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Some other things i've been working on

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#51 gtrboyy


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Posted 09 January 2010 - 06:14 PM

Definetely will look better with outers given a good polish & I think the centres redone in silver or a darker grey will break it up a bit more...other than that drop the bum a bit more if you can.

Turning out into a decent practice car lol.

#52 _jabba_

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Posted 09 January 2010 - 06:36 PM

the paint on the wheels is good so ill give them a good clean and polish and see how that looks first :).

The car used to be lower but it was really uncomfortable to drive, even now its very firm. The tyres scrub in the rear if its too low, but it has an adjustable panhard rod so i think that can be solved.

I should be really good at painting by the time i get back to the monaro, huh :S.

#53 _jabba_

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Posted 23 May 2010 - 10:25 PM

Finally a bit more has been done. This bonnet took forever, it took me around 10-12 hours to get it to this stage. It wasnt bad, just a hand full of small dints that took a lot of stuffing around to get perfect.

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Tomorrow i have to dust some primer on the areas i rubbed through then give it some top coat :)

#54 _jabba_

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Posted 29 May 2010 - 10:55 PM

So i fixed a few things up on the engine, replaced the 5psi waistgate spring with a 12psi one and today and figured id go for a "test drive", took it out of town and gave it a few squirts. It went insane but it was only hitting 10psi boost and you could hear air rushing out from the bonnet, the bov was leaking since i didnt have it hooked up. Its a little damp atm and it was wheel spinning @ 100 in 5th when you give it some gas! I brought it back home to fix the bov and noticed that the fuel reg vacuum hose had blown off so i replaced that too. Took it for another drive, gave it a stab and it hit over 12psi then i went into 4th punched it and lots of wheel spin, then i hit boost cut (which was set at 20psi) followed by a huge cloud of smoke from under the bonnet, engine lost power... it was dead :cry:. It now cranks over and sounds like it has no compression. It blew oil out the breather everywhere so the crank case was pressurised, so i'm betting hole in the pistons!! Could a blown HG cause the same symptoms? I'm thinking no. It sure did go well before it went bang. It just wheel spins in every gear, it couldnt put any of the power to the ground coz of the damp conditions. The air/fuel ratio when it died was at 12:1, i was keeping an eye on the wide-band oxygen sensor the whole time.
Obviously the waist gate spring wasnt a 12psi spring like i was told, ha.

So who wants to start taking bets on whats happened hahaha.

Edited by jabba, 29 May 2010 - 10:58 PM.

#55 rodomo


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Posted 29 May 2010 - 11:09 PM

Took it for another drive, gave it a stab and it hit over 12psi then i went into 4th punched it and lots of wheel spin, then i hit boost cut (which was set at 20psi) followed by a huge cloud of smoke from under the bonnet, engine lost power... it was dead :cry:.

Sorry mate, it sounds expensive but right now I'm pissing myself laughing.
It's just the way you've written it. :spoton:

Don't forget to post pics here:


#56 _jabba_

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Posted 29 May 2010 - 11:12 PM

dont worry im laughing now the cars home, this car was built to be punished! Oh yeah it blew coolant out everywhere too. Ill post pics tomorrow!! :D

#57 _jabba_

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Posted 30 May 2010 - 12:22 AM

Pulled all the spark plugs out, they look fine... on the rich side if anything imo?

They all look like this one, there brand new plugs with <30mins on them.
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I shone a light down the holes and what i can see of the pistons looks ok.

#58 rodomo


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Posted 30 May 2010 - 12:34 AM

What is the water level like?
Crank it over with the plugs out and look for water/mist from the plug holes.
It might have just blown a head gasket?

#59 _jabba_

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Posted 30 May 2010 - 12:49 AM

water level is low/gone, it blew water and oil out everywhere.

Ill give it a crank tomorrow morn and see if theres any mist before i pull the head off :). From what i've read the head bolts stretch after a while @ 12psi and blow a HG, so im guessing they could have stretched a lot @ 20+ :P.

Bed time, photos tomorrow! Might not be so bad after all, i was planning on installing studs anyway if its only a HG.


#60 rodomo


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Posted 30 May 2010 - 01:03 AM

Crank it over before you go to bed so if there is water, it's not lying in the cylinders over night.

#61 _jabba_

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Posted 30 May 2010 - 10:38 AM

opps, too late :S. I didnt want to do it because my neighbours bedroom is right next to the car...

Ill check it out now :).

#62 _eh-buddy_

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Posted 30 May 2010 - 02:46 PM

hi jabba did you get the toy from dubbo ...cause damn it looks like a car that a mate off mine had 15 years ago

Ooh is minore road still good for strap??

i took my old xu1 along there and kicked a rod just as the cops came down the hill flashing lights on me :)

#63 _jabba_

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Posted 30 May 2010 - 04:02 PM

nah the car came from canberra. I'm in south dubbo so i head out old Dubbo road, nice stretch with no one around.

Half way through removing the head, i found a post on toymods pointing out a couple of bolts i could have missed. I can pull the heads off a holden 6 or 8 with my eyes closed, this is taking forever.

I found out why it overboosted. The nipple i fitted to the turbo that connects to the waist gate has been blown out, so that will do it every time! :spit:

Edited by jabba, 30 May 2010 - 04:05 PM.

