Evolution of the Famous "Pincher"
Posted 09 April 2006 - 08:14 PM
Do you know any history behind the name of the car "The pincher"?
Just curious!
#27 _PSI_
Posted 10 April 2006 - 11:00 AM
Good question Tiny, I do not think I can answer that one, why the car was named "The Pincher".Actually.. I just thought of a question!!
Do you know any history behind the name of the car "The pincher"?
Just curious!
Posted 10 April 2006 - 03:24 PM
#29 _G-Train_
Posted 10 April 2006 - 05:09 PM
The anticipation is killing me.....
I haven't looked forward to seeing a completed product like this since Mr Mad was being built.
PSI - You should be so proud of your acheivements
#30 _PSI_
Posted 10 April 2006 - 06:23 PM
The anticipation is killing me.....
I haven't looked forward to seeing a completed product like this since Mr Mad was being built.
PSI - You should be so proud of your acheivements
Thanks mate, I appreciate the kind words from you and the other members, like I said you guys made me feel very welcome from the start and I love this site. I congratulate the moderators, the owners of the site and especially the members, without you guys, there would be nothing.
A silly question if I may ask on my part, and please don't get me wrong, may I ask who is Mr. Mad? (I feel so stupid )
I have some plans up my sleeve which involves marketing campaigns and promotional stuff for my sponsors, down the line and when (firstly I need someone to do the web site for me) my race site is up and going, which will have news, video clips, wallpapers, random giveaways, etc etc etc (to registered members only), I am contemplating a competition, with the prize being for some lucky person get up close to the action and spend a meeting with me and my crew in the Pits and at the stage lanes. The winner will be fitted out as a crew member, will play a role in the car and assist, he or she will be invited to seat themseleves in the car with the crew around and a team picture will be taken. Then after I get it framed and signed by all connected, I will present it to that person and guess when? "On invitation to rejoin the team for a second meeting!". The winner will receive this framed picture along with some other goodies that I have in mind, and I hope that everytime they look at it, it will bring a smile on their face as I know I will be waving at that person each time I see him or her at the track!.
Never know, this may happen and the meeting that the winner attends could be the one that the car re-debutes!, stay tuned guys.
Regards all
Posted 10 April 2006 - 06:37 PM
- Runs a 7.218@192MPH
#32 _PSI_
Posted 10 April 2006 - 06:44 PM
Cheers mate
#33 _PSI_
Posted 19 June 2006 - 08:05 AM
We are now full steam ahead for the new season and official debute will be at the ACDELCO at WSID in September.
However, those living in Sydney and who visit the WSID will see us testing over the comming weeks. Purpose of testing will be for licensing and sorting out car it will be strictly testing and no full power passes, at this stage, just to let you guys know.
If any forum member spots us at the track and wants to say hello, feel free to pop into the Pit area.
As for pictures we will post on this site as we progress.
Posted 19 June 2006 - 11:15 AM
Best of luck with getting it ready for the Official Debut at that drag meet!
Posted 19 June 2006 - 02:46 PM
Posted 19 June 2006 - 03:29 PM
Hopefully i'll see you out at WSID one of these days!
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