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My newer Monaro

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#276 _jabba_

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Posted 24 August 2008 - 12:51 PM


I had another go at starting the engine, this time everything went to plan!! It fired straight into life this time the oil stayed in the engine!!! Cold oil pressure was 40psi when i first started it then when i brought the revs up to what i think was 2000 - 3000rpm it went upto 50-55psi. Warm oil pressure was abit lower, dropping to 30psi when i let the revs drop and going between 40 and 45psi when i had the revs around 2000-3000rpm.

I ran it for 2 lots of 10minutes, it was still straight off the extractors but i didnt want to put it all back together completely if i was going to have more oil pressure problems. Next thing to do is get it to the exhaust shop on a flat bed for a nice quiet twin exhaust.

Ill post a sound clip shortly :).


#277 _jabba_

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Posted 24 August 2008 - 01:40 PM

The first half of the clip is towards the end of the second run, after that i chucked on a clip of it being started.


#278 _jabba_

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Posted 30 September 2008 - 07:19 PM

Well i still havent done much, i've blocked back the car again to see if i can do a better job of it... The paint was good but had 2 sags i found later on so i figure i might aswell just paint it again :P.

I bought a front door trim cap off ebay to complete my set so that i can have the interior trimmed up, it cost me $250 (half the cost of the entire car). I hate ebay and there inflated prices but i needed it so what can you do :P.
I also bought front/rear carpet and kick panels in 'buckskin' and boot carpet in black and underlay with a layer of tar between the felt. I chucked it in there without the underlay to see what it looked like, i think it looks great :).
I also picked up some AU falcon fans for $120 delivered off ebay, atleast there are still a few good deals to be had :P.

Lots more money needs to be thrown at this car yet, i was given a rough quote of around $2000 to trim the front and rear seats up in a leather looking vinal and around $150 per door trim. They also wanted around $300 for the roof lining in vinal which might be a little steep so i could source that elsewhere. I also had dashorigionals quote me a few bits and peices, they will do a full set of door trims for $895. Its alot more expensive but i'm thinking i might go that way as they can do the trims in any colour i want (buckskin) to the origional spec and they look great. A new dash pad from them is $600, that would be nice but i dont know if i can justify that :P.

I've really gotten to the point where i need to spend money to get more progress happerning, i dont see much point assembling it just to pull it apart again.

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#279 _studricho_

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Posted 06 October 2008 - 02:39 PM

I've just read the whole thread...skip some, but what an amazing transformation. Your welding looks like it's getting better too. It may be just a case of russian welding, you know you just want to get it done and can't be bothered to prepare better.

I suffer from the same fate. I can weld pretty neat when I apply myself and that's a big when.

It was funny reading your thread and how all over the place this project was going...motor..floor pan..motor..sub frame..

I'm glad I'm not the only one who does it..lol.

Great work Jabba.

Now leave that bike alone and finish the car already. I find that when I sit down near the car and write a huge list of things to do and what I need for each task.

It gives you so much more focus and makes anytime on the car spent much more productive. Please don't take any offense to this, just giving some tips from one person with the attention span of a ferret to another.

Cheers, Paul.

#280 Tiny


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Posted 06 October 2008 - 03:17 PM

Hey Jabba,

Dont forget to have a look at the forum businesses section... i know we have a couple of motor trimmers who might be able to do you a deal!

Just listening to the sweet sound of the 400! NIIICE!!!

I'm about to get into mine and take her to get the new stallie fitted!! 4000Rpm of pure goodness!

I'll dig up my old thread and make a bit of an update soon i reckon :)

Cheers mate! Glad to see it's making decent progress!

#281 _jabba_

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Posted 13 November 2008 - 09:45 PM

I've just read the whole thread...skip some, but what an amazing transformation. Your welding looks like it's getting better too. It may be just a case of russian welding, you know you just want to get it done and can't be bothered to prepare better.

I suffer from the same fate. I can weld pretty neat when I apply myself and that's a big when.

