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My newer Monaro

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#301 Neils LX

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Posted 16 January 2009 - 07:09 PM

Hi Jabba
Your car sound good and if you take it to the drags and dump it at the diff you wont want to change it back. Your video was in a shed which echos the sound, how loud is it outside? If its to loud you may have to change the mufflers but c what the DB is. Keep up the progress on the car as it will be great when finished.
Chears Neil

#302 _jabba_

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Posted 16 January 2009 - 10:05 PM

It sure would be loud dumped before the diff :P.

I didnt actually push it outside but thats a good point... Ill just leave it until its finished, still alot quieter than off the extractors :P. It shouldnt be hard to replace the muffler box, 4 bolts per exhaust :).

#303 Tiny


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Posted 16 January 2009 - 10:13 PM

HEHEH i think the old 400 might suck just a liiiiitle more air than the 253 mate :P

Have you got a crossover pipe in the exhaust at all? That might make it a bit different too.. even if it's not a merge X pipe, but just a balance pipe!

#304 _jabba_

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Posted 16 January 2009 - 10:31 PM

It has a crossover pipe, both exhausts come to the center of the car and are welded together with the middle cut out then back out to each side of the car. If some of that raw fuel was burning in the exhaust then i guess that would make it louder too.

#305 _jabba_

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Posted 18 January 2009 - 10:22 PM

Well i've fitted the guards and nose cone for the last time, yay! They have been primed and the inside areas painted the body colour. I still havent primed the bonet yet but that will be a job for a weekday afternoon, back to work tomorrow :( .

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Edited by jabba, 18 January 2009 - 10:23 PM.

#306 _jabba_

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Posted 22 March 2009 - 09:11 PM

So i've been a little slack lately, i've finally made a bit more progress. Over the last 2 weekends i've stripped the bonet and undercoated both sides. It had 2 spots of rust that wernt obvious until i stripped it so i welded in some patch's. Today i painted the underside in colour. Stripping the bonet was a PITA, all the bracing made it a very tedious job. I didnt go to a huge amount of effort on the underside's paint job as ill be covering it with the sound deaderning mat.

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#307 _jabba_

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Posted 13 April 2009 - 04:55 PM

I spent a bit of time trial fitting the oil cooler for the gear box, i was going to put it behind the grill but with the a/c condenser in there also its going to be a very tight fit. I desided to mount it under the front and make a small air dam to push air through it :), i'm really happy with the results. Its bolted up at the front but i just have to make two rear supports for it, i'm going to make the rear supports out of a solid round metal rod and weld a couple of tabs on the end to put the bolts through.

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Also fitted the bonnet.
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Edited by jabba, 13 April 2009 - 04:59 PM.

#308 _jabba_

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Posted 04 June 2009 - 11:59 PM

I've been really slack of late but this last week i've finally had the motivation to do something to it.

No pics, ill take some when i've done a little more photo worthy but this is what i've done since i've last posted.

What i've done today...

I've stripped the fuel tank and painted gloss black with por15 and fitted it
fitted fuel line and brake line up to the front of the car
Had 2 braided brake hoses made up for the front calipers
Fitted the calipers with new front brake pads
Hooked up the auto transmission cooler and filled with fluid

Jobs for tomorrow...

Connect up the proportioning valve
Buy some vacuum hose to run from gearbox to manifold
Install throttle and brake pedals
Bleed brakes
do a skid :P (jk)

After that the car should be *drivable* under its own power.

I'm waiting on a few clips from rare spares, mainly the ones that hold the fuel and brake lines to the chassis

Ill post some pics when i've done the above list :).

Edited by jabba, 05 June 2009 - 12:00 AM.

#309 _mello92_

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Posted 05 June 2009 - 01:30 AM

mate this car has come sooo bloody far its not funny!

cheers mate, im keen on seeing this finished now!

#310 _jabba_

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Posted 05 June 2009 - 08:49 AM

I just realised that over 3 years has passed since i started :o. Where does the time go!

#311 _torriechick_

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Posted 05 June 2009 - 04:10 PM

LOL! Yeah it has come a long way i agree. its awesome and I like the colour you chose

#312 _jabba_

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Posted 05 June 2009 - 11:26 PM

Thanks :)

I finished connecting the brakes up and bled them, everything went well exept the front left brake caliper is locked on. Ill pull it back off and see if i can free it up, i havent painted the calipers yet since i will still probably put a kit through them.

Pics arnt very exciting but here they are, excuse all the dirt and dust ill have to give everything a good wash...

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I couldnt find a hose to use while bleeding so i made abit of a mess :P.
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Edited by jabba, 05 June 2009 - 11:28 PM.

#313 _jabba_

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Posted 06 June 2009 - 11:14 PM

Its alive! It moved under its own power for the first time in a very long time! I was abit worried when the gearbox wouldnt engage a gear but then i remembered that i only put 5L of oil in it because thats all it would take before being cranked over, after i added another 2 or so liters or oil it popped into gear. I *drove* it down the driveway (<5 meters) then reversed it back :P.

I had some weird problem trying to get fuel up to the carby, at first i thought it wasnt drawing the fuel up from the tank but after i removed the hose in the engine bay fuel slowly ran out. I ended up cracking the big nut on the rochester carb until fuel started running out of there and now its working fine, it must have had an airlock or something :fool:.


