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Things that people do to their car that you hate.

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#101 _gtrtorana_

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Posted 29 August 2009 - 09:25 PM

i had a yank stayin over tellin me that the monaro is a rebadged gto IE we rebadged a chev i jus lol'ed in his face "sorry son aussie designed and made"

Exactly my point, go and buy a Silverado if you want a bowtie on your wheels.

#102 Dr Terry

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Posted 30 August 2009 - 07:26 AM

Sorry to be the bearer of bad news, but Gen 3 & Gen 4 V8s are NOT Chevrolet engines, they are manufactured by a division of GM called GM-Powertrain. I know it's nit-picking but that's how it is. Ever since 1990, all GM engines come from this one company, unlike the days of the past, where Chevrolet made their own engines as did Pontiac, Buick & Cadillac etc.

As a matter of fact there more Holdens in the world which use these V8s than there are Chevs. AFAIK the only Chev cars to have Gen 3 or Gen 4 V8s fitted are Corvettes & the various export models sold in the Middle East & South Africa (Luminas & Caprices etc.). All of these export Chevs are really Holdens, built in Australia anyway !!

The Pontaic GTO (2004 onwards) has a Gen 4 V8, as does the current Pontiac G8 & both these are built in Australia (using V8s imported from GM-Powertrain in the States). Do you think for one minute that any Yank thinks that these cars have Chev engines in them ?

The photos of the various small sh#tboxes in the posts above are closer to the truth. In the U.S.A., Canada & most of Europe & Asia, the name Chevrolet is only known as the brand of little economy cars like Barinas etc. Even the Impala in the U.S.A. is only a FWD car & the equivalent of a Toyota Camry or Honda Accord.

In Australia, we know Chevrolet as the builder big old Yank tanks & also of the brilliant SBC & BBC engines, but over the last few decades they have developed into an economy brand. In the U.S.A. ALL Chevrolet passenger cars (except the Corvette) are FWD. The Corvette is virtually marketed as a seperate brand to differentiate it from the normal (lesser) Chevs.

The fact is, that the Holden Commodore (& to a lesser extent, the Ffford Falcon) are amongst the best passenger cars in the world at the present time, especially at the price. Have a look at the 2 Pommy car shows on TV (Top Gear & 5th Gear) to see what the rest of the world thinks about our cars.

Every time I hear a poster refer to a Commodore as a 'dunnydoor' I really get the sh#ts. We should be proud of the Holden brand & its Lion emblem & stop putting Chev Bowtie badges in place of the original Holden badge.

On the other hand if you have an older Holden (Monaro, Torana or Kingswood etc.) with a proper Chev V8 in it, disregard all of the above.

That's my rant for the week, thank you for listening.

Dr Terry

#103 _torana_umunga74_

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Posted 30 August 2009 - 10:12 AM

all the yanks think they are chev powered pontiac designed american made cars. ive talked to several, and seen some interviews with actors they just dont believe it was us.but who cares? i would be happy to drive a chevvy if i could get one, but my car is a holden and a special one at that.

#104 _gen3torrie_

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Posted 30 August 2009 - 01:33 PM

big ridiculous body kits on commodores with just a V6 wtf???

#105 _mello92_

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Posted 30 August 2009 - 09:40 PM

The Torana had its maiden trip to Townsville today. Ricers were everywhere. I was not nice to them.

#106 _gen3torrie_

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Posted 30 August 2009 - 11:12 PM

ricers at the hot rod show what the f*ck.....

#107 mr5000


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Posted 31 August 2009 - 09:45 AM

cant see any point in people even a few of my m8s spending heaps of money on mag wheels that dont look any good and are made in f*cking thailand a mate spent 2 grand on mags from auto barn ill be putting convos on for less

#108 rodomo


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Posted 16 April 2011 - 11:59 AM

I can not express how much I hate it when people put a Chevy bowtie emblem on their HOLDEN!!!! It really pisses me off. I guess there is a small exception if the motor is a chev, but don't change all badges to chevy badges, maybe just the grill. If you want a chevy go buy one!!!!
I remember a holden calais that had chevy badges all over it with a rear view mirror shaped like a chevy emblem, GAAAYYY!!!!


