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4 door to 2 door conversion

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#76 _AD_75_

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Posted 12 February 2010 - 11:35 AM

Keep at it mate! dont let the panic mongers stop you from finishing an interesting project! it might need engineer approval later on but you can still do the work and present it for inspection later when you are ready. :spoton:

#77 Neils LX

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Posted 12 February 2010 - 11:42 AM


I understand its already has current rego but if the cops pulled you over in it after you covert the car where would you stand?

Dont take offence, heaps of people would love the idea there just looking out for you its your car and you do whatever you want to it.

Keep posting, your not a idiot as its still a great idea and i do like it, please post more pics as you go.

Chears Neil

#78 _alex.james_

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Posted 12 February 2010 - 12:54 PM


I love this idea as 2 door 6cly bodys are around but 4 cy 2 door shells and 6cly 4 door shell seem to pop up all the time.

I looked on this thread
and looking at the pics the body has bugger all behind the front doors as far as if your going to get t boned

Looking in old street machine mags showed a EA 4 door being converted into a 2 door using little else than the old rear doors welded in however they had a engineer from day one.

I would agree that its prob best to see if you can get it regoed before you get stuck having to undo anything.

But i love what you have done and worst comes to worst in sure you could use some ebay XU1 tags and rego it
(just kidding)

Chears Neil

I would agree that its prob best to see if you can get it regoed before you get stuck having to undo anything.

it is allready regoed.....

inide rear 1/4 /door..will have the old skin welden back in..
the B pillar wil be reinforced..3mm plate.
and will the sills as they are rusty....

i never new i had so many freinds..
thanks again lads....

dont worry so much i,m not an idiot...been doing it for years....
first time i have bothered to post anything and the last...

Please don't stop the updates, this is a damn interesting project and I really want to see how it turns out. I don't think anyone was calling you an idiot but rather just trying to express their opinion on legalities to be careful of & maybe got a bit carried away.

#79 _vintageholden_

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Posted 12 February 2010 - 05:43 PM


I love this idea as 2 door 6cly bodys are around but 4 cy 2 door shells and 6cly 4 door shell seem to pop up all the time.

I looked on this thread
and looking at the pics the body has bugger all behind the front doors as far as if your going to get t boned

Looking in old street machine mags showed a EA 4 door being converted into a 2 door using little else than the old rear doors welded in however they had a engineer from day one.

I would agree that its prob best to see if you can get it regoed before you get stuck having to undo anything.

But i love what you have done and worst comes to worst in sure you could use some ebay XU1 tags and rego it
(just kidding)

Chears Neil

I would agree that its prob best to see if you can get it regoed before you get stuck having to undo anything.

it is allready regoed.....

inide rear 1/4 /door..will have the old skin welden back in..
the B pillar wil be reinforced..3mm plate.
and will the sills as they are rusty....

i never new i had so many freinds..
thanks again lads....

dont worry so much i,m not an idiot...been doing it for years....
first time i have bothered to post anything and the last...

Please don't stop the updates, this is a damn interesting project and I really want to see how it turns out. I don't think anyone was calling you an idiot but rather just trying to express their opinion on legalities to be careful of & maybe got a bit carried away.

O.K lads
sit back and enjoy the show
more photos soon
rear 1/4 nearly finished...

#80 TerrA LX

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Posted 12 February 2010 - 06:19 PM

Apologies to vintageholden, I made comment so as to see how you anticipted getting it passed for rego, I did not intend for you to feel like an idiot.

#81 _torriechick_

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Posted 12 February 2010 - 06:41 PM

Im looking forward to this! :spoton:

#82 _Gunmetal LH_

_Gunmetal LH_
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Posted 12 February 2010 - 09:06 PM

I like it! Looking good so far.

One thing that stands out to me is the B pillar on a 2 door isn't as chunky as the 4 door B pillar. Do you have the rear window to check for fit?

If you reinforced the roof and the 'rear door' area could you have a smaller/thinner B pillar? The front edge of the rear window looks like the biggest difference.

Need more pics...

Engineering-wise I have no idea except that you might be OK if the body rigidity is the same or better.

Edited by Gunmetal LH, 12 February 2010 - 09:08 PM.

#83 Heath


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Posted 12 February 2010 - 09:31 PM

Meh they're just jealous because they can't build a car like you can!

hehehehe I'm not going to make any wild speculations about the difficulty of getting this car registered, but I definitely don't believe it would be impossible, because it gets done a fair bit. I would agree that the right way to do it would be speaking to an engineer as soon as possible. You may need to add extra bracing, but making it as structurally sound as an original one should not be a hard task!

Everyone wants to see it come together, despite half of them coming across like discouraging arseholes

Don't let it discourage you from posting, everyone cops un-necessary shit on the internet, but just stick at it!

