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Fixing my brothers UC hatch

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#1326 _greenmachine215_

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Posted 12 August 2010 - 01:22 AM

Tim its starting to look even better now all the bits are going back on,

I bet ur putting a trim on and standing back looking at it goin hooooooooh yeah, put the carpet in, and hoooohh yeah!

whats the plans for a stereo system? just goin basic or u want me to come and rig somethin up for you.

top work man

#1327 _dirtbag_

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Posted 12 August 2010 - 01:26 AM

Thanks greenmachine. As for a stereo, well it would be horrid to cut a hole in the uncut lower dash, so I think it'll just have the two 3 inch rear speakers with an LS1 for an amp : )

#1328 _Viper_

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Posted 12 August 2010 - 07:57 AM

Lookin awesome tim.... RE: the underlay.... if you have dynamat you dont need underlay do ya? isnt underlay just a elcheapo sound deadener?

#1329 GML-31


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Posted 12 August 2010 - 08:43 AM

the underlay makes it a little more comfy on the feet

#1330 _dirtbag_

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Posted 12 August 2010 - 09:33 AM

Yep, what Kev said : )

#1331 _Kush_

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Posted 12 August 2010 - 09:37 AM

Lookin sweet dirtbag. What type of seats have you got there? And what's you're plan of attack on the rear shock support bracketty things?

#1332 _Big T_

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Posted 12 August 2010 - 09:54 AM

I remember a while ago being asked where the drop tank came from. It is from RipItUp.
It wasn't cheap, but is nicely made, has whatever fittings you want, has a nice filler cap and is baffled. It's very shiny too!

I have heard good reports from others who have had work done by Brian and he is a nice bloke too.

Although I couldnt find a website for him (www.ripitup.net.au seems to be off the air) his contact details are as follows.

Rip It Up Racing
Car Restorations & Supplies - Coombabah, QLD
0404 923 810
17 The Estuary, Coombabah QLD 4216, Australia

Oh and while I am here I best post the obligatory "phuk that thing is looking awesome dirtbag !!" comment :D

#1333 orangeLJ


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Posted 12 August 2010 - 12:26 PM

So did you heat the carpet and reshape it to suit what you need?

I dont like the fit of my Knox carpet in the LJ, and was thinking I might just be able to heat some areas and pull it tighter around the curves.

#1334 _dirtbag_

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Posted 12 August 2010 - 02:13 PM

Yes. I used a hair dryer as I don't have a heat gun. It took a long time, and still isn't 100%, but at least it fits now, where as before it sat so badly in the middle that the carpet didn't even reach the scuff plates once I'd pushed it all down.
I heated the underside of the carpet to shape it, so it went in and out of the car a few million times : )

#1335 _jabba_

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Posted 12 August 2010 - 02:50 PM

Is it possible to heat the glue through the carpet or would that just melt the weave?

#1336 _mick74lh_

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Posted 12 August 2010 - 06:37 PM

The carpet looks like a pretty good fit now, as long as its not going to move and pull away from the edges when the car's in use.

What sort of seats are they? Are they a fair bit lighter than the standard buckets? Looks like that guys done a nice job of trimming them.

#1337 _dirtbag_

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Posted 12 August 2010 - 07:11 PM

Jabba I'm not sure if it would damage the weave, but I wasn't game to try.

Mick, the carpet fits in there nicely now, and there's a fair bit under the scuff plates now so I'm certain there will be no pulling out now. Took a while though : (

Fitted a couple of rubbers todat to see if they'd be a pain in the ass or not. Luckily they weren't too bad.

I did the rear side window and the drivers door.

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I then thought I'd better finish the passengers seat mount.

I cut the mounting tabs and then needed to drill a hole in each one. The easiest way I know of is to tack them together and drill them all at once. Nice and lazy : )

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Unfortunately my good welder is out at the shed where the camaro is, so I took a drive to do the welding and fold up a couple of pieces for a different part of the car.

Here's the mount back home ready for a coat or two of matt black.

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When welding structural areas such as seat mounts, make sure the welds are strong. I tacked these tabs on and left a 3mm gap so the weld could penetrate. I also welded it along both sides.

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After a paint it was ready to bolt in, but this was the end of the day so it can get done tomorrow.

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The other bits I said I foled up earlier are for the rear tubs. The moulded carpet is for an LX, which has supports that this car doesn't have, so I made some up.

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Because it's only going to support carpet, I didn't worry too much about making it an exact fit. Plus I had to make them in the other shed which is about 15 minutes away, so near enough is good enough with these bits.

A big thanks has to go to Kush for giving me the dimensions of these bits, as it made my job a LOT easier. Thanks bud :spoton:

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The rear tub carpet is just sitting there, but it sits a lot better now. Will look even better once it's glued on.

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One job which took a while is this one hole I had to drill. I asked my sometimes helper to drill this hole after the motor and box came out before painting, but it didn't get done.
It's to gain access to the clutch bleeder nipple, so is quite important. It's amazing how hard it was to get in the right spot though with the car together. Just one of the jobs that take a long time with absolutely nothing to show for it.

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Not the easiest place to get the drill into. The hole can just get plugged with a grommet, allowing easy access in the future.

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I extended the wiring for the remote locking, fitted the solenoid, and hooked up the door handle. This door handle didn't have one of the little clip things that hold the rod to the door handle, so I have no idea how it stayed on before.
I ended up drilling a tiny hole through the end of the rod and put a pin through it. Lovely : )

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Here's the wiring in the door jam. It's just more plastic conduit. Not the prettiest thing in the world but not the ugliest either.

