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My latest project (glutton for punishment)

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#51 orangeLJ


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Posted 30 July 2009 - 09:51 AM

painting the inner gaurds and radiator support on sunday (Karlie has a baby shower to go to, leaves me free to play!)

Although Ive somehow got to fit in swapping out the CV shaft on the corolla too!

Going to pick up my new front panels tonight, (freebies)

Told they are in ok condition, wont know till I get there and have a look, will grab them all regardless (and anything else I can from this panel van!)

fingers crossed they are good, thats ALOT of money saved.

Silly me never checked that the HQ dash would fit, turns out it doesnt, so back to square one there, might find a Standard dash and just throw some extra smiths gauges or something in for oil/water etc

Edited by orangeLJ, 30 July 2009 - 09:52 AM.

#52 Joshua


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Posted 30 July 2009 - 09:56 AM

just sell the hq dash and use that money to buy a hz gts one.. there much nicer anyway.
and the cost of buying after market gauges would be more then buying the gts version.

#53 orangeLJ


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Posted 30 July 2009 - 10:48 AM

Ive only got Facias though Josh, and I cant justify spending an extra $120 on the gauges to slap behind one of the facias and then have to try and sell it off on abay and maybe only make $150 for it.

Im going to sell off the two facias, (clean them up and paint them first)

But I already have a shitload of old gauges (from smiths, to autometer) that I can mix and match to suit what I need.

New speco gauges (although not the best, they would do at a stretch) can be had for like $30 each, so still cheaper then a GTS setup.

#54 Joshua


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Posted 30 July 2009 - 02:41 PM

Ive only got Facias though Josh, and I cant justify spending an extra $120 on the gauges to slap behind one of the facias and then have to try and sell it off on abay and maybe only make $150 for it.

Im going to sell off the two facias, (clean them up and paint them first)

But I already have a shitload of old gauges (from smiths, to autometer) that I can mix and match to suit what I need.

New speco gauges (although not the best, they would do at a stretch) can be had for like $30 each, so still cheaper then a GTS setup.

ahh, didn't realise you didn't have the gauges for the hq gts one.
yeah probably to much money then. the gauges are where the cash is at

#55 orangeLJ


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Posted 30 July 2009 - 02:59 PM

Yeah, only got the facias, found them in the passengers footwell under a tonne of other bits and pieces.

Also found 7 drivers side mirrors, all in pretty good nick.

#56 Joshua


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Posted 30 July 2009 - 03:11 PM

any passenger side?

#57 _SS Hatchback_

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Posted 30 July 2009 - 07:33 PM

nice score there Chris, looks like a pretty good body to start with from the pics.

#58 wot179


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Posted 30 July 2009 - 08:01 PM

Genuine Smiths gauges are worth good coin on ebay.You might be surprised what you can buy with the proceeds if you have 4 or 5 of them,depending on what they are.
Good genuine mirror heads(the ones without the thick black bit around the glass) sell pretty well too.

You might just scratch enough together for a HZ GTS one if you have the time to sell some stuff.

#59 orangeLJ


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Posted 31 July 2009 - 08:47 AM

Well Ive got everything I need to build the ute now, all but some bumperettes for the rear.

Got a decent set of gaurds, decent nose cone, GTS dash and pefect nick facia (and clean, scratchless gauge faces), perfect dash pad (black) good underdash in black and some other bits, mate was having a shed cleanup and wanted it to go to a good home!

Ive got 2 or 3 passengers side mirrors, they all look to be genuine too, and majority of them have decent crhome on the stalks and ver good condition heads.

If anyone is after some mirrors give me a yell.

Should have the whole car in primer, plus all my spare panels by sunday arvo (depending on the weather)

#60 orangeLJ


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Posted 10 August 2009 - 10:23 AM

picked these up cheap at a swap meet on the weekend-

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will need a reco job (will get it through a mate) and 2 new valves + rocker gear, but other then that they will go in the shed for a little while, unitl I decide to throw a 308 together in 6 months or so.

