I found this hideous creature in my shed the other day. Actually, it's out there all the time. Any idea how I can kill it?

I finally got the sump back from the welder. It looks a little odd, but so do I, so who am I to judge : )
I actually really like the checker plate.

I took a heap of measurements then set about modifying the oil pick up to suit the new shallower pan.
I have to cut 50mm out of this, which will remove the part of the tube where the mounting tab is attached.

I just welded a new support on the mounting tab before cutting the pipe, so the tab stays in the right place.

With a bit of trimming a even got the baffle back into the pan. One of the bolt holes was lost in the modifying process, but it's such a sturdy plate 3 bolts will be fine.

Here's the oil pickup with the 50mm taken out.

It even fits!

When it came time to fit the sump I had a good look at it and noticed it had warped in the welding process. Not great.

I thought I'd just throw the sump on anyway just to make sure the modifications I'd made were going to fit how I'd hoped. I put all the bolts in finger tight and started at one end and worked my way across, and it pulled down with no effort at all. I'll probably still get it faced, just to make sure.

I even managed to cut open the webbing in my thumb, so that was a good time : )

Here's just another look at the modified sump.

Thanks Adam. I agree totally in regards to black.