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My newer Monaro

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Posted 11 April 2006 - 10:06 PM

Heeeeeeeeps of cars out there, mostly non holden so i didnt really poke around. Anything you see id say he will sell.

The whole place is a HUGE mess, metal scrap piles everywhere. And its about 2mins from the centre of town...

From the centre of what town? With the colour, maybe stick to what is on the compliance plate. That may add to the value.

#27 smeer


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Posted 11 April 2006 - 10:11 PM

lina mint is a stunning colour, stick with it.

#28 Bart


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Posted 11 April 2006 - 11:31 PM

is that a shit load of surface rust on the second monaro?? (the one you didnt buy)

#29 _LHcruzn_

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Posted 12 April 2006 - 01:02 AM

Stick with original colour mate, talked to a few people today and they said it help's keep the value. Ah that floor pan isn't bad, just chuck in a couple of empty vb cans,chicken wire and 5kg of filler and you'll be right ;) :P

Hmm cut, weld, cut, weld. Story of my life.

#30 _jabba_

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Posted 12 April 2006 - 07:54 AM

Yep 1/2 the orange/red one is covered in surface rust, it seems to start from the middle of the roof which is weird.

Hrmm if keeping the origional colour is going to help resale value i might have to think long and hard about keeping it. Would having GTS blackouts over the factory colour effect resale if the car didnt come with them from the factory?

This pic i had on my computer looks like lina mint.

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Edited by jabba, 12 April 2006 - 07:55 AM.

#31 _LHcruzn_

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Posted 12 April 2006 - 11:37 AM

not sure about that one mate.

#32 Bart


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Posted 12 April 2006 - 11:28 PM

Yep 1/2 the orange/red one is covered in surface rust, it seems to start from the middle of the roof which is weird.

Hrmm if keeping the origional colour is going to help resale value i might have to think long and hard about keeping it. Would having GTS blackouts over the factory colour effect resale if the car didnt come with them from the factory?

This pic i had on my computer looks like lina mint.

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How thick is the surface rust?? is it ablet to be sand blasted off? :spoton:

#33 _jabba_

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Posted 13 April 2006 - 07:47 AM

Im not sure how thick the surface rust is, it will come off but how many pits or holes it leaves behind im not sure, ill findout this long weekend :)


Theres the other monaro haha.

Edited by jabba, 13 April 2006 - 07:52 AM.

#34 _jabba_

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Posted 14 April 2006 - 03:37 PM

Well no sandblasting, but lots of wire brushing and orbatal sanding.

bare metal 1/4.

Once i've done the whole car ill then go over it all with some finer sand paper with the orbital sander, then ill smooth out any dings with some bawg and get her into undercoat before it turns orange :(. I dont have the luxury of leaving it bare metal for more than a dry night. Ill try and do the rust repairs before i get it into undercoat but it depends on the weather, otherwise ill undercoat then repair rust than squirt some more primer on her.

I've also stripped off all the chrome and scooped out the old winscreen sealent.

Edited by jabba, 14 April 2006 - 03:41 PM.

#35 Bart


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Posted 14 April 2006 - 07:11 PM

mate take it to the sand blasters and get them to spray a clear etch primer, it will be sooooo much easier and quicker. :spoton: :spoton:

#36 _jabba_

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Posted 14 April 2006 - 09:28 PM

Its all about the $$$ and im running out fast :<_<:. If i could still hire a sand blaster locally id do what i done with my q sedan, just stripped her out took it out the back and blasted away. Best money i spend, had the whole car stripped in an hour. That company got sold to coates hire and they got rid of the machine.

Edited by jabba, 14 April 2006 - 09:40 PM.

#37 Bart


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Posted 15 April 2006 - 01:42 AM

yeah i know what you mean mate, if you think of selling the monaro let me know :D

#38 _jabba_

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Posted 15 April 2006 - 09:37 AM

Never know what will happen :blink:.

#39 _jabba_

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Posted 16 April 2006 - 09:23 PM

Well today was an unproductive day, basically had to keep the noise down being easter and all so i desided i may aswell start dint hunting. I done the best i could with all the shopping trolly dints with hammer and dolly then smoothed them over with some filler. I've tapped the big dint out, just have to smooth it over with some bog to get the right shape back.

On saturday i managed to get the whole roof back to metal, so now *all* thats left is the passenger side 1/4, firewall, rear bumper area, pasel shelf, door jams and around window sills :fool:. I've really gotta hurry up, the last few days have been perfect and knowing my luck when i want to paint the weather will go cruddy and also ill have to go back to work on tuesday which means it would be saturday before i get another go at it, and i cant leave it unprotected that long. Anyone bored and feel like sanding hahaha!


