isn't so much valve bounce but valve float as the boost pressure is reducing the effectiveness of the standard springs. And of course there is a heap more exhaust pressure as well...

Hopefully Phil will get a chance to re-grind the valve seat tomorrow so i can get it up and running again .

#246 _jabba_

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Posted 24 September 2011 - 08:14 PM

Woohoo, i have a complete head now :D. Yarrrtttt zututututu

#247 _77hatch_

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Posted 26 September 2011 - 10:28 PM

im waiting LOL , took my bike for a blast tonight round the block! aaahhh summer !

when ya get that thing running again i wanna go for a spin


Woohoo, i have a complete head now :D. Yarrrtttt zututututu

#248 _jabba_

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Posted 26 September 2011 - 10:30 PM

Don't hold your breath, gonna rip the engine out tomorrow and find out why its running like a bag of shit :(. Seem to be getting a lot of blow by. Fun and games :P.

#249 _jabba_

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Posted 03 October 2011 - 08:34 PM

Well the engines out, heads off again. Just need to give it a hone and a re-ring. There were a few scores in the bores that are obviously causing the low comp. Ill pull the pistons tomorrow and give it a hone and see how it comes up :P. Id say bits of head gasket got caught in the rings :(. Going to order a new clutch again while I'm at it, the one i put in there is buggered. I overheated it once at the end of the motorkhana and i guess that was that :P. Fun and games :D.

Edited by jabba, 03 October 2011 - 08:36 PM.

#250 rodomo


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Posted 03 October 2011 - 08:39 PM

What ring gaps are you running?

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