Well i desided i NEED an air compressor, i dont want to rely on what i can borrow and have time constraints on it so i gave in and went to the local paint shop and lined myself up a little beastie. Its 2.5hp unit with a 57L tank, he's throwing in an offcut of 7m hose and some fittings for nothing as well as a set of coveralls. Im also buying a duel filter mask so i dont die

. Ill pick it all up tomorrow, seems i depleted my bank way more than i thought getting this baby home :S.
I have 4L of 2pak undercoat and 500ml tin of hardner left over from when i painted my Q sedan so once i've preped things they can go straight into primer

boomfunk: if only l could find something like that !!
Theres another shell that was sitting infront of it, no dings and the only rust is the lower 1/4 panel (boot) on both sides. It may have been burnt out at some stage, that or someone stripped the paint then left it but she is really straight just no tags no nothing really, pm me if anyone is interested she's in forbes. there looking for the same price as the green one. They consider it the better shell, i considered my one better because of all the little monaro only bits it came with.

Tiny: I dont know wether i would take on such a huge project ( Ok ok.. my torana isnt much better than that shell but its complete hehehehe!) but good on you for doing it mate 
With what you taught yourself on your Qie, i'm sure this one will turn out mint 
It'll keep me outta trouble (and money) thats for sure haha, its the only way ill ever own a monaro these days and i've wanted one for years. The poor old kingsy has been good for me to learn on, i've screwed up alot of things and learnt from my mistakes hopefully so i hope things go smoothly.
T0rana: what are your plans for it???
In the end id say the driveline will endup *like* Tiny's monaro, I have a 400 chev turbo 400 gearbox and a 3.55 open salisbury (to get her going, then id say ill have to go 9") The engine is a shortblock atm, just need to assemble the top end.
EXLXSL: I have a lot of trouble picking the differences between the early model monaros (HK/HG/HT etc)
Same, i dont know the differences between the grills and tail lights
Bart: oh man that is such a shame seeing it like that, love the Monaro, hows the floor pans etc?? Hope its not too bad, hopfully a good sand blast will clean up the old girl. crybaby.gif
Floor pan is rusted through on the drivers side where the floor curves up to the scuff plates, ill take some pics when i get in there and clean her up. The rest of the floor im not sure about, fairly sure there fine but its covered in so much junk im not sure yet. I had a scratch around with a screwdriver moving all the junk and didnt turn up anything.
Big holden cruse would be awesome
