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Fixing my brothers UC hatch

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#1051 _dirtbag_

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Posted 25 June 2010 - 01:17 AM

Its the nerds who make the money to be able to afford the cool cars.

You're not wrong there. I wish I was smart : ( hehehe derrrrrr......

#1052 _Barman_

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Posted 25 June 2010 - 03:48 AM

Its the nerds who make the money to be able to afford the cool cars

Im not a nerd but i have enough brains to make my car "cost neutrel" hasnt cost me buggerall so far,
Baz: definatly not a nerd,more like a bogan without the mullet and winny red rolled up in my sleeve,hehe

#1053 MictheAussie


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Posted 25 June 2010 - 04:19 AM

Maybe I should clarify... Its the nerds who can afford to buy cool cars or pay someone else to build their cars... Not saying Dirtbag's brother is a nerd, but I sure know I could build one way before I could afford to pay someone else to.

#1054 _wblje_

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Posted 25 June 2010 - 07:16 PM

hey mate the donk looks awesome cant wait to see the car. when you said u used engine enamel then 2k clear did u let the enamel dry fully or was it wet on wet. just curious cos i would of thought a reaction between the enamel and a reduced paint would happen. obvious not and im keeping it in mind for future projects........

#1055 _dirtbag_

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Posted 25 June 2010 - 07:54 PM

Thanks wblje. I've used the engine enamel with 2pac clear a few times now, and never had any problems. The 253 in my hilux was done the same and even after 2 years it still degreases up like brand new.

The hilux and this motor were coloured and cleared in the one session, but the engine enamel had tacked off before I cleared it. 2 pac is just enamel with hardener, so a reaction would be very unlikely. The thing I like about it is how easy it is to do. Having said that, you can use any 2pac base colour and clear it and not have any problems, but when doing the motor such a generic colour like black the engine enamel is a lot cheaper : )

#1056 _wblje_

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Posted 26 June 2010 - 11:00 AM

thanks mate bloody brilliant tip. definatley use it in the future.

#1057 _cruiza_

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Posted 27 June 2010 - 07:44 AM

Well I am here at dirtbags secret race developments HQ and there is no car, did someone tell him I was sneaking in with cameras at the ready, the only thing I can find are a few blue bits. what to do, he has even hidden the camaro from me the mean bugger, I shall have to resort to mounting hidden cameras around his garage, but so far the only decent shot in focus is his arse so I think we will call that indecent and not post it

#1058 _Kush_

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Posted 27 June 2010 - 08:56 AM

Well I am here at dirtbags secret race developments HQ and there is no car, did someone tell him I was sneaking in with cameras at the ready, the only thing I can find are a few blue bits. what to do, he has even hidden the camaro from me the mean bugger, I shall have to resort to mounting hidden cameras around his garage, but so far the only decent shot in focus is his arse so I think we will call that indecent and not post it

haha! he's elusive, like the yetti. or maybe he does'nt exist at all? maybe he's a secret government computer program.

#1059 _Viper_

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Posted 27 June 2010 - 09:41 AM

He's the Stigs Cousin!

#1060 greens nice

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Posted 27 June 2010 - 06:19 PM

He's the Stigs Cousin!

The fat one that drives a truck? or the vegetarian one?
Posted Image

#1061 _Kush_

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Posted 27 June 2010 - 08:16 PM

Haha! I love it! Vegetarian!
No I don't think he's that bad. That's like being a Scientologist, isn't it??

#1062 _Kush_

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Posted 29 June 2010 - 07:38 PM

Just so everyone knows, dirtbag. I mentioned something about "super cool and awesome, funky door opener buttons on Rana Girls thread and it caught Tim's attention. So i'm telling him about it on his thread.

Now, let's get stuck into it shall we?

No dirtbag, they are not door poppers. They are super cool and awesome, funky door opener buttons ( SCAFDOB's). Certainly not those ones where a doorlock knob stem thing (DKST) pokes up out near the glass. Certainly not a round button that has been flushed in the middle of the door ( similar in placement to the lock). It's such a deviously cool idea, that it will suit my hatch perfectly. You will wish you thought of it. Almost invisible and very legal. Oh, and my prototype works like magic. However�............

Because you played silly buggers with your paint and wheels.......... You, my friend, will wait.


I'm sure you understand :)

#1063 _cruiza_

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Posted 29 June 2010 - 08:26 PM

Just so everyone knows, dirtbag. I mentioned something about "super cool and awesome, funky door opener buttons on Rana Girls thread and it caught Tim's attention. So i'm telling him about it on his thread.

Now, let's get stuck into it shall we?

No dirtbag, they are not door poppers. They are super cool and awesome, funky door opener buttons ( SCAFDOB's). Certainly not those ones where a doorlock knob stem thing (DKST) pokes up out near the glass. Certainly not a round button that has been flushed in the middle of the door ( similar in placement to the lock). It's such a deviously cool idea, that it will suit my hatch perfectly. You will wish you thought of it. Almost invisible and very legal. Oh, and my prototype works like magic. However�............

Because you played silly buggers with your paint and wheels.......... You, my friend, will wait.


