Well here's a little update.
I got the tank straps mounted. They'll have rubber behind them once they're painted, as I like the look of it having a black border.

Here's a pic of my old 4 door showing the look I'm going for.

Next job was to rip the steering arms out to send them away to get the tie rod holes reamed to suit the new power steering rack.
It sure is a crap design when you have to remove the calipers and rotors just to get the steering arms off, but that's life : )
I even gave the arms a hit with the wire wheel, as they were a tad crusty.

With the motor and box coming back out, I had to undo all the wiring and what not. Not too hard I guess, but it takes a while shoe horning all this stuff back in : )

I'll finish a few things in here to get it paint ready, but might still have to put the motor back in to check for sump clearance to clear the power steering.

The last thing done before pulling the motor and box out was finalising the clutch stuff. We had to find a good place to let the hydraulic line go through the tunnel to the slave cylinder, and also find a good place for the reservoir. I was originally going to put it behind the drivers side air vent, but my brother wants all vents to work, so it's now on the firewall. Held on with nutserts of course : )
The fluid line will run through the hole under the reservoir into the pedal/master cylinder. It wont be too obvious here, as it's lower than the engine covers.

Because I reskinned the whole top of the chassis rails, where I bored the holes for the intake pipe left a gap showing between the two layers. To stop gunk going in there I sikaflexed the gap up.

It's not often you have to do bodywork on a dash top, but because this dash was removed from another car and needed some rust repairs, it also needs a bit of filler to get it looking good.

All the stuff is now ready to get sent away for HPC coating.

My brother bought new fuel rails and regulator, which showed up yesterday. Now it can have a return line.

Rails look nice and shiny : )