Complete LC GTR Restoration
Posted 17 June 2009 - 08:54 PM
Oh and I found that if you dont want to spend mega bucks getting the colsole stuff resto'd professionally (like around the gauges, knobs and switches) invest in a few teeny tins of model paint (black and a silver) and some teeny brushes. Tidys up those little scratches etc and makes a HUGE difference.
My rear parcel shelf I found at the wreckers in a car, wrong colour but a bit of elbow grease and some coats of spray can primer and paint worked a treat. No need to pay huge dollars for a pro to do it. I did the same with the kick panels in the front.
Posted 17 June 2009 - 10:14 PM
Posted 20 June 2009 - 06:48 PM
This included door cards, handles and door tops covered, dash FULLY padded and covered, roof lining and roof handles covered, Sun visors covered, custom centre console (that I made) padded and covered (incl console compartment lined), h/brake and gearstick boots, steering wheel covered (in leather), parcel shelf (incl hi mount brake light incorporated)made and covered, Rear seat fully retrimmed, front seats partially retrimmed, glovebox & lid lined.
Ther's prolly a bit more that I can't remember right now, but well worth the $2500 as far as I'm concerned.
I'm sure your dad could do it cheaper though.
Posted 20 June 2009 - 07:15 PM
Hey Tyler
The car looks like a great project but the lawn looks south of the river
Haha do you guys even have grass in Kal??
_Bomber Watson_
Posted 22 June 2009 - 07:09 PM
But looking at that if you did everything yourself you could probably pull up at around 15k.
Posted 22 June 2009 - 07:42 PM
Posted 28 June 2009 - 11:06 AM
It really depends on how you build it.thanks heaps kelly, tips like that are coming in handy because i can see my 10k is gna be gone pretty quick haha.
If you don't pay anyone to do anything on your car (I wouldn't encourage any young person to), and you take your time with shit, and research everything before you open your wallet, you don't need to spend much at all.
On the other hand, if you feel like you have to do the car justice because it's an original GTR, and you have to restore everything at the same time etc, then yeah money will be flying out of your hands.
My car has seen about half of your budget so far, and it isn't finished or show-quality, but it's not too bad either.
10k is a good start, put most of it your money away, put it in the garage and strip it down.
Teach yourself to do bodywork and give it a squirt of colour, it doesn't matter if it ain't that good, you can polish it up later and if you're still not happy, give it another crack

