I'm not sure if they're there for strength, but the indents at the back of the inner guards look dumb, so I'm welding them up. I'll also get rid of the extra hole where they ran the left front brake line. Weirdos : )

I knocked the lip at the base of the firewall down and welded it to the firewall. I could have cut it off, but this is easier, and I am lazy : )

Now it's time to reskin the chassis rails. I made a cardboard template so I could get the shapes right. I made it so it fills the corner, removing the need to have to weld or bog right in the nooks and crannies. It also means the sides of the engine bay are at the same level all the way to the firewall, instead of widening out at the firewall like it used to.

With the rear piece made and tacked in, I made a template for the front section. These templates make life a lot easier, especially for the other side.
Note how with the new rear piece folded in the corners, there is no need to have to weld or bog in there. Should save some time.

All tacked into place.

After a bit of a weldathon, I had this.

It looks just a bit different to when the engine bay was black : )

Keen eyes will have noticed I cut the top of the radiator support out to make engine swaps and engine bay access easier. Well I've now converted it to a bolt in piece.