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My newer Monaro

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#51 _user asked to be removed_

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Posted 19 June 2006 - 06:24 PM

Ok Chevy, I think it's past your bed time lol

#52 _jabba_

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Posted 19 June 2006 - 10:08 PM

I had the white monaro with ugly 80's flares on it, found this better shell so i stripped it and sold it! The only reason i sold it is because i had no where to keep it :(. ill post pics later hehe

Edited by jabba, 19 June 2006 - 10:15 PM.

#53 _Flamenco_

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Posted 20 June 2006 - 12:06 PM

Looks good Damien! keep us posted... :spoton:

#54 _jabba_

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Posted 20 June 2006 - 09:54 PM

Here is my sad old monaro...

heeps mad awesome flares!
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Front end off my parts car sat there to make it kinda look like a car...
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The other side is the same :(, the guy at the wreckers that bought it said they will weld in new guards and full tubs.

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So anyway, as you can see i traded up :S. I now have lots of monaro doors, regs, glass and chrome which is nice considering the cost of the stuff these days.

Edited by jabba, 20 June 2006 - 09:56 PM.

#55 Bart


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Posted 20 June 2006 - 10:57 PM

OH CHRIST HELP ME, i feel like taking it home like it were a sick little puppy and adopt it and nurse it to health. :cry: :cry: :cry:

#56 _chevy_253_torana_

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Posted 22 June 2006 - 10:40 AM

haha yes i was right take that makka and liam w :P

if its the same car as i think it is i know a bit of its history and who put those ridiculous flares on it. In the 80s a guy up the road from me did it with his mate and well he thought it was lovely and cruised throguh bendigo in it all the time. Dad and his mates would always laugh out loud whenever it drove past on purpose to piss him off no one else liked it!! And i couldnt blame them as i see it is wrong to murder a monaro!

or a torana!

cheers chevy

#57 _jabba_

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Posted 27 September 2006 - 11:31 PM

I've been spending alot of time on my other q the last month or more and i started a my new job in I.T around a month ago so not much has happened to the monaro. I managed to fit a celica 5 speed + 3.55 limo diff to the q sedan and i've just been having to much fun thrashing it about i kinda forgot about the monaro.

Basically all i have done of late is bought a couple of sample tins of paint and slapped them roughly on the car to see if i still liked the mazda winning blue before i went out and bought a heep of it. The paint got layed on without much time between coats and i just used a rattle can of acrylic clear to save me mixing up 2k clear, so there is heeps of orange peel. I sectioned the 1/4 off into 4 areas just to try a couple of different painting styles to see how the colour looked.

I ended up buying a sample of the new VE imperial blue and a sample of mazda winning blue, the ve blue is a metallic blue with a couple of different pearls in it. The mazda blue is just a metallic blue. Here is a couple of crappy phone pics i have taken, ignore the newspaper i got in the paint, i was masking it off while the paint was still wet because i didnt feel like waiting all arvo for it to dry :rolleyes:. I think im sticking with the mazda blue btw :D.

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Edited by jabba, 27 September 2006 - 11:34 PM.

#58 _Keithy's_UC_

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Posted 28 September 2006 - 02:01 AM

Good choice Jabba!! I like it!! I've got Toyota Galaxy Blue on my UC, but my second choice was the winning blue...

I've been following this since your first post, hows the progress on the rest of the old girl (donk)??


#59 _jabba_

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Posted 28 September 2006 - 08:10 AM

There hasnt been a huge amount of progress, all thats really happened since my last post is i have blocked back the firewall and this weekend ill be rubbing the door jams back with wet & dry. I want to get the car rolling again so when i paint it she can be rolled out in the sun. The plan is to paint firewall + jams, stick a new sub-frame in.

The engine is still just sitting there, and the heads are still living in the cupboard in the other room. If i cant find a cheap salisbury diff then ill probably just put a banjo in it to roll around on. Once its rolling i'm going to put the engine + box in place.

Hopefully this weekend i will atleast have the firewall painted and the old sub-frame out.

#60 _jabba_

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Posted 28 September 2006 - 11:01 PM

Well i bought 1L of the paint and i already have reducer, hardener and clear. The weather report so far is that the weekend is going to be fine *fingers crossed* So on saturday or sunday she should be looking a little more colourful, if everything goes to plan i may even try to fit the new sub-frame on monday but when do things ever go to plan :rolleyes:.

#61 _Keithy's_UC_

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Posted 29 September 2006 - 01:17 AM

Good stuff mate!!