It was funny reading your thread and how all over the place this project was going...motor..floor pan..motor..sub frame..

I'm glad I'm not the only one who does it..lol.

Great work Jabba.

Now leave that bike alone and finish the car already. I find that when I sit down near the car and write a huge list of things to do and what I need for each task.

It gives you so much more focus and makes anytime on the car spent much more productive. Please don't take any offense to this, just giving some tips from one person with the attention span of a ferret to another.

Cheers, Paul.

haha, i kept getting bored with one part of the car so id go do something else. Id much prefer to do machanical work than body work, much more interesting and rewarding :P. My welding sucks but since i have rented a bottle of argoshield its made it alot easyer. After you posted this i sat down and wrote a list like you said. i made up two lists, one of things i have to do and one of parts i have to buy. I've installed a PC in my shed now so i will have to copy the list over so i can quickly reference it :). The main reason for the PC was music, its amazing how much easyer the car is to work on now i have music!!

Edited by jabba, 13 November 2008 - 09:47 PM.

#282 _jabba_

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Posted 13 November 2008 - 09:50 PM

Hey Jabba,

Dont forget to have a look at the forum businesses section... i know we have a couple of motor trimmers who might be able to do you a deal!

Just listening to the sweet sound of the 400! NIIICE!!!

I'm about to get into mine and take her to get the new stallie fitted!! 4000Rpm of pure goodness!

I'll dig up my old thread and make a bit of an update soon i reckon :)

Cheers mate! Glad to see it's making decent progress!

I think ill have to, the company i went to just didnt seem that interested and the quotes they were giving sounded more like something they pulled out of there ass to scare me off. Like the roof lining, 4 years ago they done one for $130 and now they want $350 odd :blink:.

I'm trying to convince the GF to buy me a twin exhaust for my bday/chrissy, if she does then the 400 should sound even sweeter :D.

Whats the redline on your 400, what gear have you got in the top end? i couldnt see mine reving over 5000rpm with the standard rockers.


#283 _jabba_

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Posted 13 November 2008 - 09:58 PM

Finally an excuse to post, i havent done anything interesting in a while just a little wirebrushing and painting.

My brother in-law is selling his ute and he said i could buy his mags before he sold it, they dropped them around and said i could pay later :D. There filthy dirty at the moment but i've started polishing one of the caps and they are coming up great, very shiney. Near new rubber too :).

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And the front mud guard, i stripped it with a wire brush than applyed POR15 followed by two coats of 'hydroseal'.

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I've removed the diff to clean the last of the shit underneath the car, i forgot how much wirebrushing oil/dirt sucked while upside down... it sucks almost as much as painting upside down, POR15 does not wash off so i was wearing black elbows and arms to work for the week :P. I forgot to take photos but its nothing interesting.

If my engrish is bad im sorry, very tired :).


#284 _UNVSM8_

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Posted 13 November 2008 - 10:18 PM

the wheels look cool what size are they? will be great with a good buff up! :D


#285 _jabba_

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Posted 13 November 2008 - 10:19 PM

They are 15x8" american racers, if anyone knows what type of mag they are id love to know.

#286 _jabba_

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Posted 13 November 2008 - 10:46 PM

Quick 10minute polish by hand

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Can someone point me in the right direction for buffing wheels for drills etc, like the best place to get them from (will bunnings do?)

I found a pic of the ute they came off...

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Edited by jabba, 13 November 2008 - 10:51 PM.

#287 _jabba_

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Posted 14 November 2008 - 03:10 PM

Had a go at polishing a wheel, came out quite good i think.

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Posted 14 November 2008 - 03:12 PM

Great work mate! looks shit hot!

#289 Tiny


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Posted 14 November 2008 - 05:01 PM

Jabba: THat's hot mate! Those wheels should look tops under the beast!

Mine revs to over 7500 RPm, but that's only because:

4 Bolt Mains
Scat 4340 Forged Crank
SCAT Forged H Beam 4340 Rods
Aries Pistons with tool steel gudgeons
and top end:
Pro Lightining heads
YT Shaft mount platinum rollers!
Solid cam and cool face lifters!

