I have had them up before on other threads but not as a separate topic.
These rims look the part but have had the centre taken out and had almost 1/2 an inch machined off the centre band and then have been welded back in to a std GTS rim to an offset the same as an L34 or A9X.
I have put them together with a original L34 rim I have, to help show the difference.
The rim on the L34 has a 1 inch spacing on the centre band same as a GTS, where as the machined one is less than 1/2 an inch wide.
The original also has a wider flat section in the centre of the rim to allow for the different offset.
The difference from the front view is hardly noticeable.
Some one may try to pass them off as genuine rims and may take advantage of any body who was not aware of their origin.
This is the Machined rim

This is the genuine rim

This is the machined rim
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This is the L34 Rim

Machined and L34 together
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