#62 Bart


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Posted 29 September 2006 - 08:00 PM

Pump those sills with cavity wax mate, get Wurth cavity wax, when ever i see a clasic Holden like that, or a Tori i always think the sills may need attending, so just pump them with cavity wax to make sure she stays rust free :spoton: :spoton:

#63 _jabba_

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Posted 29 September 2006 - 10:25 PM

whats cavity wax, where do i get it and how do i apply it :D. :spoton:

#64 _chevy_253_torana_

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Posted 29 September 2006 - 11:20 PM

isnt that the white rubbery sort of stuff???

if so apply it in the seams along the inside of the doors (they go there like my coupe) umm along every washer etc on the rear bumper and basically anywhere where metal is touching metal cost about 10 bucks this stuff not sure what it was called tho!

dam this is looking great
i may be able to scan up some pics of the flared monaro in its glory if i can find the mag

jabba where are you located???

dam maybe i should post up some photos of my monaro coupe (love the blue you decided on!!)

#65 Bart


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Posted 30 September 2006 - 01:10 AM

The cavity wax is in here


#66 Bart


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Posted 30 September 2006 - 05:37 PM

Or what im using is SW2 from PPC, this stuff is like fish oil without the smell and it dries like paint, clear matt finish, can be painted over after its dry, either paint or POR15.


Edited by Bart, 30 September 2006 - 05:39 PM.

#67 _jabba_

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Posted 02 October 2006 - 09:48 PM

i may be able to scan up some pics of the flared monaro in its glory if i can find the mag

jabba where are you located???

dam maybe i should post up some photos of my monaro coupe (love the blue you decided on!!)

Id love to see the mag artical of the flared up naro :D.
I'm in dubbo.
Id love to see some pics of your coupe, post em up!

#68 _jabba_

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Posted 02 October 2006 - 09:50 PM

Or what im using is SW2 from PPC, this stuff is like fish oil without the smell and it dries like paint, clear matt finish, can be painted over after its dry, either paint or POR15.


Is it possable to flush through my sills easily? I know id be able to pump nearly anything through the roof and around the doors and inside the boot, just the sills seem fairly enclosed.

#69 _jabba_

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Posted 02 October 2006 - 10:41 PM

Well as promised, i have some pics of the firewall in colour. Turns out that the whole family was coming down this weekend so i didnt get much time to work on her, i ended up only painting the firewall because i didnt have time to fix up a couple of small areas in the door jams that i wasnt happy with but it wont be hard to blend because the guards sit over the joining areas :).

After 3 base coats
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Here's another shot before the clear went on, the colour looked amazing as soon as the clear went on.
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3 base coats, theres some gloss because the paint hadnt flashed off yet
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4 coats of clear
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While i was at my sisters place with the family i managed to escape and do some work on my chev, i pulled the sump off and fitted the oilpump - block gasket that was missed when i assembled it the first time and bolted the heads up. I would have done more but a friend borrowed my chev building book with all the torque settings in it, so head bolts are only finger tight atm.

I managed to pull the frame out from under her, ill try and get the subframe and diff removed next weekend and hopefully this time ill get the new one in place! I found some accident damage on this subframe, im kinda dissapointed because its numbers match the tags. The damage is not huge so one day i might be able to have it repaired.


#70 Bart


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Posted 02 October 2006 - 11:37 PM

Dont you have any small holes on top of your sills where you can stick a nozel through? to pump cavity wax or SW2? Or holes which are pluged up with a rubber plug?

#71 _jabba_

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Posted 02 October 2006 - 11:40 PM

The only holes i have that may let me get somthing in the sills would be the screw holes for the scuff plates. I guess i could always drill holes and plug them with grommets, id rather a few holes than a heep of rust later!

#72 Bart


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Posted 03 October 2006 - 12:36 AM

If youre going to drill holes in the sills, drill the bottom, as these can also be use as drain holes if any water get in the sills. Perhaps 4, 4mm holes, then you have to use the Wurth cavity wax as that has a thin extension nozzel/tube like WD40 tube/extension nozzel.
Buy about 4 cans and go crazy, while you at it pump it down the pillars while your roof lining is off. :spoton:

#73 _jabba_

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Posted 03 October 2006 - 08:02 AM

So if there is rust in there, will cavity wax stop it from spreading further once its covered in it?

#74 Bart


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Posted 03 October 2006 - 07:21 PM

Im not sure you have to ask one of the panel/paint guys here in the Panel and Paint section, specify the Wurth Cavity wax. :spoton:

#75 _jabba_

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Posted 07 October 2006 - 08:06 PM

Subframe is out of the monaro and the engine of the parts car is out, tomorrow ill undo the 8 bolts and walk the frame out like a big wheel barrow :D. Ill give it a good scrub and see about giving it some fresh paint while its out, pics tomorrow :).

<edit> oh yeah the banjo diff housing is also out, helped along by a 9" :blink:.

Edited by jabba, 07 October 2006 - 08:13 PM.

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