#64 _jabba_

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Posted 30 May 2010 - 06:42 PM

Well it looks like there was more problems than just overboosting... two of the cylinders had chronic rust in them, and the other two had spots of rust. I think that would have been caused by not being started in 3 years. There is gouges in #2 and #4 and light scratches in #1 and #3. It looks like something has hit the top of the piston (and head) on #4

Check it out :P
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Oh, and the looks like something hard went through the turbo...
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I cant see any signs of detonation. It looks like its broken some rings, would the condition of the bores caused the rings to break or would it have been the overboosting? I thought rings/pistons usally broke from detonation... it was running @ 12:1 when it died and i couldnt hear any detonation. It wasnt seeing silly revs either, probably around 6000rpm.The rev limiter was set to soft cut 7000 and hard cut to 7250.

#65 _jabba_

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Posted 02 June 2010 - 08:53 PM

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Yep, thats why it lost compression. I'm just impressed that the pistons all cracked in the same way in the exact same place on every piston

#66 _jabba_

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Posted 09 June 2010 - 06:12 PM

Engine is at the reconditioners getting bored out, and the head and block will be decked if required. It turns out that i cant buy off the shelf pistons for this engine but finally found a set of pistons from a 20r that fill fit the motor that are 1mm oversized , they have a domed top which i'm having machined off. With the dome it would give a compression of over 11:1, once its machined off the CR should be more like 7.9:1 (stock was 8.3:1).

So far its cost,

$190 bore+hone
$60 to deck the block if required, same for the head id imagine
$103 cast pistons
$40 rings
$40ish conrod bearings
$80ish main bearings
$330 full gasket kit
$180 new rb25 s2 turbo, much better condition than the old one.
$80 arp studs for conrods
$180 RPM "heavy duty clutch"
i'm just trying to sort out some head studs and i'm done :D.

ouch, oh well even tho i broke the pistons the engine was already toast with all that corrosion in the bores.

Oh yeah, i also bought a megasquirt 2 v3 kit + relay board + boost controller mod and solenoid muhaha. yaaaaarrttttchhhhhsshhhhh :P. The kit arrived in customs this morning so all going well ill have it tomorrow, not bad considering i only bought it from the US on friday.

#67 _jabba_

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Posted 10 June 2010 - 09:57 PM

mmm, what do we have here...
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ohh yeah
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I managed to solder the megastim together tonight, i have to buy a new tip for the soldering iron before i do the megasquirt board.
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There dont seem to be any instructions to test the testing device, but all the solder joints look good so im sure its fine.

oh yeah, new turbo woo.
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I also picked the block and head up from the machinists today as well, bored out 40thou and the block and head were decked. I just have to relieve the pistons so they clear the valves and i can put it back together :).

#68 _Big T_

_Big T_
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Posted 10 June 2010 - 10:17 PM

I am quite enjoying this thread Jabba. Looking forward to seeing it all come together man. :spoton:

#69 _Gunmetal LH_

_Gunmetal LH_
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Posted 11 June 2010 - 02:32 AM

jabba: So who wants to start taking bets on whats happened hahaha.

Is the intake coolant heated? I wonder if water got in that way?

#70 76lxhatch


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Posted 11 June 2010 - 06:08 AM

If you're ever looking back and wondering when the build suddenly started getting out of control... about now.

Looks like its gonna be a lot of fun! :spoton:

#71 _jabba_

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Posted 11 June 2010 - 09:48 AM

I am quite enjoying this thread Jabba. Looking forward to seeing it all come together man. :spoton:

It shouldn't take long to piece back together... hopefully ill have the engine back in and running off the old ECU next weekend. I have to build the engine and paint the engine bay (sigh) this weekend :).

jabba: So who wants to start taking bets on whats happened hahaha.

Is the intake coolant heated? I wonder if water got in that way?

It does have a heated inlet but the gasket was perfect. They had to deck the head, but he said it only only very slightly out of true (he said like 5thou). I think the back two cylinders just blew the hg through into the water jacket.

If you're ever looking back and wondering when the build suddenly started getting out of control... about now.

Looks like its gonna be a lot of fun! :spoton:

Yeahhhh, its gotten a little out of control :/. I've always wanted to play with megasquirt so this was a good excuse... I'm actually thinking if i like this ECU ill buy one for the monaro and control ignition to start with, then eventually fuel inject it he he.


#72 _Gunmetal LH_

_Gunmetal LH_
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Posted 11 June 2010 - 10:28 AM

Does the inlet have a separate coolant line like the VL intake?

#73 _jabba_

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Posted 12 June 2010 - 02:50 PM

Does the inlet have a separate coolant line like the VL intake?

Its just fed directly from the block.

Megasquirt is alive!!!! :rockon: :rockon: :rockon:, just have to build the relay board now and workout how to configure it :S.

Edited by jabba, 12 June 2010 - 02:50 PM.

#74 _Torrie_Man_

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Posted 14 June 2010 - 07:14 PM

This car just keeps getting better and better. Now I want a Celica!

#75 _jabba_

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Posted 04 July 2010 - 07:31 PM

Well as much as i didnt want to (lazy) i painted the engine bay.

I started by stripping it back a little
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While i was in there i found this
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and this
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Turns out if you fit larger than stock sway bars to celicas it rips the mounts from the car. :o. I've welded it back up now and hoping it doesnt happen again. It if does ill cut it out and weld in a nice thick plate over top. On second thought i really should just do that anyway...

One of the welds, i didnt grind it back.
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Before priming it i sprayed a sealer on there so i didnt get reactions from spraying 2k over the old paint.
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and paint
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