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Days like this are annoying as it never looks like I've done anything, but every day a couple of things get crossed off the list........

#1338 _dirtbag_

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Posted 12 August 2010 - 09:11 PM

Sorry I didn't answer your questions Mick. The seats are by Scat (they're called Procar) and are lighter than the stock seats. As for the trim, that's how they came. I'm getting the trimmer to make the rear seat look the same as these. Can't wait to see them all fitted.

#1339 _mick74lh_

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Posted 12 August 2010 - 11:06 PM

No worries. I thought they might have been a retrimmed/bolstered seat out of a jap 2 door or something. They look pretty comfy.

Loving the detail of this thread. I've learnt alot just reading this and several of the other threads on this forum. But jees it eats up too much time.

#1340 _lxss5l_

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Posted 12 August 2010 - 11:35 PM

Thanks greenmachine. As for a stereo, well it would be horrid to cut a hole in the uncut lower dash, so I think it'll just have the two 3 inch rear speakers with an LS1 for an amp : )

Hahaha I thourt that was funny very true tho that's all you need.

And I love those seets as well thay look great hole interior dose and you pulled those tub suports and seat brackets of perfectlyPosted Image
Ge it looks great now

PS and stop picking on painted bumpers not every one can have fancy pants crome ones. Posted Image

one place won'ts something like $780 each exchange and there probobly still not perfect.

#1341 _LH8VD69_

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Posted 13 August 2010 - 06:16 AM

Thanks greenmachine. As for a stereo, well it would be horrid to cut a hole in the uncut lower dash, so I think it'll just have the two 3 inch rear speakers with an LS1 for an amp : )

Hahaha I thourt that was funny very true tho that's all you need.

And I love those seets as well thay look great hole interior dose and you pulled those tub suports and seat brackets of perfectlyPosted Image
Ge it looks great now

PS and stop picking on painted bumpers not every one can have fancy pants crome ones. Posted Image

one place won'ts something like $780 each exchange and there probobly still not perfect.

Theres a place here in Perth that will recon your own bumbers for $450 providing they need no panel work. Obviosly more if panel work is needed. Im getting mine redone as they have blemishes here n there in the chrome not to mention my rear one has "UC rear" somehow finger written in the chrome that wont buff off. Strange
Again Dirtbag lovin the work. Seats are fab although i might have gone the grey stock look inserts on the seats just to break up the black but thats me. Posted Image

#1342 _Big T_

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Posted 13 August 2010 - 09:19 AM

Fitted a couple of rubbers todat to see if they'd be a pain in the ass or not. Luckily they weren't too bad.

Um, okay then.... just little bit too much info for first thing in the morning. Were they Ansell or Trojan? :tease:

#1343 MRLXSS


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Posted 13 August 2010 - 09:24 AM

Could have been Four Seasons T?

#1344 _Kush_

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Posted 13 August 2010 - 09:38 AM

Fitted a couple of rubbers todat to see if they'd be a pain in the ass or not. Luckily they weren't too bad.

Um, okay then.... just little bit too much info for first thing in the morning. Were they Ansell or Trojan? :tease:

Piss funny! I laughed so hard that now I've got hiccups. Well done! :)

#1345 ls2lxhatch


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Posted 13 August 2010 - 10:32 AM

one place won'ts something like $780 each exchange and there probobly still not perfect.

Theres a place here in Perth that will recon your own bumbers for $450 providing they need no panel work.

Aussie Muscle Cars have reproduction the rubberless chrome bumpers in the pipeline. They will be around $450 each chromed.

Edited by ls2lxhatch, 13 August 2010 - 10:34 AM.

#1346 _dirtbag_

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Posted 13 August 2010 - 11:32 AM

Fitted a couple of rubbers todat to see if they'd be a pain in the ass or not. Luckily they weren't too bad.

Um, okay then.... just little bit too much info for first thing in the morning. Were they Ansell or Trojan? :tease:


#1347 axistr


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Posted 13 August 2010 - 09:01 PM

G'day dirtbag, I got your U-beaute steering arms today and reamed the first one no worries, then I started to check the second one and couldn't believe my eyes. Even checked it again with the glasses on, Harop have mechined the tie rod hole on an angle, if the nut was tightened it would cause the threaded portion to bend and could cause the tie rod to break off at the end of the threaded section. No good I would get in contact with Ron Harop and tell him to supply you with a new arm that is mechined parralell like the left one. I have sent both arms back today and marked the faulty one with a white X the left arm is fine. See photos below.

Attached File  DSCF0024.jpg   24.95K   78 downloads Attached File  DSCF0020.jpg   20.08K   78 downloads

If Ron dosen't send you a new one tell him you will bend him over and insert the faulty one dry.


#1348 _cruiza_

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Posted 13 August 2010 - 10:22 PM

I always thought that witht he v8 supercars and stuff Harrops were suppose to be this top notch super high quality outfit, hmmmm I have heard a few stories where their work wasnt first rate, wonder what is going on

Look good Tim Looking foirwad to drive it to torana fest for you

#1349 MRLXSS


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Posted 13 August 2010 - 11:19 PM

You get what you pay for....

Just wait they are like almost $400!!!!

#1350 _dirtbag_

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Posted 14 August 2010 - 07:07 AM

aarrghhhh, that sux.

Thanks for the heads up Lenny.

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