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My newer Monaro

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#1 _jabba_

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Posted 09 April 2006 - 11:22 PM

Well i've been slowly plodding along on my crappy 2 door monaro shell for a couple of months now, then saw some guards getting advertised on ebay and he said he had a couple of coupe shells aswell, since he was in forbes (hour drive away) i figured why not i may aswell check them out. Long story short i picked up one of the shells for $600 with 2 empty doors. The shell has fairly minor rust, drivers side rear 1/4, small amount along the length of the rear window sill and some floor pan rust on the drivers side and thats it. It comes with most of the body chrome, what this one didnt come with my other shell has so im cheering. It has 1 large dint on the drivers side 1/4 and a tiny one on the tail above the rear bumper.

Model HQ80437 : HQ monaro V8 coupe
Body No 016786M : melbourne build
Trim 1813-10E : plain black kingswood interior
Paint 568-12571 : lina mint, probably with silver flash wheels

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First things on the list is clean all the dirt and crap out, then pull the subframe and bango diff from my parts car + fuel lines tank brake lines etc in so she can sit on some wheels again. Later on the matching numbers subframe will be rebuilt and installed.

Edited by jabba, 09 April 2006 - 11:23 PM.

#2 _JBird_

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Posted 10 April 2006 - 12:03 AM

looks like a headache and a half - good luck with it! :spoton:
your a man of strong resolve to fork out 600 bucks for something like that - but if you think u can do it, you most likely can =D

good luck keep us posted

#3 _MYLJ_

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Posted 10 April 2006 - 12:14 AM

That is a bargain, the chrome trims alone are worth more than you paid :spoton:

#4 _jabba_

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Posted 10 April 2006 - 07:56 AM

yep, sadly enough the prices of these cars has skyrocketed in the last 3 or so years. Not long ago a completely (and i mean completely) rusted out but mostly complete HQ coupe went for 2.5g on ebay, and 1 peice of window chrome is worth $80.

Ill try and keep a picture diary going here with my progress (or lack of).

#5 Heath


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Posted 10 April 2006 - 07:57 AM

I'm definately gonna be following this thread. I love these things! :spoton:

#6 boomfunk


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Posted 10 April 2006 - 08:40 AM

like its been already said thats a bargain....

if only l could find something like that !!

#7 Tiny


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Posted 10 April 2006 - 10:38 AM

Good on ya Jabba :)

I dont know wether i would take on such a huge project ( Ok ok.. my torana isnt much better than that shell but its complete hehehehe!) but good on you for doing it mate :)

With what you taught yourself on your Qie, i'm sure this one will turn out mint :)

Cheers mate!

#8 _T0rana_

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Posted 10 April 2006 - 12:46 PM

looks like alot of work!!! good luck what are your plans for it??? :spoton:

#9 _Flamenco_

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Posted 10 April 2006 - 01:53 PM

Good on you Damien! another one saved from the crusher. I'm sure it will turn out really well. :D

#10 _LHcruzn_

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Posted 10 April 2006 - 02:54 PM

Your just jumping on the Monaro bandwagon :P hehe.

Nah good luck with it buddy look's like 1 hell of a project!!! keep us updated :)

#11 Tiny


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Posted 10 April 2006 - 03:25 PM

hehe nothing wrong with the monaro bandwagon is there ;)

Shhh... if they dont notice.. we can take em over from the inside!! Muahahahahaa

#12 _EXLXSL_

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Posted 10 April 2006 - 05:25 PM

I have a lot of trouble picking the differences between the early model monaros (HK/HG/HT etc) so I won't mention the standard early red monaro seen yesterday on the trip back from Launceston.

Was standard everything - maybe even the standard age the owners would be by now if they had bought it new. Yep - a true Pop and Nanna in the car - and none of this stuck behind slow old people either. They were motoring along quite fine on the highway.

#13 Bart


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Posted 10 April 2006 - 07:11 PM

oh man that is such a shame seeing it like that, love the Monaro, hows the floor pans etc?? Hope its not too bad, hopfully a good sand blast will clean up the old girl. :cry:

#14 _LHcruzn_

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Posted 10 April 2006 - 09:54 PM

hehe nothing wrong with the monaro bandwagon is there ;)

Shhh... if they dont notice.. we can take em over from the inside!! Muahahahahaa

Nothing wrong at all mate :spoton:

I'm thinking by the time this one is on the road and my HX, we should have a torana/monaro cruise somewhere in this great country :)

#15 _jabba_

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Posted 10 April 2006 - 10:26 PM

Well i desided i NEED an air compressor, i dont want to rely on what i can borrow and have time constraints on it so i gave in and went to the local paint shop and lined myself up a little beastie. Its 2.5hp unit with a 57L tank, he's throwing in an offcut of 7m hose and some fittings for nothing as well as a set of coveralls. Im also buying a duel filter mask so i dont die :). Ill pick it all up tomorrow, seems i depleted my bank way more than i thought getting this baby home :S.

I have 4L of 2pak undercoat and 500ml tin of hardner left over from when i painted my Q sedan so once i've preped things they can go straight into primer :D.

boomfunk: if only l could find something like that !!

Theres another shell that was sitting infront of it, no dings and the only rust is the lower 1/4 panel (boot) on both sides. It may have been burnt out at some stage, that or someone stripped the paint then left it but she is really straight just no tags no nothing really, pm me if anyone is interested she's in forbes. there looking for the same price as the green one. They consider it the better shell, i considered my one better because of all the little monaro only bits it came with.