I'm sure you understand :)

Would it help if i said that the wheels will suit the car prefectly in my opinion an the paint is just right for a period car as are the mags, being round and ... oh no my laptop battery is going flat

#1064 _Kush_

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Posted 29 June 2010 - 08:32 PM

Oh, if it isn't secret agent cruiza. Damn turncoat! Join the darkside won't ya! Good ol' cruiza zippy-lip!

#1065 _dirtbag_

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Posted 29 June 2010 - 08:50 PM

No dirtbag, they are not door poppers. They are super cool and awesome, funky door opener buttons ( SCAFDOB's). Certainly not those ones where a doorlock knob stem thing (DKST) pokes up out near the glass. Certainly not a round button that has been flushed in the middle of the door ( similar in placement to the lock). It's such a deviously cool idea, that it will suit my hatch perfectly. You will wish you thought of it. Almost invisible and very legal. Oh, and my prototype works like magic. However�............

Hey Kush, another piss funny post : ) I love your post. Especially the SCAFDOBs and DKSTs : ) hahahaha

I did a 1928 model A tudor once with shaved handles and I made it so you pulled the mirror to pop the door. It was cool I thought.

Looking forward to seeing what you've done.

#1066 _Kush_

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Posted 29 June 2010 - 09:28 PM

I can assure you that I'm not trying to be funny. Most of the time I'm serious. Why is it that if someone is incredibly wealthy and don't fit the mould,
you are called 'eccentric' but if you are busted-arse broke, you are labelled as crazy? It plagues my mind. And the apprentices at work think I'm scary because I was unfortunate enough to be born with a serious face, so when I come out with some of the stuff I say, they look at me like I could eat their liver with some kyanti beans and a nice shianti (silence of the lambs joke)

oh and one more thing, nice attempt at fishing with the mirror on the Tudor. That ain't it.........

Hurry up with the paint on the hatch!

Edited by Kush, 29 June 2010 - 09:33 PM.

#1067 _gen3torrie_

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Posted 29 June 2010 - 09:30 PM

holy moly i just creamed in my pants when i saw that motor frOck can you paint my Small Block Chevvy for me :)

#1068 _dirtbag_

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Posted 29 June 2010 - 09:52 PM

holy moly i just creamed in my pants when i saw that motor frOck can you paint my Small Block Chevvy for me :)

Yes :rockon:

I hope it's getting a proper gearbox behind it? : )

#1069 _Yella SLuR_

_Yella SLuR_
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Posted 29 June 2010 - 10:06 PM

Haven't you finished it yet?

#1070 _Kush_

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Posted 29 June 2010 - 10:33 PM

What's with the love affair with manual boxes? Did you get run over by an automatic car as a child? My hatch will have a manual in it, but it will probably pull some crappy ETs at the strip. Only because I'm unco. :)

#1071 _dirtbag_

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Posted 30 June 2010 - 12:16 AM

Hey Kush. I don't totally hate autos, they serve some purposes, like in nannas camry or some stocko A to B car, like my commodore wagon - looked for 4 months and couldn't find a manual one. But things like toranas, monaros, camaros, mustangs, hot rods etc need manual boxes, or they're just boring to drive. This is just what I like, I have no problem with other people ruining their cars with autos : ) I just can't justify doing all that work on a car and then not having a fun gearbox.

As for getting run over by an auto, that would be hard, as it wouldn't have enough power left after the auto to drive over me :badabing:

#1072 _Eedman_

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Posted 30 June 2010 - 01:34 AM

When can we start the orange jokes?

DB, will you be taking it to ORANG park raceway?

How much JUICE do you think it will use?

Is it me or do i see a fair bit of orange peel in that paint mate?

.....I'll just pith off.

#1073 _LH8VD69_

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Posted 30 June 2010 - 10:34 AM

Hey Kush. I don't totally hate autos, they serve some purposes, like in nannas camry or some stocko A to B car, like my commodore wagon - looked for 4 months and couldn't find a manual one. But things like toranas, monaros, camaros, mustangs, hot rods etc need manual boxes, or they're just boring to drive. This is just what I like, I have no problem with other people ruining their cars with autos : ) I just can't justify doing all that work on a car and then not having a fun gearbox.

As for getting run over by an auto, that would be hard, as it wouldn't have enough power left after the auto to drive over me Posted Image

Couldnt agree more !!! Not to mention there have been reports of auto's sloshing around the local area biting small children..lol

#1074 _Kush_

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Posted 01 July 2010 - 08:05 PM

Stop buggerizing around with that bloody camaro! I wanna see more hatchback! How many coats of paint does it need????!!!!!!! Is this another one of your games? Well, HA FRICKIN HA! Very funny......... :(

#1075 _niterida_

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Posted 01 July 2010 - 09:02 PM

When can we start the orange jokes?

DB, will you be taking it to ORANG park raceway?

How much JUICE do you think it will use?

Is it me or do i see a fair bit of orange peel in that paint mate?

.....I'll just pith off.

Orange you glad he didn't paint it lemon?

Edited by niterida, 01 July 2010 - 09:05 PM.

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