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8th month 73 xu1 detroit locker

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#251 S pack

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Posted 15 October 2012 - 09:14 PM


All LJ XU1's (and only XU1's) got the baffled diff housing.
It appears the SL/R 5000's also got baffled diff housings.

Edited by S pack, 15 October 2012 - 09:15 PM.

#252 xu2308


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Posted 12 November 2012 - 03:40 PM

Hi m8. Not so long ago i was chatting to a member who knows the bloke who did the lockers for hdt. He said there was 10 centres made and only 3 where used. (i think). I will pm you his user name so he's not bombarded, he said he still has some in his shed you might b able to find out some info on yours. Also so you know the engine mount would of been moded to clear a turbo not a waste gate and thats what the pipe would be for an oil return, Also the oil cooler would of been fitted at the same time as the turbo as the turbo would of been oil cooled so they would of neededto cool the oil some how. The rust mark in the houseing will be from lack of use's as condinsation will still form in there.
The backing plates would of been moded to alow for air flow and extra cooling as the drums had a bad habit to over heating and worping. I did a simalar thing to a set i had on a race car for that reason.
I did notice that in the book of the xu1-l34 the info must of had a typo as it says the xu1 had a fuel tank of 180lt lol. Would be a very rare book with all the autographs in it
Thanks Dave

10 would be the right amount, as Harry Firth got 10 sets of Cooling Fins made by A.B.S in Adelaide :driving:

#253 _Ozzie Picker_

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Posted 07 December 2012 - 08:23 PM

Bit of an update,

On the piss,hit the shed for the first time in over a month,been flat out with work leading up to christmas.

Anyways the XU1 is ready for rego check,so me checkem lights all good,But blinkers and wipers don,t work,had a look at fuses,checked with meter and power seems to be fine on both sides of fuses.Radio ok,heater fan fine.

Any leads appreciated.

On the diff centres,"apparently" only 10 were made for the LJ and the guy that made them still has 3 in his shed,but i still need to follow this info up one day soon.

#254 _LONA-CK_

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Posted 08 December 2012 - 05:27 AM

you might need to clean your earth to the blinkers mate ,, have you had the wiper motor apart if so you may need to pull of the outer round case and give it a clean so it can center its self on that magnet,it could be in the switch aswel the best way is to see if you have power to the plug that goes in the wipe motor, then try another motor if you have a spare if it works then pull the outer 2 long bolts out of the one thats on the car and swap over the outer case, be carful not to drop the ball that sits in the end of the sharft or it want center its self,,, good luck, a word of advice next time check wiper works before putting you heater box in, has if its rooted all heater box must come out to re-place it... but you know that.

cheers gong

Edited by LONA-CK, 08 December 2012 - 05:33 AM.

#255 _Ozzie Picker_

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Posted 08 December 2012 - 07:32 AM

Thanks John,

Will go through those things after work today,everything worked about 15 years ago when it was last rego,d,sheez.

Time flies when your having fun.

#256 S pack

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Posted 08 December 2012 - 07:59 AM


The wiper motor and indicators are powered through the same fuse. Have a good check of the fuse holder in the fuse box for corrosion. From the turn signal/wiper washer fuse the yellow wire (12v +) goes to the wiper motor and the blue wire (12v +) goes to the flasher unit.

Stupid question but you haven't pulled the yellow/blue wiring connector from the fuse box have you and forgotten to plug it back on?

#257 _Ozzie Picker_

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Posted 08 December 2012 - 06:35 PM

Hi Dave,

Just sat down for a few minutes,finished work then kids wanted 6 man tent put up,5 million tent pegs and i,m rooted.

Thats good to know they share the same fuse,i have not been under dash since i repaired heater core,maybe i knocked something back then,i,ll try to squeeze myself under the dash and go in search.

Thinking of joining a more car orientated club over Kootingal way,might slow my rego a bit,but the club i,m currently in, are only interested in vintage machinery,something that weighs 2 ton,with 1hp.Not my idea of fun.

I,ll write all the pointers from you both and hope to win.

If heater box has to come out,i,m not sure how many years that will take to do, lol.

Just one more question,if i got club plates from the club i,m currently in,then swap clubs,is that a big deal with the plates etc?
thanks guy,s.

Edited by 73BATHXU1HTBATH350, 08 December 2012 - 06:38 PM.

#258 _Ozzie Picker_

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Posted 09 December 2012 - 06:58 AM

Dropped down fuse panel,power was ok on top side,where it counts on the back side nothing,pulled out fuse it was ok,slide wire up and down spade,squeezed terminals together a bit,put in new fuse all is good.

I actually felt excitement,first time in a long time.


Edited by 73BATHXU1HTBATH350, 09 December 2012 - 06:59 AM.

#259 _sunburst73-xu1_

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Posted 09 December 2012 - 07:09 AM

Good to see Craig.
In regards to your club plates,I might be wrong but I think its just a matter of letting thr RMS(RTA) know that you have changed clubs.
Cheers Dane

#260 wot179


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Posted 09 December 2012 - 07:24 AM

How good is it to get an easy fix!

Any progress on the PV?

#261 _Ozzie Picker_

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Posted 09 December 2012 - 04:23 PM

Hi Craig,

Its great to get a win,and thats when i felt excitement as the car is ready to get club rego.

The PV has not changed .

My spare time is no more,I,ve just got involved with a fella with 3 impala,s, a beautiful 59 i think the other is a 62,and i,ve fully stripped a 64 2 door SS.Looks like i,m busy there for as long as the money keeps coming,which is handy this time of year with my 3 girls,and christmas.

You been doing anything with cars ?

Edited by 73BATHXU1HTBATH350, 09 December 2012 - 04:24 PM.

#262 wot179


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Posted 09 December 2012 - 04:35 PM

Poking along casually on the HD.

Theres no rush. :)

#263 _Ozzie Picker_

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Posted 30 December 2012 - 08:03 PM

Got a surprise visit from wot,great to see him sailing around in his cruiser,he was cooked from the heat when he arrived,that air con is good in new cars we both agreed.

Going to share these photo,s,very big day today,cruising about in the XU1,everything is great,except the diff has a bit of a howl at a certain power application at higher speeds.So i don,t drive it that way,more throttle and can,t hear anything .

Posted Image

Posted Image

#264 _Ozzie Picker_

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Posted 30 December 2012 - 08:16 PM

Check out my dog,he goes off at the car when it starts,and everything that moves,he does not like anything much,hehehe,look in the first picture,he is in the shadows waiting for something to move.
Posted Image

Edited by 73BATHXU1HTBATH350, 30 December 2012 - 08:18 PM.

#265 _Ozzie Picker_

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Posted 30 December 2012 - 08:22 PM

Posted Image

#266 _Skapinad_

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Posted 30 December 2012 - 08:51 PM

Goonon the move

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