:rockon: :rockon: :rockon: :rockon: :rockon:

#314 Tiny


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Posted 07 June 2009 - 11:36 AM


Congratulations Jabba!

You must be stoked mate :) Long time coming but it will be worth the wait!

Well done mate! :spoton:

#315 _jabba_

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Posted 07 June 2009 - 08:45 PM

still a long way to go but another milestone :).

#316 _doogs_

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Posted 18 August 2009 - 09:50 PM

Looking good mate. Has come on a huge amount since I last checked the thread. :spoton:

#317 _jabba_

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Posted 17 January 2010 - 08:03 PM

Finally stopped playing with the celica, i remembered that its shed has aircon :P.

A mate came around and we fitted a shifter and a b&m shift kit to the gearbox. I didnt have the linkage that bolts to the gearbox so i straightened the shifter linkage off a 3sp gearbox, cut it in half and drilled a hole in it. Now i wont have to crawl under the car to change gears!

The b&m shift kit was extremely easy to fit, i just have to pickup a new filter and some auto fluid and it will be finished.

#318 _jabba_

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Posted 21 February 2010 - 09:03 PM

Well i managed to go two steps forward and one step back... I was putting down the base coat and on the 4th coat of colour the paint started to craze up on small parts of the body. I've had this happen before but i thought it only happened when the paint underneath hasn't had time to completely flash off. Its appearing where i had rubbed through the old clear coat into the base coat. I think i can cure it by sanding those areas back and splashing some primer on the areas then putting down some more base coat. If anyone knows of a better way to seal the problem areas off id love to hear it!
<edit> if the above made no sence, i have actually painted the body completely once before but i wasnt happy with the job so i sanded it back and used that as the base for this new paint...

The doors/guards bonnet and nose cone all came out perfect, its just the body that i didnt re-prime that has a few small problem areas. Anyways its not a huge deal, just more sanding :P.

This is all in base coat, no clear hence the lack of gloss :). My new spray gun rocks, the finish is so nice and flat!
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Here's the crazing...
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#319 _@milco@_

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Posted 21 February 2010 - 10:04 PM

looking sweet mate.......

#320 Tiny


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Posted 22 February 2010 - 02:11 PM


Do whatever it takes to get rid of that crazing mate.

Any aera that has come up needs t obe completely stripped, and etch primed again from scratch.

If you dont.. Your car will end up like mine. F*&Kd Paintwork!

Mine did the same thing, but that's what happens when you spray 2 pack over acrylic....... :Headbang2: :Headbang2:

Trust me, Spend the time now to get it right mate... you will kick yourself later if you leave it!!

and just for the last time about my car. :Headbang2:

#321 Heath


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Posted 22 February 2010 - 04:35 PM

Do whatever it takes to get rid of that crazing mate.

Any aera that has come up needs t obe completely stripped, and etch primed again from scratch.

If you dont.. Your car will end up like mine. F*&Kd Paintwork!

:huh: I never did that!

#322 _jabba_

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Posted 22 February 2010 - 07:40 PM


Do whatever it takes to get rid of that crazing mate.

Any aera that has come up needs t obe completely stripped, and etch primed again from scratch.

If you dont.. Your car will end up like mine. F*&Kd Paintwork!

Mine did the same thing, but that's what happens when you spray 2 pack over acrylic....... :Headbang2: :Headbang2:

Trust me, Spend the time now to get it right mate... you will kick yourself later if you leave it!!

and just for the last time about my car. :Headbang2:

As soon as it started to craze up i stopped painting and started swearing, i had enough paint to do the car without stuffups now i have to buy more :P. I figured there was no point continuing until i sort out the issue. I had a similar problem on the celica, i ended up sanding back the area and repriming then more base coat. It hasn't shown up again but if theres a better way to fix it id love to try that first :).

It cant be too bad on your car, it looks very tidy!

#323 Tiny


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Posted 23 February 2010 - 05:18 PM

Photos ARE decieving!!

My Whole roof, the scuttle panel and a few spots on the body itself are compeltely crazed with crows feet and cracks!

It's because the paint below is still ( and always will!) move, making the hard 2 pack crack.
In the booth as mine "fried up" when the 2 pack hit it, the painter just wiped off the crap paint and hit it with more base!! ARGH!!!!

I'm no painter mate, so i cant give you any ideas, but I would make sure whatever caused the crazing is removed ( and a bit around to make sure!!) and then i would probably re-etch prime it, sand it back and give it another go.

Just my amateur opinion!!


#324 Potta


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Posted 23 February 2010 - 06:04 PM

Its the first time I spotted this thread Jabba and gotta say you've done a great job.

Once you get that crazing sorted out its gonna look awesome.

Can't wait. So hurry up!! But don't rush it.....Posted Image

#325 _jabba_

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Posted 27 February 2010 - 09:27 AM

Well i finally went to the paint shop, the reaction was because i rubbed through the old clear coat like i thought. He said its usually fine to paint over with thin coats, but since i put a thick coat on last it fried up. The reason it happened is because my original paint hasn't fully cured because its had limited time in the sun, so the paint hasnt had time to bake fully. He sold me some isolator primer which will seal off the problem areas. I just have to scuff back the problem areas, dust on this primer and give it a light sand then put my base coat over the top. Since its been a week since i painted the base coat i have to scuff the paint up with scotch bright and lay down another coat over the entire car, wait 3 or more hours then start the clear coat. Atleast its an easy fix!

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