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#109 its Paul

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Posted 16 April 2011 - 12:49 PM

No bowtie just AUS350

Posted Image

Edited by lx8vd77, 16 April 2011 - 12:59 PM.

#110 _blownlcgtr_

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Posted 16 April 2011 - 11:36 PM

bullbars on commodore utes especially 4 post bars truck mudflaps massive spot lights sidesteps and enough lights to light a xmas tree on commodore/falcon utes
diesel 4x4 tray back utes with 3" stacks
falcon shaker on commodores
hornet scoops on v6 commodores
20"+ rims & low profile tyres on 4x4s
air bag suspension
chev in ford hot rod

#111 _stretchlc_

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Posted 17 April 2011 - 02:01 PM

12 slotters on any holden! People..it's just WRONG!

Bonnet scoops with no holes underneath!

Frangipani/jetpilot/metal melicia stickers. You just know that they should have spent the $$$$ on indicator bulbs instead!

This was going to be my MASSIVE PEEVE.......I second the 12 slotters on ANY Holden Vote.......Just thinking about it makes me wanna punch something, anything!...YUCK!

#112 _Skapinad_

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Posted 17 April 2011 - 03:44 PM


Edited by Skapinad, 17 April 2011 - 03:45 PM.

#113 _Big T_

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Posted 18 April 2011 - 10:08 AM

Things that people do to their car that I hate? Nothing really. It is their car, not mine so why should I care?

As my UC fits into so many of the "hates" I dont think I have the right to pass judgment anyway (and Im still crying because now I have to remove the fluffy dice and the monster tacho on the A pillar, and the unfinished front panels (I will get to them one day), and the white interior, and the sticker, and the coke bottle radiator over flow tank, and the dragway indys, and the racing number I still havnt scrapped off from the drags, and the rubber all up the rear quarters, and the maccas rubbish from several weeks ago, and the personal plates that make no sense, and the locked diff, and the UC tail lights hehehehehe the list goes on). :D

It is what people do IN their car that concerns me more and my pet hate is texting whilst driving. It is a stupid and moronic behaviour that puts not only the driver and their passengers at risk but other road users as well. Pull over, wait until you are at your destination or at least use hands free and talk. No message is so important that it needs to take precedence over the safety of you, your family or friends and other road users. grrrrr. /end rant

#114 _threeblindmice_

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Posted 18 April 2011 - 10:51 AM

I hate rear window brake/tail lights on old cars , but thats just me .

#115 _L32M20_

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Posted 18 April 2011 - 05:29 PM

Things that people do to their car that I hate? Nothing really. It is their car, not mine so why should I care?

As my UC fits into so many of the "hates" I dont think I have the right to pass judgment anyway (and Im still crying because now I have to remove the fluffy dice and the monster tacho on the A pillar, and the unfinished front panels (I will get to them one day), and the white interior, and the sticker, and the coke bottle radiator over flow tank, and the dragway indys, and the racing number I still havnt scrapped off from the drags, and the rubber all up the rear quarters, and the maccas rubbish from several weeks ago, and the personal plates that make no sense, and the locked diff, and the UC tail lights hehehehehe the list goes on). :D

It is what people do IN their car that concerns me more and my pet hate is texting whilst driving. It is a stupid and moronic behaviour that puts not only the driver and their passengers at risk but other road users as well. Pull over, wait until you are at your destination or at least use hands free and talk. No message is so important that it needs to take precedence over the safety of you, your family or friends and other road users. grrrrr. /end rant


#116 wot179


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Posted 18 April 2011 - 05:35 PM

Painted door catches and strikers.