So basically i'm not scared to touch the 8 grand mark if needed!
I havent found the point where it "noses over" like the old engine used to about 6000Rpm! LOL!

Sounds like youve got the perfect Xmas Pressie sorted mate! My wish list consists of:
Callibrated tyre pressure guage
4 paint harness so i can run in S/ST!


#290 _UNVSM8_

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Posted 14 November 2008 - 05:08 PM

wow they are like brand new!
what did u use to polish them?

#291 _jabba_

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Posted 14 November 2008 - 05:38 PM

Mine revs to over 7500 RPm, but that's only because:..........

So basically i'm not scared to touch the 8 grand mark if needed!
I havent found the point where it "noses over" like the old engine used to about 6000Rpm! LOL!


Thats unreal, how much power does that combo make. Im very jealous! I didnt think the old 400 would spin that fast!! I think mine would just explode, but i hope it makes some nice power even tho its stock!

wow they are like brand new!
what did u use to polish them?

I bought this 'Josco metal polishing kit' from bunnings for $30, it has a cutting and polishing wheel and a seperate compounds for each job. It attaches to the end of your drill. I tryed polishing it with metal polish by hand but just couldnt get the same kind of results as its been about 2 years since they were last cleaned. Fortunatly there in perfect condition with no scratches or gutter rash at all.

I just noticed that the front rims are actually 15x7 and the rears are 15x8.

Edited by jabba, 14 November 2008 - 05:39 PM.

#292 _UNVSM8_

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Posted 14 November 2008 - 05:44 PM

very nice indeed!

#293 _Chriskoss-79uc_

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Posted 14 November 2008 - 05:47 PM

WOW! thats a great job.
Great value from Bunnings too, as they have metal polishing kits on evilbay for about 50 plus postage...
Thanks for that info I might go grab a kit

#294 _jabba_

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Posted 15 January 2009 - 09:12 PM

We have exhaust :D.

It a twin 2.5" system with x-pipe and straight through mercury mufflers. It will be interesting to see how loud it is, the mate who built the system said Chev's are usally fairly easy to keep quiet. The exhaust is flanged at the extractors, before the muffler and after the muffler. If I ever decide to take it to the drags i can get some dump pipes made up to replace the mufflers and dump before the diff :).

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I've done a fair amount of other work, ill post some pics tomorrow :).

Edited by jabba, 15 January 2009 - 09:21 PM.

#295 _jabba_

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Posted 15 January 2009 - 09:17 PM

I should also mention that i've fitted the 3.55 LSD disk brake diff and have a tail shaft shortened with new uni's to suit the turbo 400 - 10bolt diff :).

#296 _jabba_

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Posted 16 January 2009 - 01:05 PM

I started the engine to hear the exhaust and its quite loud, i dont think it will pass rego being this loud... Its running incredibly rich, lots of black smoke out the exhaust. Will the engine running rich cause a louder exhaust note than normal? Ill post a vid, you can see the plumes of black smoke :P.

#297 _jabba_

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Posted 16 January 2009 - 01:59 PM

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It used 0.6L of fuel in about 2mins 30 :P.

Edited by jabba, 16 January 2009 - 02:06 PM.

#298 Tiny


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Posted 16 January 2009 - 03:44 PM


Nice one Jabba!!

That sounds TOUGH!! You should be WELL proud mate!

#299 Tiny


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Posted 16 January 2009 - 03:45 PM

Make sure you get it tuned before too long, it looks rich as heck and you dont want it to wash the bores!


#300 _jabba_

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Posted 16 January 2009 - 06:52 PM

Yep, no more running until its tuned now... I didnt actually realise that it was running THAT rich until i watched the video myself. Once its all put together ill get it dyno tuned. The carby was dyno tuned on my 253, i guess at idle the 400 is sucking alot more air than the 253 :P.

Edited by jabba, 16 January 2009 - 07:05 PM.

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