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Question on the 73 xu1 cd stromberg carby

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Posted 13 October 2009 - 09:59 PM

hi ,just a quick question,i got a set of triple cd 175,s a while back the only number i can see is 226,nothing else ,also the air filters are held on by 3 bolts any idea what they are off ,volvo maybe,cheers rodney

Any carb with 226 is a genuine XU-1 carbie. Sounds as though you have a set of 72 XU-1 carbs.........

#27 rodomo


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Posted 13 October 2009 - 10:12 PM

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Note the differences in the housings....................

Is the difference in the float bowls significant? :huh:
I recently rekitted a set that had 2 "bald" float bowls and 1 with the extra ribs.



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Posted 14 October 2009 - 04:38 PM

hi ,just a quick question,i got a set of triple cd 175,s a while back the only number i can see is 226,nothing else ,also the air filters are held on by 3 bolts any idea what they are off ,volvo maybe,cheers rodney

Any carb with 226 is a genuine XU-1 carbie. Sounds as though you have a set of 72 XU-1 carbs.........

thanks for the replies fellas ,that is good news, cheers rodney



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Posted 19 October 2009 - 02:36 PM

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From what i can work out the first 300 LJ XU-1,s ran the 949,s (3521). These 300 LJ XU-1,s have ADR,s of 1/72, 2/72 & 3/72.

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While the second lot of 300 LJ XU-1,s ran the 226,s (3547). The first batch of 226,s have a cast date of 1-72 and were used on the cars with ADR,s of 4/72, 5/72, 6/72 & 7/72 from what i can make out.....................

#30 Kockum


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Posted 20 October 2009 - 09:37 AM

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Posted 27 October 2009 - 01:17 PM

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#32 _sunburst73-xu1_

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Posted 27 October 2009 - 07:22 PM

In the middle of restoring my T226 set up and discovered when cleaning them there is a hole on the choke bracket side,2 of them were blocked and one was unblocked,which should be correct,blocked or unblocked???
Can everyone help,......Bruce?? Attached File  101_1518.jpg   35.89K   80 downloadsAttached File  101_1519.jpg   31.75K   96 downloadsAttached File  101_1520.jpg   42.44K   77 downloads



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Posted 28 October 2009 - 09:31 PM

Unblocked for me Dane,o !!!! Though im hoping that someone that owns one of these cars can verify this for us...................

Kockum, Jono you guys there ???

#34 _SableMet7/73_

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Posted 29 October 2009 - 12:22 AM

Hi Bruce & Dane
All 3 of mine are unblockedAttached File  100_1623.jpg   356.83K   39 downloads

While I'm here can you tell me the difference in the temp compensators
& lettering as mine didnt have any when I got it & the holes
were plugged. I've since got 3 from a Jag wrecker with the letter "S"
stamped on them.

Cheers Jono

#35 _sunburst73-xu1_

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Posted 29 October 2009 - 05:59 AM

Cheers Bruce and Johno
Johno in regards to the compensators mine has a E stamped on all 3 of them( see pic to make sure this is what you ment)wheather there the right or wrong ones I couldn't tell you.
cheers Dane
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#36 meanmachine72


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Posted 29 October 2009 - 08:48 AM

the compensators on my 226 set all have the letter E on them
my set of 949s have letter S x2 the other is F..



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Posted 29 October 2009 - 09:17 AM

Thanks Jono :spoton:

All LJ XU-1 CD 175 stromies have the letter E on there temp compensators and the letter W on there choke brackets. From the early 949,s right through to the 1973 Bathurst T226,s.

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#38 Kockum


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Posted 29 October 2009 - 09:55 AM

Unblocked for me Dane,o !!!! Though im hoping that someone that owns one of these cars can verify this for us...................

Kockum, Jono you guys there ???

The holes in mine were open when I bought the car many moons ago. Some years ago I had my T226s rebuilt by a workshop that specialised in carbies and I had heard good things about this establishment. They looked classy and the dude said they were set for first start up. JP started easily enough but then there was a very strong smell of petrol - the first carby was pissing go juice out that hole onto the exhaust manifold. I was very fortunate that the manifold was relatively cool so no fire. Took that carby back to the dude - he knew straight away what the problem was and he fixed it in a few minutes. I asked him if these holes should be plugged and he said no.

I will never go back there.


#39 _BATHURST-32D_

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Posted 29 October 2009 - 05:04 PM

mine are all open aswell, i thourt thay where to support your float levels,, and not only that, this is another way of telling the diffrance between the 73 and 72 carbys with-out taking the aircleaner off.
anyway im only new to this lj stuff.

cheers gong

#40 _sunburst73-xu1_

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Posted 29 October 2009 - 06:56 PM

Unblocked for me Dane,o !!!! Though im hoping that someone that owns one of these cars can verify this for us...................