#117 _judgelj_

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Posted 18 April 2011 - 06:31 PM

ok i was hoping that no one would cover the monster tacho thing on a n/a v6 but they did.

so here it is anyway: i hate monster tachos on stock v6's or any low to no performance car whatsoever. are your eyes that bad that you need a 10 inch gauge to tell you when to change gears. p.s this is made all the more worse if there is a shift light, even worse on an auto.

ductape rally stripes.

cheap weekend market personalised numberplates in the back or front window. this is particularly horrible when the car has normal registration, and even more horrible when the personalised plates are real and vic roads issued. why pay for plates just to pop them in your windscreen? oh and if your a 50kg foreigner uni student with a maroon magna dont put 'drve-by' in your back window.

lets see what else? an exhaust on any car that doesnt need it. this doesnt apply to older 6cyl muscle cars. just lancers, commodores, falcons, mazda 323's and the aforementioned country ute that i kept seeing every morning. thing had literally no exhaust on it, though it did have mudflaps spanning the entire width of the tub, bull bar, spotlights, sidesteps, stickers, and a bull horn sticker.

i also hate all show no go cars

and im sorry but if you cant appreciate a wrx there is something wrong with you. it is not a ricer and truly is a great car to drive.

'low luxs' they are terrible.

young kids that have to speed through 20km/h beach streets

people who let their cars rust but wont sell them.

4x4s with twin 4 inch dump pipes that sound like crap.

rosary beads hanging from sigma rear vision mirrors

and to some it up probably plastic hubcaps with spinners. why would you draw even more attention to your financial woes?

#118 _beige_lj_

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Posted 18 April 2011 - 07:35 PM

Saw a Lancer the other night, with some sik as body kit, and a monster tacho mounted on the pillar, fully illuminated and it wasn't even connected :nada:

#119 LX2DR


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Posted 18 April 2011 - 07:47 PM

I hate rear window brake/tail lights on old cars , but thats just me .

I will agree with you on this one! They dont belong their.

However i also use one because i dont want to get tagged by some putz that isnt paying attn and the stock tail-lights with globes arent much chop

Since, recently putting LED's all round i am now considering removing it, as the high light is pretty insignificant against the intencity of the LED's.


#120 _Kush_

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Posted 18 April 2011 - 07:57 PM

Don't you think it's strange that about 85% of the things that are pissing us off, the person sitting in the drivers seat is a young male with either...

1) a backwards facing baseball cap
2) a "twisted to the side" baseball cap with the brim still flat and the sticker still on it from when it was bought new

See the similarities????

Baseball caps!

Don't wear them! It could happen to YOU!!!!

Edited by Kush, 18 April 2011 - 07:58 PM.

#121 _Skapinad_

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Posted 18 April 2011 - 08:25 PM

Nahhh, they don't wear baseball caps anymore it ill mess up the hour or so they spent forming their faggy bieber do !

#122 _judgelj_

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Posted 18 April 2011 - 09:19 PM

haha your not supposed take the sticker off...

i forgot to mention that i hate HID's and the led tail lights on the new audis they are blinding.

#123 _stretchlc_

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Posted 19 April 2011 - 12:44 PM

4X4 Lift kitted, 33x12.5 tyred Massive steel bullbarred, 12" spotlighted, UHF VHF FUK HED arialed, Engel Fridged, warne winched, Overhead Consolded, Packracked and sidestepped, Exhaust and Kangaroo Jacked idiots in their tonka trucks that NEVER NEVER see Mud/Dirt,Sand,Creek Beds or any other contact patch that hits their overpriced Kumho Tyres other than BITCHAMEN!!!!!!...........................I mean please???

#124 _bougs_

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Posted 19 April 2011 - 12:44 PM

This REALLY pisses me off... and that brings me to my next question... WHY?!!!

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#125 _stretchlc_

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Posted 19 April 2011 - 12:45 PM

This REALLY pisses me off... and that brings me to my next question... WHY?!!!

Lost for words!!.....................WHY????

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