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Blow Thru turbo 202

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#126 _rb3torana_

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Posted 07 January 2013 - 04:29 PM

Thanks for the info mate, what brand of intake manifold is that? Or is it custom made? Thanks

#127 _runna_202_

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Posted 07 January 2013 - 04:58 PM

i brought it offa ebay about 5 years ago cause i liked the look of the fluient runners,unsure of the brand. But it was for a 2bbl carb,so i welded a 4 barrell one on and ive recently turned the carb sidways to try and give the fuel a better more even shot at the valve. So tell me a bit about ur ride rb3torana. thanks peter

#128 _rb3torana_

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Posted 07 January 2013 - 06:02 PM

Its a UC torana, building the trimatic at the moment for it, unsure on what converter yet, what shop built yours? Probably going for a bout a 4000rpm also. Standard open UC diff. Its got an aussiespeed 4 barrel inlet on it, 650HP holley, 450x300x76mm intercooler, 32nb steam pipe manifold, gt3582r turbo, 50mm ebay gate, camtech 238/248@50 soild, blue block, crank, rods with arp bolts, acl duralites, very mild ported 12 port blue head but with fully opened chamber (similar to hemi).

It had a saginaw 4spd for a while and ran a best of [email protected] on 15psi with 22 deg timing, but when the 12 port was stock standard, it has 8.2:1 now has 7.6:1 thanks to the chamber. Ive put 21psi through it now with 18deg and it seems much better although the auto was slipping and stock converter. Should get it to the track again once the auto is done and see how it goes. It also hasnt got an MSD on it yet. I also want to try water injection. Heres some links with some pics. Cheers



#129 _runna_202_

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Posted 07 January 2013 - 07:22 PM

nice mate,specs seem very similar to mine.Did you mod the carb youself or a brought one? Also i had a bad experience with a ebay wastegate once,it didnt open and the car went really well for a few hundred metres.lol id try the injection if i was you. Go half water half meth,it works backwards to what a lot of people think,the meth is meant to boost the octane and the water it meant to be really good at absorbing heat. ive got a snow performance water/methanol kit with the controler and you can bring it on whenever you want change the ramp rate etc so in theory you can run more timing and boost on pump gas. thanks peter

#130 _rb3torana_

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Posted 07 January 2013 - 08:04 PM

I bought the carb as a stock 650hp and modded it myself. Usually cruises in the high 13s afr and in boost usually around 12.0 I would like to be able to go richer but it surges/misses when richer because it puts the spark out. I have the PV set up on a oil pressure switch and a 3 way solenoid so that at 4psi it swaps from manifold to hat pressure to keep the PV from closing under boost at part throttle. The hat line also has a bleed valve on it so that I can lean/make richer easier (to an extent). It also has vent tube extensions on it to make it richer. Do you run water? Any before and after results?

#131 _runna_202_

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Posted 08 January 2013 - 06:14 PM

awesome stuff. ive been wanting to try some vent tube extentions,heard good things everyone says once you run them you need to pull fuel out of it. Yeah i run half water half meth,i dont really have any before and after results but id like to see how much it pulls the intake air temp down, i just put it on to try and ward off detonation. thanks peter

#132 _rb3torana_

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Posted 08 January 2013 - 08:36 PM

What pump setup do you have for the water/meth? Pre-turbo or before carb? Have you got an intercooler? Yeah the vent tube extension work awesome, I made mine out of 5/16 steel fuel line bent facing incoming air, just pushed into carb, then brazed together with a little single flare on the ends. I had 99 rear jets making it just rich enough now I have 78 and its still a little rich. I didnt change the primary jets or PV which are already drilled to 80". It also depends on the hat design to how much extra fuel the extension will deliver. Im running a spectra hat which isnt overly efficient. Cheers

#133 _runna_202_

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Posted 09 January 2013 - 07:28 PM

im running the snow performance water/meth kit,it comes with pump, resovior,controller,selection of nozels. Its a proper designed for a purpose thing,takes all the guess work out of the homemade systems that a lot of guys use. im currently running the nozel in the hat approx about 6inch from the butterflys and on the torana im planning on running another nozel pre-turbo to help aid with better cooling again. No i dont run an intercooler,never have i try and keep the pipework as short as possible for quicker spool. Ive also got a e85 carb im going to use next time around which will hopfully help again with keeping the intake air temps down,i drove around with the 85 carb on the hr for a while and the engine ran about 10deg cooler and the intake manifold was always cool to touch so thats only going to be a good thing with a boosted application. Jump on the summit racing website and type in 'snowperformance' and there should be a few kits pop up. thanks peter.