Then do some little things like fixing the tint on the windows, buying new carpet, new rear bumper obviously
That will cost bugger all, and it will make the car look 60% restored. Just removing things, disassembling them, painting the parts, lubricting them and putting them back together and in the car costs next to nothing and it's where you get the most satisfaction and enjoyment from. Do that bit-by-bit and it will come together beautifully
Posted 28 June 2009 - 02:01 PM
Then if its taken off the road and stripped you can actually SAVE money by not doing bits twice. You can do each thing in order and dont have to worry about having to have it back on the road at the end of the weekend, like you would if it was a daily driver. If it currently IS a daily driver, spend $500 on a pissy little corolla to drive around, you'll save way more than $500 having the Torana off the road for the resto. We saved heaps doing it this way. The electrician could rewire without an interior getting in his way, the apholsterer could do his part with windscreens out, etc etc.
Plus doing a car 'justice' shouldnt mean you have to pay a registered business big bucks to get a 'good' job. "Backyard" & "mates" doesnt = dodgy. My Dad's "mates" were all professionals, just means that the work was done outside of work hours and not on the books. The upholsterer worked for BMW doing upholstery so definatley not dodgy etc. As I said, you CAN get a good quality resto done for a lot less than most people think, it just takes time reasearching and some leg work.
If you want a knob job done on the paint so your afraid to drive it down the street for fear of stone chips then yeah expect to pay more than you can afford, but originally these cars were painted in acrylic and had a standard job so why spend the big $ on 'magazine winner' paint? You dont need 22inch rims and custom interiors etc with an original GTR, so yeah you'll be fine Tyler.
How's it all going anyway?
_Drag lc_
Posted 28 June 2009 - 05:22 PM
Cheers Hayden
Posted 28 June 2009 - 09:07 PM
Posted 28 June 2009 - 09:26 PM
Have you not heard of Swapmeets!!!
There is more to restoration than buying everything off ebay of from businesses found in the phonebook.
Posted 28 June 2009 - 09:33 PM
We're not pressing new panels fellas.
Have you not heard of Swapmeets!!!
There is more to restoration than buying everything off ebay of from businesses found in the phonebook.
when did you last build one, they cost shitloads. And where do you find good parts at a swap meet, haven't found anything for a gtr at a swap meet in mint condition
Posted 28 June 2009 - 11:29 PM
PS. Just an example, I never bought anything from Andrew (Milton Performance original owner) over the internet/ebay .... I always called him. Starting prices he placed on ebay were always the shop price. Buying the same item from the same guy but over the phone rather than Ebay saved me lots. I just had to make a call. Surprising the massive number of people who didnt. I got a set of doors from him for $100, great condition, he sold the crappier set on ebay for $550.
Posted 29 June 2009 - 12:43 PM
Most people don't.
I know of a number of Mag Featured, trophy winning cars built for less than $50k.
I think a few ppl need to understand the difference between what a car owes you, and what it costs to build it.
My car (non-GTR) owes me between $25-35k.......and it is no-where near finished.
If I knew 10yrs ago what I know now, I would have been driving it around for the last seven years for well under $10k. I could make you all a list of do-nots and check this's.......
Each to their own, but I don't think it is good practice to scare young played by telling them they've just picked up a car that is now going to cost them $30-50k........
Remember, Kelly replaced the floor pan, and hers came in at $10k.
It might drive the prices of good examples up, but show me how many LC GTRs are insured original condition for $50-60K and I might agree it's worth spending the money, but I doubt it.
Plan the stuffing out of it, make lists of what you want and need and prioritise....
See the Project Planning Thread.
Any extra bits you end up with you can sell off here

I see little advice in this thread, just "I spent this much, so I'm better than you".
How about some help for the young fella, who has asked a genuine Q.
_Bomber Watson_
Posted 29 June 2009 - 01:23 PM
Now to me the word "complete" means everything. Every nut, every bolt, every area of metal, every stitch of interior, every wire, every single mechanical component, etc etc.
"Restore" to me means to return something to a new state.
So what the subject heading is asking is how much it will cost to completely restore a LC GTR.
If you could do that for 50k then my hat off to you.
This is what most of us have been refering to.
As i said before yeah sure you could do it for around the 10k mark, my first build on the LJ was around those kind of dollars so it is definitely doable.
But that was not a complete restoration.
Now the first post says no engine/running gear, but then really whats the point in doing it in the first place?
Edited by Bomber Watson, 29 June 2009 - 01:25 PM.
Posted 29 June 2009 - 04:48 PM
As for the comment about why bother doing it if your not doing the engine or running gear ...... well thats simple, he wants to do what he can with the money he has and be able to drive it around looking great (and no doubt picking up hot girlies). If the engine runs well and the running gear is all in good working order why f**k with it? If it aint broke dont fix it. By the time it will need fixing/replacing then you would have been able to save up more cash to do so.
Does anyone actually want to help this young guy? Or are you all going to freek him out and tell him to lock it away in the shed for 10 yrs till he saves another $40grand? To be honest I expected more people to be congratulating him on a great find, especially at his age, for saving $10grand already (again especially at his age) for wanting to redo GTR trim etc and not modify it, and offering a bit of help & encouragement. OR does everyone here like to boast about their big dollar budgets and intimidate the kid? Poor form fellas.
Posted 29 June 2009 - 04:59 PM
For example i can pay trade $100 per meter for some colours in vinyl.. you may need 10m..seats, headlining..there goes a grand..next foam..then if you springs are stuffed...glue..thread
by doing your trim yourself except door trims..your should be able to for around $1600+.. depending on colour, then add door trims.. around $7+800
People must think trimmers make heaps...lol, nah..
Posted 29 June 2009 - 05:13 PM
I think 10K would be close. Paint would be around 5-6k...to a sympathetic painter.
New rubber kit is what?.....$600?
If placed an add in the 'wanted' section', i think you might find a bumper bar.
Throw in a new tint job for $300?....dad is doing the interior, & the old girl will look flash again!
Leaves you 2K to spend on suspension & rubbers.
Remember...elbow grease is free!

