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Torana Masters [QLD]

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#51 _draglc_

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Posted 08 June 2006 - 09:34 PM

i cant believe you mob are going to pay $150 to just park your car!

At least at muscle car shootout i paid $200 and got to race my car for 2 days!


#52 _NRV051_

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Posted 09 June 2006 - 05:45 AM

Andrew Andrew Andrew there are driving events luanch comp etc. But for me it is mainly to get the Lj on the dyno for some baseline data. Plus there are some organised cruises etc. I wont be letting the car sit still for to long if possible. If that happens for extebded periods of time I will be driving home.

#53 _possessed_

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Posted 13 June 2006 - 06:56 PM

We will be going for the weekend and i think enties have to be in by the end of the month or you dont get the t-shirts, it should be good to be out and about with a large group of Toranas looking good.

#54 _MRNOS_

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Posted 13 June 2006 - 06:59 PM

Yep entries need to be in by the end of June, and there's lots more than just parking your car for the day!

#55 _smiley_

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Posted 13 June 2006 - 07:20 PM

i cant believe you mob are going to pay $150 to just park your car!

At least at muscle car shootout i paid $200 and got to race my car for 2 days!


Each to their own Andrew,
If you were to hit the wall out racing or write it off your excess would be more than $150 and to find and acquire replacement parts for a rebuild at ebay prices ,well we all know that answer there $$$$$$$ :<_<:

#56 _draglc_

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Posted 13 June 2006 - 08:22 PM

Mate crashing is the last thing u think about trust me. And i dont drive beyond my capabilities. But what i said is just a personal opinion, hope you guys have fun!


#57 _MRNOS_

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Posted 15 June 2006 - 07:29 PM

Well there's about 4 weeks to go...and it looks like my car won't be ready in time, due to moving house, my daughters birthday and a few other things, I dont want to rush the paint job so looks like i'll only be a spectator :furious: , so unless I can hitch a ride with some1 I wont even be there in a Torana...not happy!!!

#58 _NRV051_

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Posted 20 June 2006 - 06:18 AM

Looks like we will be a no show also now. That sucks, we just had to buy a new fridge (old one shit it self), new computer (old one shit itself), and I have issues with the daily driver also. More priorities around the house also at the moment, and at the moment work can send me away for a week at the drop of the hat. Will try to get there as a specy though.

#59 _rorym_

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Posted 27 June 2006 - 10:57 PM

We are out too..on analizing it, $150 for a show and shine and a road drive is not our thing at the moment, the money is going to Speed On Tweed entry 17th Sept so if you Gold Coast/Brisbane guys want to see the beast in action it will be Murwillumbah . Wide Bay races changed our view like A1 on what is our scene.

#60 _MRNOS_

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Posted 28 June 2006 - 07:27 AM

Hey Rory seeing that i'm giving the masters a miss, I might bring the GTR to Speed On Tweed can you send me a link for entry into the event?

#61 torry nut

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Posted 28 June 2006 - 08:17 AM

I 'm in the same boat!

My car won't be ready either due to the multitude of dodgeys that I am having to fix from the previous owner of my car!

Besides the only $150 I would spend at the parklands is for a Big Day Out ticket! (not that they are that much anyway)

I was planning on being a spectator at the event but it seems that there isn't to many going from here

Does anybody know how many entries they haver ???

L :spoton:

#62 _smiley_

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Posted 28 June 2006 - 08:20 AM

Is anyone from here going to this event :<_<:

#63 _pallbag_

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Posted 28 June 2006 - 01:38 PM

I'm in for spectacting only, will be trying my hand at Casino later tho, hehehe.

#64 _rorym_

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Posted 28 June 2006 - 05:45 PM


#65 _smiley_

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Posted 28 June 2006 - 05:49 PM

Do I count that as a NO Rory? you won`t be going!!!!

#66 _rorym_

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Posted 28 June 2006 - 06:04 PM

Yeah its probably not us at the moment. I must admit after 2 hours at Norwell I was looking to do something else. I will be down as a spectator though.

#67 _draglc_

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Posted 28 June 2006 - 08:15 PM


Glad you all came to your senses :rockon:


#68 _smiley_

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Posted 28 June 2006 - 08:25 PM

I should go and clean up on the day,as it looks like I`ll be the only one attending :<_<:

#69 _MRNOS_

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Posted 29 June 2006 - 08:50 AM

I'll be there as a spectator only...just gotta find a ride for the cruise

#70 enderwigginau


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Posted 30 June 2006 - 11:08 PM

We'll be there but one car only (and the rodeo for Seth to ride in)
If the GTR goes on the cruise you can ask Kel nicely Darren.

Still gotta talk her into letting me take it in the launch comp.


#71 _smiley_

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Posted 30 June 2006 - 11:09 PM

Sorry to be the one to ask the question we are all wanting to ask,but how do you own all these cars and not want to show any of them off to the public?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? :<_<:

#72 _NRV051_

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Posted 01 July 2006 - 06:55 AM

Definatley a no show now as the Statesman decided to snap the diff carrier in half which caused the rear springs to colapse, in turn causing damage to the dff centre and output shaft. Dam IRS cars. So add the new fridge, new weed wacker, new computer and fixing the car we have now officially spent $3500 in tyhe last three weeks. Dam I hate things and stuff. Plus on top off that just before all this shit broke we spent $1500 on the interior for the LJ and $400 getting the door repainted espicially for the Torrie masters. so that takes us to over $5000 for the last couple of months.


#73 _MRNOS_

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Posted 01 July 2006 - 07:49 AM

Sorry to be the one to ask the question we are all wanting to ask,but how do you own all these cars and not want to show any of them off to the public?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? :<_<:

Smiley here's how the car's are at the moment, The 308 LC when I got it was OK, but I really wanted to have it looking better for the Masters, so the body work was started and was finished ready to paint, which looked like it was going to be ready for the masters, but due to a last minute move of house that has delayed the progress somewhat!, it really would have only left about a week between the car being finished and the Masters so the choice was made to not rush the job and get the car done the right way..The LJ GTR that I have when bought needed rust repairs-not minor 1's so its not really driveable, and its getting a V8 transplant so once again time and money, And car number 3 The other LC GTR I paid $100 for this car so you can imagine the amount of work required for this 1-enough said, Trust me I want to be showing these cars off....but not in their current state, the 308 LC should be done just after the masters thats when it'll be cruising on club runs!! :D
PS Who are you in the club??????????, I thought I knew but not sure :blink:

#74 GML-31


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Posted 01 July 2006 - 08:38 AM

coming up fast ... will be a great weekend... saturday will be a blast for the torries and sunday will be a top day with all the old skool cars there...

#75 _possessed_

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Posted 01 July 2006 - 03:23 PM

Kev your ass is grass in the launch comp and my hatch is the mower, OK my wife's hatch. See ya's there.

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