#84 _TRRANA_

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Posted 13 February 2010 - 02:50 PM

Its funny how you see jeeps and combi vans getting around with no doors at all.....

Edited by TRRANA, 13 February 2010 - 02:53 PM.

#85 _niterida_

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Posted 13 February 2010 - 03:16 PM

Its funny how you see jeeps and combi vans getting around with no doors at all.....

Probably because 4WD / Commercial vehicles come under different ADR's ??

But yeah the laws suck - you've gotta have all this crash protection in vehicles but you can just go out and buy a motorbike..................

Vintageholden - did you find an engineer ? Here is a link to the list of engineers from Licensing : Engineers I used Dan Pitic from Endracon to get a Starwagon 4WD engineered with a V6 Commodore motor and he was very accommodating - if you know what i mean :-)

Personally can't see this mod being any trouble whatsoever to get rego'd since you are just replicating a factory car anyway.

#86 wot179


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Posted 13 February 2010 - 04:19 PM

What ADRs are there for an LJ to meet?

#87 _BATHURST-32D_

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Posted 13 February 2010 - 05:13 PM

just put a set of 2 door tags on it and weld the inner number in and be done with it,,,
i built a ute out of a 4 door lc and never looked at rego or roadworthy,, but the new owner has it legaly on the road now.

cheers gong

#88 brocks72xu1


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Posted 13 February 2010 - 07:31 PM

i built a ute out of a 4 door lc and never looked at rego or roadworthy,, but the new owner has it legaly on the road now.

cheers gong

hi john
i remember that car well as it was the first torana fest i attended, was well built and sure look the part,stood out like aussie in china town.
a credit to you as you sure know how to build cars mate
cheers grant

#89 S pack

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Posted 14 February 2010 - 09:27 AM

Never once called you an idiot, reckon you got guts to take on such a project, but maybe you've let your enthusiasm for this project take over. And yes there are ADR's for vehicle safety and emissions control that apply to all passenger vehicles built 1969 onwards.
Check out www.dpi.wa.gov.au/licensing/1412.asp#3 (if you haven't already) to find out more about the modified vehicle approval process in WA.
It should be possible to legally register & drive your car in WA if you follow the correct approval process.
Good luck

#90 _Barman_

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Posted 14 February 2010 - 08:03 PM

Wow what a thread...
so ive got a 4 door LJ is there a shop that can make it a 2 door? and what sort of dollars would it cost?
the car owes me zip and 2doors are so much cooler the 4door taxis,
good luck with conversion, shame your not closer id give you mine to do aswell,
cheers Baz

#91 Ice



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Posted 14 February 2010 - 08:58 PM

Keep at it keith dont listen to the knockers it will get licenced no probs.G

#92 _BATHURST-32D_

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Posted 15 February 2010 - 06:04 AM

Wow what a thread...
so ive got a 4 door LJ is there a shop that can make it a 2 door? and what sort of dollars would it cost?
the car owes me zip and 2doors are so much cooler the 4door taxis,
good luck with conversion, shame your not closer id give you mine to do aswell,
cheers Baz

yes i can too easy.
cheers gong

#93 _vintageholden_

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Posted 15 February 2010 - 12:38 PM

Its funny how you see jeeps and combi vans getting around with no doors at all.....

and convertables with no B pillars
no one called me an idiot
just a lot of negative comments got to me

Edited by vintageholden, 15 February 2010 - 12:40 PM.

#94 GML-31


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Posted 15 February 2010 - 02:02 PM

I cant see a thing wrong with what you are doing, it will probably be a lot stronger than half the bogged up 2 doors still on the road.
People are quick to criticize what they are not capable of taking on themselves.
Keep at it mate, its projects like yours that make me keep coming here otherwise i would have pissed off long ago.

#95 _LXATIV_

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Posted 15 February 2010 - 02:40 PM

Always wanted a two door Lj/Lc and maybe this is the cheapest way around it. Top idea mate. Should be a cracker

#96 _BATHURST-32D_

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Posted 15 February 2010 - 05:11 PM

well said kev.
cheers gong

#97 _vintageholden_

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Posted 19 February 2010 - 06:36 PM

Posted Image

rear 1/4 windows fit nice
B pillar still a bit more work

Posted Image

#98 rodomo


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Posted 19 February 2010 - 06:44 PM

Coming up well! :spoton:
Are you doing both sides at once or one at a time? :huh:

#99 _pipjones_

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Posted 19 February 2010 - 07:24 PM

well done mate its a credit to you..cheers..phil

#100 Stinga



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Posted 19 February 2010 - 07:39 PM

bloody great job.. im sure you will have many people looking at their 4 doors with evil ideas. should leave the other side as a four door just to confuse people!! kidding, look forward to seeing it progress

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