Hi again,
I will see how this goes with the photo's.
First up is the engine bay.
I tried my best to keep it looking as original as possible, original hose clamps, original looking Battery, but as this is the missus car, see dictates the way see wants it. (thus the chrome air filter. But I convinced her to use the decals and it worked well, as the Gas hat fits under the filter)
She runs and the only thing left in the bay to do is the gas install and ac hoses.
engine bay.jpg 204.66K
Next is my progress on the bodywork...................sllllooooow and painful. But it is looking not to bad for the base colour. Just the roof, sills, rear and quarters to go, then final block rub, paint and blackouts.
side shot.jpg 154.53K
Next up is one of the front Black on Black door cards that I had to make, again due to the missus wanting black interior.
note the door top vynal, this is how the LH workshop manual say's they are supposed to be. I.e. not just folded around and screwed.
front lh door trim.jpg 167.89K
Here is my last two posts for now. The missus.......again........wanted a CD player in her car.......I wanted the original Radio.......here is the compromise.
looks like an original radio..........doesn't it!!!!!!
dash radio.jpg 208.89K
TA....DA!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It folds down to reveal the CD player behind it. another one of my creations. This way I get my original look and she has her CD player.
dash radio cd.jpg 206.38K
Once again I thank you all for your attention and feel free to add any comments, queries, questions (like how did he do that) I don't haver a problem sharing the secrets.
Happy Torana motoring and see some of you at ALL GM DAY