Kockum, Jono you guys there ???

The holes in mine were open when I bought the car many moons ago. Some years ago I had my T226s rebuilt by a workshop that specialised in carbies and I had heard good things about this establishment. They looked classy and the dude said they were set for first start up. JP started easily enough but then there was a very strong smell of petrol - the first carby was pissing go juice out that hole onto the exhaust manifold. I was very fortunate that the manifold was relatively cool so no fire. Took that carby back to the dude - he knew straight away what the problem was and he fixed it in a few minutes. I asked him if these holes should be plugged and he said no.

I will never go back there.


Do you remember or did the dude tell you what he did?The carbies I just got was 2 T226A and 1 T226B the set that i got with my car I had just 1 late 73 carby and it was a T226A which had an unblocked hole.The 3 carbies I have just got has had each hole blocked up.The reason I am using all of the As is that the B carby has had a repair on the body around where the fuel line screws into and I am not risking that carby,the fuel line screws in dudgie.Just seems odd that these carbies seem to be a set and are all blocked,unless they were block because they were leaking and the person that had them at the time or working on them couldn't retify the leak and blocked them all.Be nice to know if there is a common problem wheather its the float level is to high and that is the reason why it leaks or its something else.
Whats anyones throughts.
cheers Dane

Edited by sunburst73-xu1, 29 October 2009 - 06:58 PM.

#41 Kockum


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Posted 30 October 2009 - 12:14 AM

Sunburst , from memory the jet brass fitting at the very bottom of carb was screwed right up - should be two and one quarter turns out after it touches a valve . As for the hole , if this is plugged the carb wont operate correctly , something about needing to breathe through it .

#42 _BATHURST-32D_

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Posted 10 November 2009 - 03:58 PM

ok here you go, im at the moment in the middle of putting together 3 sets of carbs, those holes are breathers, and it was commen for people whom didnt know what thay where doing to block them of when leaking, these will leak when

1- the float is not sitting correctly
2- when you have restored your carbys and forgot to clean properly
3- when you have shit in your tank
4- when the seat is folked.

this was a commen problem, but is a easy fix, the hardest part of fixxing this problem is taking the carbys off....
if anyone needs any help send me a pm.

cheers gong

#43 _vin150cars_

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Posted 11 November 2009 - 02:09 PM

if you get dirt under the needle and seat fuel will come out of the hole,
one day i put new fuel line on and there must been a bit of shit in the line and it leaked,
had to pull carby off and clean needle and seat, some rally cars put a copper pipe in the hole to stop dust getting in float chamber

#44 _Ozzie Picker_

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Posted 11 November 2009 - 04:44 PM

if you get dirt under the needle and seat fuel will come out of the hole,
one day i put new fuel line on and there must been a bit of shit in the line and it leaked,
had to pull carby off and clean needle and seat, some rally cars put a copper pipe in the hole to stop dust getting in float chamber

hi there,so did the copper pipe have a filter on the end of it?

i thought to back of carb,but thats to high,would raise float level and cause flooding.

,i,m guessing they still let them breath.

cheers craig.

#45 _vin150cars_

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Posted 13 November 2009 - 10:10 AM

if you get dirt under the needle and seat fuel will come out of the hole,
one day i put new fuel line on and there must been a bit of shit in the line and it leaked,
had to pull carby off and clean needle and seat, some rally cars put a copper pipe in the hole to stop dust getting in float chamber

hi there,so did the copper pipe have a filter on the end of it?

i thought to back of carb,but thats to high,would raise float level and cause flooding.

,i,m guessing they still let them breath.

cheers craig.

yes they could shill breath
i think the pipes were about 6ins long with a right angle bend and faceing down

#46 _sunburst73-xu1_

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Posted 26 February 2010 - 07:47 PM

Dose anyone know if you can still buy the screw that clamps the choke cable???
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#47 _BATHURST-32D_

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Posted 27 February 2010 - 05:31 AM

a very rare little bugger them.

cheers gong



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Posted 27 February 2010 - 12:02 PM

Theres 3 stuck on to your gearbox crossmember Dane,o..................

#49 _sunburst73-xu1_

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Posted 27 February 2010 - 12:28 PM

Awsome bruce thanks heaps,its really appreciated :spoton: :spoton: :spoton:

#50 _sunburst73-xu1_

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Posted 06 September 2010 - 06:25 PM

Just to reconfirm with the fuel coming out of the hole thing.Its down to the needle and seat being right.Just finished tuning my motor to put in my car and the carbies on 2 occasions it happened and both times it was to do with the needle and seat.
cheers daneo

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