#40 _LHcruzn_

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Posted 16 April 2006 - 09:49 PM

Mate if i wasn't in melbourne i'd come on over and help ya sand, pay my way there and my living expenses for a weekend and we have a deal ;) hehe.

#41 _jabba_

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Posted 17 April 2006 - 10:05 AM

hahaha, you know that sandblaster is sounding cheaper and cheaper hahaha.

#42 _LHcruzn_

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Posted 17 April 2006 - 11:01 AM

HAHA! i think it could be mate ;)

#43 _jabba_

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Posted 17 April 2006 - 06:52 PM

Well i didnt get to paint at all, damn sanding took up all my weekend. Looks like ill be tarp hunting tomorrow to keep it good until next saturday :(. Few updated pics.

Drivers cowel, tiny bit of rust under the winscreen.
cowel rust.
Passenger cowel.
Small amount of rust in the dash.
2x passenger coupe doors, ill be using the grey one :).
This 1/4 isnt that great, it had a large dint which i bashed out with hammer/dolly the best i could, then i filled with bog to get the right profile. Few high's i have to deal with but its getting there.
bottom of passenger side boot, few pinholes turned up after i wire brushed the area.
My fav 1/4, nice and straight!
Looks like someone had ago at buffing this small area, didnt come up to bad... pitty about the rust coming through the paint everywhere else.

#44 _jabba_

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Posted 14 June 2006 - 10:58 PM

Ok finally an update! I've finally got it 90% in primer, just need to finish preping around the front and back window frames, the dash and rear shelf and give them a coat of primer. The tin of primer i had sitting around that i was going to use had solidified, so i used what i could on the drivers 1/4 to keep the moisture off it (and it has now become my ginnie pig for testing), the rest of the car has been painted in the new tin of primer i bought which i had tinted with 10% blue. The reason i got the undercoat tinted is when it gets a stone chip you wont see grey primer under the blue paint, just blue primer which wont standout as much (hopefully!). I havent sprayed a guide coat over the whole car yet, just the firewall area which was painted at a seperate time.

The colour i finally desided on is called 'winning blue' from the new mazda 3's, its an unreal colour which is darker than ford blueprint but lighter than fords dark blue colour (no idea what the name is). Anyways heres some pics from the mazda website.

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Here is where i was practicing painting come colour and clear, only preped a small section along the top of the boot and a small square on the rear 1/4. If you look carefully you can see the nasty dint that needs repairing.




Edited by jabba, 14 June 2006 - 11:07 PM.



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Posted 15 June 2006 - 02:13 AM

Great Colour Choice! The new mazda colours are great!!!!

Looks like its coming along quite well! cant wait to see it finished! Long Live the Monaros!

#46 antelopeslr5000


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Posted 15 June 2006 - 02:38 AM

Looks like it's coming along nicely jabba. :spoton:

I've always been a big fan of the colour 'Lettuce Alone' when it comes to HQ's. It'll be interesting to see how the 'Winning Blue' looks on the HQ. Personally it's a colour I wouldn't have chosen but that's only my opinion. People are always telling me to put flares on my SL/R but there is no way that will ever happen! Just remember, it's YOUR car, so it doesn't matter what anyone else thinks, as long as you're happy with it.

Hopefully it's a colour that won't date too quickly. I remember I was a big fan of the colour 'Tiger Mica' when it was first released. Now, it's a colour I despise.

Well, may be despise might be a bit harsh, but you get the idea! ;)

#47 _jabba_

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Posted 15 June 2006 - 07:58 AM

If i painted it the origional colour i would have liked it for a month then just hated it after that. I think ill be happy with the 'winning blue' and thats all that really matters, im not doing this for someone else to enjoy in a few years time.

I just have to tackle some rust repairs, im getting lots help from people on here so ill try to tackle them again soon :).

#48 _MAWLER_

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Posted 15 June 2006 - 07:25 PM

Mate, a mountain of work you've been doing there! Keep into it and it will be over before you know it. Paint is a milestone thing, once it goes on it begins to look like a car again instead of a hunk of metal, and you can see the results of all your effort.

Good luck with the blue, I'll be interested to see how it turns out, like anterlope, not a colour I would have chosen, but good on ya.


#49 _chevy_253_torana_

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Posted 19 June 2006 - 03:10 PM

you werent that bloke who had that white hq monaro mate with the massive ugly 80s style flares were you ??

cheers chevy

#50 makka


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Posted 19 June 2006 - 05:20 PM

I dont think so Chevy

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