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REPRO XU1 guards, tanks etc

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#26 _BATHURST-32D_

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Posted 16 February 2010 - 06:03 AM

for the wrong and right reason there will be ways around the adr,, but i can put the minds of the original xu1 owners at peace, by telling you all that these shells will be given a id mark and listed here for all to see.

cheers gong

#27 _rallystripes_

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Posted 16 February 2010 - 10:59 AM

Any news regarding the GTR/GTS steering wheels?

#28 _CraigA_

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Posted 16 February 2010 - 11:44 AM

And what about A pillars John.

This is obviously a troublesome spot for these cars and if they are making whole bodies what about supplying complete L&R A pillar assemblies?

#29 _BATHURST-32D_

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Posted 16 February 2010 - 04:14 PM

no doubt thay will be on the line somewhere craig.
cheers gong

#30 _yldlj_

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Posted 17 February 2010 - 06:02 PM

new shells don't sound good to me. i think one of the good things about muscle cars is that there are a limited amount. it's good when you see an old car done up to its very best driving past you in the street i would hate every second person owning a torana. it takes alot of the fun and enjoyment out of building one. i would hate to see the value drop because more people will be less likely to buy an original when they can build one with a brand new shell. what type of an id mark will it have?

#31 Zook


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Posted 17 February 2010 - 07:07 PM

Yeah, I'm with you yld. I don't give a shit about the value of them but it's going to suck seeing LC or LJ Toranas all over the place (I don't actually think there will be that many, but you know what I mean). Now, when you see any Torana you go "phaark, HBLCJTALHLX (and sometimes UC) Torana, that's cool!!". But knowing later that there will be fakes around is going to take some of the fun out of it. Anyway, dollars rule, as per usual. What can you do?

#32 _Ozzie Picker_

_Ozzie Picker_
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Posted 17 February 2010 - 08:05 PM

i know where you guy,s are coming from,but in ways i,d like to see more on the road.
where i live country n.s.w,i havn,t seen a torana on the road for over 12months and then 3 years before that,i wish there were more to see,plus early monaro,s.

don,t think to many people will be able to afford the repro cars,doubt they will be cheap,every little peice to get one ready for rego.

i had to drive 4 hours to the torana fest to see torana,s.

Edited by 73BATHXU1HTBATH350, 17 February 2010 - 08:06 PM.

#33 _Skapinad_

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Posted 17 February 2010 - 09:24 PM

absolutely 73bath, if someone can afforsd to pay $20k for a new shell and then build it from scratch, they arent going to be everwhere... its a $80k plus deal i reckon to put one of these on the road...

and yldlj, what makes you think every second person would like to own a torana ? poor assumption thinking everyone wants an old bucket of crap... wait for twelve months after their release and pick up a brand new shell for half the price....!

#34 _BATHURST-32D_

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Posted 18 February 2010 - 05:02 AM

im just the msg, but i think there will be no harm done with shells, i dont think thay will take off at all, i have said this and that to the people involved,
all xu1 torana clubs will be notifided of the shells has thay sell and to whom thay sell too,,,
anyway has i look at it thay are not here as yet.

cheers gong

#35 GML-31


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Posted 18 February 2010 - 06:55 AM

the idea is right but in this world you just cant trust anybody

#36 _BATHURST-32D_

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Posted 18 February 2010 - 05:49 PM

kev i would agree with you 99% but there is always that 1% of good out there.

cheers gong

#37 _Skapinad_

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Posted 18 February 2010 - 07:09 PM

surely the manufacture of the new shells is not as per original ?? would it not be smart to have it suited to later suspension, slightly bigger tunnels, mini tubs standard etc...... ??? Surely these shells are targeting the modifier, not the original enthusiast, would be far more profitable imo targetting the modders and dragsters.

#38 _yldlj_

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Posted 18 February 2010 - 08:13 PM

absolutely 73bath, if someone can afforsd to pay $20k for a new shell and then build it from scratch, they arent going to be everwhere... its a $80k plus deal i reckon to put one of these on the road...

and yldlj, what makes you think every second person would like to own a torana ? poor assumption thinking everyone wants an old bucket of crap... wait for twelve months after their release and pick up a brand new shell for half the price....!

i was being a litlle bit sarcastic saying every second person. but i just don't get it. 80k plus? whats the point? i don't see it. i'm all for all these panels coming out. i just think with all these repro parts now, what we all thaught couldn't be saved now can be. bring back all the rust buckets to there glory but IMO it should end there. a new body shell is just like a dodgy tag

#39 _Ozzie Picker_

_Ozzie Picker_
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Posted 19 February 2010 - 08:15 PM

agree with skap,
i beleive most people building these cars will build cars with modern running gear,eg injected LS motors,tremec boxes ,big brakes,better suspension,with the stock body,s,better interior.

and for the bodgy person doing a rebody,i,m fairly confident the new ones will be different in construction,you may have to remove something to look,but there,s no way every part will be the same,and thats good.
bring them on.

Edited by 73BATHXU1HTBATH350, 19 February 2010 - 08:17 PM.

#40 _yldlj_

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Posted 26 February 2010 - 01:10 PM

are you planning on making pelenium grills any time soon?

#41 _SableMet7/73_

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Posted 26 February 2010 - 01:37 PM

Any talk about LC/J 2 door gutters?
I need to replace my RH around the C pillar
Attached File  GutterRH.JPG   50.4K   20 downloads

Cheers J

#42 _rallystripes_

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Posted 26 February 2010 - 02:13 PM

Any news regarding the steering wheels yet?

#43 enderwigginau


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Posted 28 April 2010 - 03:10 PM

Tanks have had a bit of a hold-up and will now be available early-Feb.

I'll should be getting my hands on one to play with.


Word yesterday was May for Tanks. Is that the same at your end John?

again, I will be trying to get one ASAP for us to look at.


#44 _BATHURST-32D_

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Posted 28 April 2010 - 04:27 PM

there is some parts already there but im waiting until all the parts have rocked up before i start getting them.

yes may mate, some things will be 5 weeks some will be 10 weeks, dont worrie im getting jumpy, tryin to do my bathurst and waiting on guards

cheers gong

#45 enderwigginau


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Posted 29 April 2010 - 12:53 PM

Careful, you'll be your own best customer - or maybe that's the point :P

#46 _rogered_

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Posted 29 April 2010 - 01:51 PM

Got any new pics on progress on your CK old chap

#47 _BATHURST-32D_

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Posted 29 April 2010 - 06:39 PM

roger, im hard at it mate,send me your email address.

that is the point grant, no better way than to save myself and you forum members plenty of cash,, now i have seen the pricess thay are selling things for, i will be happy to make a few bucks here and there.

cheers gong.

#48 _clubspClubsportr8ortr8_

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Posted 29 April 2010 - 09:15 PM

Tanks have had a bit of a hold-up and will now be available early-Feb.

I'll should be getting my hands on one to play with.


Word yesterday was May for Tanks. Is that the same at your end John?

again, I will be trying to get one ASAP for us to look at.


As for the tanks they have been delayed but if you got hold of there prototype tank and everyone had to wait for the real stock lets just say i would buy more as only one other person has seen the prototype and now it lives in a very nice Chateau '72 Bathurst GTR XU-1.Thanks Gong you are the man.


#49 _XU1-043_

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Posted 21 May 2010 - 06:34 PM

just noticed the guards are on ebay for a pre-order delivery late may.


#50 _Skapinad_

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Posted 21 May 2010 - 07:06 PM

give it 6 months and they will throw in both sides and a repro xu1 tank for that price...

I cant see the demand myself, paritcularly all the people that seem to have their hands in the pie.

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