#134 _runna_202_

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Posted 12 January 2013 - 03:05 PM

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im out of bends for the manifold so i thought i do a bit on the head. its a closed chamber 9port for a aspirated combo

#135 _runna_202_

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Posted 12 January 2013 - 03:09 PM

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intakes are almost done i just going to finish them with 80 grit cartrige roll

#136 _runna_202_

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Posted 12 January 2013 - 03:14 PM

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chambers almost finished

#137 _runna_202_

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Posted 12 January 2013 - 03:18 PM

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its hard to take a photo of the shortside but gives you a bit of an idea,this is where the powers made and lost.hehe

#138 _runna_202_

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Posted 12 January 2013 - 03:46 PM

Ive ported the few holden 6 heads now and just done one for a fello forum member for his everday streeter,its was nothing flash had a bowl job,short turn,chamber work i left the port size standard as i tryed to inhance air speed and also 9 ports inherently have a large port from stock specialy with the boss removed. So we put in on a mates sf600 flow bench and it went 185 @ 500'' which is about 285hp in flow potential. We were both pretty stoked with that and the engine the heads on is only hyd cammed it seems to go really well. If anyones interested in getting a holden head ported for a street car,race car,turbo, nitrous supercharged pm me.

#139 _rb3torana_

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Posted 13 January 2013 - 10:35 AM

Nice work, what size valves are they? How much comp are you going for? Cheers

#140 _runna_202_

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Posted 14 January 2013 - 05:17 PM

the intake is 1.68' and i cant remember the zorst. Im havnt calculated the comp yet but the chamber was 37cc before i started porting and ive unshrouded and layed it back a bit now so not sure havnt re-checked,i think the comps gonna be up there though. This heads for a na setup not the turbo one. rb3torana have you go any pics of your head?porting,different port shapes interests the hell out of me. cheers pete.

#141 _rb3torana_

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Posted 14 January 2013 - 07:25 PM

I havent got a finished pic of the head, I got abit too keen and put it on before pics lol. But heres some during the early stages. Basically all that changed was polished the chambers, did the short turn on both inlet and exhaust and straighten the inlet a tiny bit barely worth mentioning. Also ground the air injection bossed flat on the exhausts. Stock valves. I dought that the head would even flow 140-150cfm lol. Chambers were 62-63cc. Cheers

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Edited by rb3torana, 14 January 2013 - 07:27 PM.

#142 _runna_202_

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Posted 15 January 2013 - 07:17 PM

looks good mate. how does the motor run without quench? the 265 hemis seem to perform well like that. Its good to see you are doing the work yourself mate,its pretty satisfying i recon. cheers peter

#143 _rb3torana_

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Posted 15 January 2013 - 08:32 PM

Yeah I think it is a little slower down low but still runs well, have been able to run more boost/timing this way also. Id say more benifited from chamber design than the lower comp. Cheers

#144 _ljxu1torana_

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Posted 15 January 2013 - 10:49 PM

Yeah I think it is a little slower down low but still runs well, have been able to run more boost/timing this way also. Id say more benifited from chamber design than the lower comp. Cheers

what type of valves are you using?thanks jason.

#145 _rb3torana_

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Posted 16 January 2013 - 11:49 AM

Standard size black valves. (black as in the material) Cheers

#146 _ljxu1torana_

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Posted 16 January 2013 - 05:18 PM

Standard size black valves. (black as in the material) Cheers

if you are going to all of this trouble and only putting the stanard black valves back in,you may as well left the head stanard.use the biggest STAINLESS STEEL valves for the head.thanks jason.

#147 _runna_202_

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Posted 16 January 2013 - 07:29 PM

if you are going to all of this trouble and only putting the stanard black valves back in,you may as well left the head stanard.use the biggest STAINLESS STEEL valves for the head.thanks jason.

why? stock blue valve do handle some punishment and are loads bigger than stock red ones. 'use the biggest ss valves', really how much bigger do think you think you can go before you run into shrouding issues and then the coeficient of the vavle is up to sh&t?? any improvment you can do in your shed for free is a plus in my books. peter

#148 _rb3torana_

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Posted 16 January 2013 - 09:10 PM

Obviously going a little larger stainless valves would be better. The only reason I used stock new valves was because the head was in good condition so I thought I may as-well just cut the seats and put new valves in it. It still did 113.5mph with a stock head :). I felt like having a play with the head so I did the chamber mod and gave it a very quick port job. Will have to see how it goes at the track next time. Thanks

#149 _ljxu1torana_

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Posted 16 January 2013 - 09:53 PM

why? stock blue valve do handle some punishment and are loads bigger than stock red ones. 'use the biggest ss valves', really how much bigger do think you think you can go before you run into shrouding issues and then the coeficient of the vavle is up to sh&t?? any improvment you can do in your shed for free is a plus in my books. peter

if that you want to do things the right way you only do it once.why use stainless valves is for the heat transfer.if you use black valves they wont last as long if you are going to put some decent boost behind it.i should of taken a picture of my head before it was put on the engine.the exhaust valves looks the size of a 50 cent coin to the intake valve looks like the size of a 10 cent coin. my valves are stainless steel.Valve sizes do make a fair bit of difference for performance.thanks jason.

#150 _runna_202_

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Posted 17 January 2013 - 05:49 PM

Obviously going a little larger stainless valves would be better. The only reason I used stock new valves was because the head was in good condition so I thought I may as-well just cut the seats and put new valves in it. It still did 113.5mph with a stock head :). I felt like having a play with the head so I did the chamber mod and gave it a very quick port job. Will have to see how it goes at the track next time. Thanks

thats and awesome mph for a stock head. id like to see a draw-through strata set-up do that on the same boost.cheers peter

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