I also bought a kingswood grilled (chrome strip around the outside, silver in colour, square grille slots) for $40 in good condition, I need to decide whether im going to paint it black or silver, wont be wearing the kingswood badge though (already removed and on the fishtank top with my 6 or 7 GTR badges)

the parts pile in the back of the shed is growing alot lately-

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Ive got something like 20 headlight buckets for the little 5 inch headlights, getting them blasted and made pretty by my mate Gary, same with alot of other fiddly bits.

Now have a perfect radiator support (its getting blasted too) so I will be fixing and selling the other one from the start of the thread.

Ive got a black, perfect condition dash pad, black GTS dash + all gauges and even the clock, all in good nick (facia will need painting)

Also got a factory black under colum/dash section aswell (will need a lick of paint)

I got cheeky on sunday morning and threw the dash facia, the underdash and the new grille in the bathtub at home, gave them all a scrub and got them clean as possible!

Edited by orangeLJ, 10 August 2009 - 10:23 AM.

#61 orangeLJ


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Posted 17 August 2009 - 04:26 PM

Radiator support and inner gaurds are now painted!

Underside of gaurds are GMH black, tops gloss black, back side of radiator support is GMH front is gloss.

Came up REALLY good.

Did some minor bog work (fine over primer bog is awesome stuff!)
filled some pin holes and some small low spots. VERY happy with how it came out.

Also started to strip my front nosecone/apron, should come up alright, but some dodgy bastard has done the following-

stripped it to bare metal, left it in that state to get surface rust, primered (few coats) then guide coated, obviously left it, rust came through primer, lets blow some more primer over the top, few more coats of primer, more guide coat, and left.

So some small rust spots, stripped back to bare metal in tonnes of places (just whizzing it back) prick of a job though! going to DEOXIT it and prime it.

Ive got a bunch of photos to throw up once I get out of this lecture.

Im going to throw the radiator support on this week, throw the radiator (flushed and painted too) in, headlights in etc.
Anyone have any photos (or can take some) of the bolts/washer combo that holds the radiator support on?

Its just the two that go into the big holes on the chassis rails isnt it? (I need to dig through my boxes of bolts and find the ones I need)

Need to order some rust repair sections for the bottoms of the front gaurds (#@$^%& from rust) and get them fixed up and thats pretty much ready for some paint!

#62 76lxhatch


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Posted 17 August 2009 - 04:36 PM

Anyone have any photos (or can take some) of the bolts/washer combo that holds the radiator support on?

Its just the two that go into the big holes on the chassis rails isnt it? (I need to dig through my boxes of bolts and find the ones I need)

Yes, exactly the same as the body mounts. The bush with the tube through it goes on the bottom (between the chassis and support panel) from memory

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#63 orangeLJ


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Posted 17 August 2009 - 04:55 PM

ahhh! I see,

I might be able to make do with some LJ crossmember-chassis bushes (if I cant find the right ones) if need be.

Thanks for that!

#64 orangeLJ


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Posted 18 August 2009 - 09:09 AM

no pictures.

Bloody battery on the laptop died when I got to the car (was still in the uni's wireless range!)

Work have this new system, it lets you go to all the "blocked sites" but gives you a little spiel before hand saying

"this site has been flagged as non-work related, you may choose to proceed however excessive or inapropriate use will lead to your manager being informed"

or something like that, it then gives you two buttons to click on "proceed" or "exit"

It doesnt do it on the photobucket main page, but as soon as I click on "my album" it comes up, Im assuming its from me uploading too much lately!


#65 orangeLJ


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Posted 19 August 2009 - 11:20 AM

alright, pictures (finally) off work with a crook back/neck today, so snuck over to the parents house and bludging their internet.

did some rubbing and some light bogging on the doors, now ready for a couple more coats of hifill

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the dog helped.....

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They arent perfect, but Im only expecting it to be a 10 footer, (look good from a distance!)

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flushed the radiator, cleaned it up and gave it a paint, as you can see the dog helped with this too......

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So that was all done over the friday/saturday (had friday off because Karlie was heading up to see her mum in Port.... good reason for me to have a day off too!)

on the sunday I painted the inner gaurds and radiator support-

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matt black on the under side, gloss on top.