Posted 29 June 2009 - 06:48 PM

Posted 29 June 2009 - 09:28 PM
_Bomber Watson_
Posted 29 June 2009 - 10:05 PM
it also depends on what colour the interior will be..
For example i can pay trade $100 per meter for some colours in vinyl.. you may need 10m..seats, headlining..there goes a grand..next foam..then if you springs are stuffed...glue..thread
by doing your trim yourself except door trims..your should be able to for around $1600+.. depending on colour, then add door trims.. around $7+800
People must think trimmers make heaps...lol, nah..
Yep, and paint, doing it yourself from what i can see in the picks would cost 1500+ in materials alone in acrylic, or probably double that for 2k depending on brand. A sheet of sandpaper is worth 80c and doesnt last long. Sounds cheep, untill you use 100 sheets just in the engine bay.
Not boasting about my big dollar build, which still isnt big dollar, as i said i did the first build on mine for under 10k and that was pretty much just paint and interior.
Simply trying to put it in a reasonable context. If everyone says trust me its easy and cheap then whats gonna happen when people actually start doing something??? Ya go yay ok i'll budget 2k for this part then suddenly it costs you 4 and the project is set further back. I know what that feels like, and i learned the hard way.
Now, definitely jump in and give it a go buddy, its more than doable for sure.
Im the last person to try to talk a yonge bloke out of doing somethign like this, after all i brought this when i was 14:

And rolled this out when i was 16:

So yeah, i believe in you!!!!
Posted 05 July 2009 - 01:06 PM
Does anyone actually want to help this young guy? Or are you all going to freek him out and tell him to lock it away in the shed for 10 yrs till he saves another $40grand? To be honest I expected more people to be congratulating him on a great find, especially at his age, for saving $10grand already (again especially at his age) for wanting to redo GTR trim etc and not modify it, and offering a bit of help & encouragement. OR does everyone here like to boast about their big dollar budgets and intimidate the kid? Poor form fellas.
Better to tell the kid the turth than bullshit around. It cost $20,000 min to restore the body. My lc has cost $8000, it's in hi fill and i was only paying $100 a day and i pay for matial. I done all the rust before he started. He told $15,000+ so far, if i was paying shop prices. He wanted $20-25,000 to do the blue gtr i owned.
All i can say is there are a shit load of panel shop out there not capable of restoring your lc but will take the money and have a go. And i see alot a torana out there and alot of are pass spending anything on them.
Posted 05 July 2009 - 09:58 PM
Its a very nice colour scheme and looks all complete.
Out of interest,how much did you pick the car up for? did it come with the the original motor and gearbox and
Log books?
Its not easy finding LC GTRs,make sure yours is all genuine with the matching tags before doing anything.Obvious i know but you dont want to oversight numbers after youve spend your money and hard work.
Keep us informed with pictures if youve got the time.
Posted 12 July 2009 - 02:30 AM
courses courses and mates
ask advice and do as much as you can
be patient and read the workshop manual cover to cover three times
and second hand dont always mean second best
and if you have the space a donor car can save you heaps
rip off what you need sell the rest
oh and paint is just a cover make sure your happy with your body work before you spray
good luck and post pics on your progress
Posted 16 July 2009 - 10:25 PM
Nice car and looks very original apart from the stereo.
Its a very nice colour scheme and looks all complete.
Out of interest,how much did you pick the car up for? did it come with the the original motor and gearbox and
Log books?
Its not easy finding LC GTRs,make sure yours is all genuine with the matching tags before doing anything.Obvious i know but you dont want to oversight numbers after youve spend your money and hard work.
Keep us informed with pictures if youve got the time.
Gday adam, i picked up the car for $2000 and yes it came with original motor and gearbox, pretty excited on its restoration

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