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Tiny: I dont know wether i would take on such a huge project ( Ok ok.. my torana isnt much better than that shell but its complete hehehehe!) but good on you for doing it mate :)

With what you taught yourself on your Qie, i'm sure this one will turn out mint :)

It'll keep me outta trouble (and money) thats for sure haha, its the only way ill ever own a monaro these days and i've wanted one for years. The poor old kingsy has been good for me to learn on, i've screwed up alot of things and learnt from my mistakes hopefully so i hope things go smoothly.

T0rana: what are your plans for it???

In the end id say the driveline will endup *like* Tiny's monaro, I have a 400 chev turbo 400 gearbox and a 3.55 open salisbury (to get her going, then id say ill have to go 9") The engine is a shortblock atm, just need to assemble the top end.

EXLXSL:  I have a lot of trouble picking the differences between the early model monaros (HK/HG/HT etc)

Same, i dont know the differences between the grills and tail lights :blink:

Bart: oh man that is such a shame seeing it like that, love the Monaro, hows the floor pans etc?? Hope its not too bad, hopfully a good sand blast will clean up the old girl. crybaby.gif

Floor pan is rusted through on the drivers side where the floor curves up to the scuff plates, ill take some pics when i get in there and clean her up. The rest of the floor im not sure about, fairly sure there fine but its covered in so much junk im not sure yet. I had a scratch around with a screwdriver moving all the junk and didnt turn up anything.

Big holden cruse would be awesome :spoton:.

#16 _jabba_

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Posted 10 April 2006 - 10:37 PM

I have no idea what to do colour wise, originally i wanted to go phantom pearl off a BA Falcon but i dont think my panel beating skills are going to be upto a dark colour. Maybe a nice blue, or grey with gts war paint.

Im leaning towards grey/silver for ease of maintanence and it will be a bit more forgiving than black/dark colours. I love this combo.

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Edited by jabba, 10 April 2006 - 10:43 PM.

#17 Tiny


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Posted 10 April 2006 - 10:41 PM

Ooo grey with the stripes.. Now your talking !!

#18 _Pete_

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Posted 10 April 2006 - 11:12 PM

Perhaps an investment in a Rotisserie to mount that shell on so you can tackle it comfortably from any angle?.

The only benefit of starting with a shell like this is you can really go for it and do a nice job without taking any shortcuts compared to a complete car which you might just slap a bit of paint on and drive.

I'd love to see her with some nice subtle body mods like a smoothed firewall, tucked bumpers, really tight panel gaps and the original colour maybe with a gold pearl overlay and some nice charcoal bandaid stripes. Trick suspension and some nice 17,18in GTS style rims from the US with a modern yet original appearing interior and i think it would look HOT!! maybe an under bonnet blower too!! :spoton:

Then again if you decided to go completely stock then a HQ 2dr is still a dead sexy car in stock form!!.

Nice find, these things arent sitting in peoples front yards anymore!!

#19 _jabba_

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Posted 11 April 2006 - 07:48 AM

haha alot of that stuff is out of the scope of this build, i wouldnt have the talent to do any of that :(. Im just aiming for a stock body, prem nose, nice wheels big engine... Nice and straight forward :).

I wouldnt know where to start with building a rotisserie, it would be bloody handy tho.

Insted of a blower, how about a huge single turbo draw through setup. I've got it all designed in my head, just bothering to do it is another thing and if it would be worth the low boost i could run 5-8psi. Could go blow through but from what i've read there only really good for idle and WOT.

Edited by jabba, 11 April 2006 - 07:54 AM.

#20 _LHcruzn_

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Posted 11 April 2006 - 10:24 AM

Ahh the grey is a hot colour!! my mate has it on his HJ GTS, sexy as hell!! I'm in the same predicament i dunno if i should go original or something totally differant. I think you will be getting a few PM's from me to get some tips lol u sound like u know what your doing.

#21 _jabba_

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Posted 11 April 2006 - 05:43 PM

haha, nah mate im still learning. I bought myself a mig a while ago and i've been messing around with that and today i picked up my air compressor. I've only ever painted 2 cars, still got alot to learn :).

Well i started scooping the crap off the floorpan and its pans arnt as good as i origionally thought, there was about 3inch's of dirt glass and carpet to scrape off. Both rear floor pans will have to be replaced. The floor shouldnt be to hard, and no one will see it once the carpet is in. I have a sedan floor which is perfect so it will make a good doner.

Ill update with some photos when i get home.


Edited by jabba, 11 April 2006 - 05:44 PM.

#22 _jabba_

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Posted 11 April 2006 - 07:10 PM

Pics... Quality sucks, phone pics...

The air compressor, i lied it has a 50L tank

monaro 1
junk on the floor
more junk
sad floor pan
monaro 2
rear 1/4 rust
other rear 1/4, no holes but we will see what a wire brush turns up.
rear window sill rust
monaro 3
drivers side cowel
passenger side cowel

#23 _tj81_

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Posted 11 April 2006 - 08:51 PM

Looks like he had more than the munros there. Did i spot a HR or even a Valiant ? Looks like a goldmine !

#24 _jabba_

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Posted 11 April 2006 - 09:00 PM

Heeeeeeeeps of cars out there, mostly non holden so i didnt really poke around. Anything you see id say he will sell.

The whole place is a HUGE mess, metal scrap piles everywhere. And its about 2mins from the centre of town...

Edited by jabba, 11 April 2006 - 09:13 PM.

#25 _jabba_

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Posted 11 April 2006 - 09:17 PM

my g/f thinks grey is boring, she thinks a nice deepish green or blue with blackouts... Hardest part of this will be picking a colour haha.

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