Then I got stuck into the nosecone/apron

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dog came for a visit to mum and Rays, so she helped out some there too....

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#66 orangeLJ


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Posted 19 August 2009 - 11:22 AM

and just a few things I got blasted by my mate Gary-

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Ive got 20 odd of these things with the chrome trims for the headlights too-
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The other project on the go at the moment is this one-
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it will be at toranafest, finished. so very busy at the moment!

#67 lxsstorana


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Posted 19 August 2009 - 11:51 AM

Nice work Chris. :clap:

The way you're going you'll give Gong a run for his money. :D


#68 Heath


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Posted 19 August 2009 - 03:43 PM

First time you've actually posted any progress on the flared LJ. And people say pumped guards look shit; that is HOT

Will it be registered?

#69 _mello92_

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Posted 19 August 2009 - 03:54 PM

I like what I see. I like it a lot. :clap:

#70 orangeLJ


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Posted 19 August 2009 - 07:15 PM

Nice work Chris. :clap:

The way you're going you'll give Gong a run for his money. :D


I wish mick!

I dont have the money or the shedspace! haha, but we get along ok.

First time you've actually posted any progress on the flared LJ. And people say pumped guards look shit; that is HOT

Will it be registered?

Yeah, I havent posted a whole lot on it since we first bought the car.

Plans have changed a little bit with it over the last year or so, but its running a very healthy 202, triple 40mm webers (the ones that are due to get cleaned up and thrown on my car) just standard XU-1 style headers and a sidepiped exhaust (so pretty mild for the moment) with just a steel case celica 4 speed, hydro clutch, welded 3.08 diff (might have been a different ratio, we threw it in ages ago!)

Ray is currently sorting out fitting the Autotechnica seats we bought a while back (they were cheap, we are on a budget) They sit a bit high, but will give a decent seating position.

Suspension is lovells springs, koni shocks, nolathane bushes for the most part

But there is a stack of parts in the shed that will go to the next engine, roller cammed, JZED headed triple 48mm webers etc etc.

It will hopefully end up on club rego, but for toranafest Im just trailering it up. (it hasnt had any testing engine wise, would need a different exhaust, still havent got wheels+tyres sorted etc) Im thinking of throwing my 16" ROH wheels on it for the show.

back to the ute-
I found my bushes for the radiator support, they are rusted to buggery, so I definitely need new ones.

Do they still make them?

Anyone got a set they want to sell/give me?

I half assed it onto the car today (with the buggered bushes) and fitted up the radiator so I can atleast start and run the (for more then a couple minutes) to see what its like.

Dog is going to be pissed when I get the bench seat retrimmed and move it out of the tray, she loves using it as a bed! I might have to make up something for her in there eventually.

Thanks for the compliments guys.

#71 76lxhatch


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Posted 19 August 2009 - 08:19 PM

I found my bushes for the radiator support, they are rusted to buggery, so I definitely need new ones.

Do they still make them?

Anyone got a set they want to sell/give me?

Rare Spares still sell them as far as I know, but you might have to buy a whole set. There must be plenty hanging around in people's sheds that they are happy to give away.

#72 Struggler


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Posted 19 August 2009 - 08:21 PM

Looking good, keep up the good work !!!

Is that LC/J the one from Canberra ????

#73 orangeLJ


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Posted 19 August 2009 - 09:50 PM

Naah, the LJ was from hoppers crossing (ebay special)

The one we bought from Canberra was an LC GTR that was smashed. Its still in a shed, resting elsewhere. Once we get all these done we will move onto it (already had it on the rack and straightened the chassis)

just needs half a front clip.

Edited by orangeLJ, 19 August 2009 - 09:58 PM.

#74 _doogs_

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Posted 19 August 2009 - 11:16 PM

Good progress.
Like the Lj, those flared gaurds look meant to be.

#75 _panthervs_

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Posted 20 August 2009 - 02:14 AM

hey mate im chasing a pair of those headlight holder things and chrome trims if your keen to sell a set??


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