Sorry Toranamat69; comments like:
"Certainly not something I would do to my car irrespective how good it looks" is a seemingly pious opinion regardless of the sentiment behind it will only be seen as the same when couched in such terms. Further, the initial question was posed by me - the response was made to me by the thread starter, and contrary to your opinion that because the question and response was posted on line it invited every man and his dog to respond - the question was not posted by the thread owner, not directed to anyone other than the thread starter and the response by the thread started was not made directly, by implication or otherwise to anyone other than the person who asked the darned question - no where is there an invitation from all and sundry to offer up their opinions and criticisms. Bit like folks turning up at birthday bashes because the event is mentioned on Facetube really.
Having said thtis, I do 'get' that forums of this ilk provide a tacit degree 'buy in' from the community into which it is posted - absolutely no issues there, but let's look to posts by ls2lxhatch, benno81 and more recently GunmetalLH as examples of folks having concerns but posting suggestions/remedies. It's easy to snipe - jeepers I am also guilty of it, possibly including this missive - but how about some 'buy in' rom yourself, ie; 'this is what I reckon an this is how you could overcome it or not' and opposed to out-and-out TJF? This is a great thread and lets both cease this my dog is blacker than your's bravado hey

Derrin, It looks good...make that great.
Another milestone getting the panels on it.
Keep us posted on what next - very interested in how you tackle the front end - for sure I will have a few 'doh' moments when I see how you did things. I wish I was a tad behind your build as opposed to in front all this time as your efforts would be a very good example. Having said that, I am sure I will indeed fall behind in the near future and so can thereby watch and learn.
Sorry to highjack your thread - I had a genuine question - you gave an honest response and in the fall-out we got a degree of elitism (I know better than you and enjoy telling you the same sentiment). Whilst I think all of those opinions were given with the very best of intentions, nevertheless it was naive of me not to have expected some of what followed - my bad and sorry. Again, whilst I haven't a clue let alone an educated opinion as to the engineering pro's or con's of your chassis rail mod - I reckon it looks great and is very clever.
Cheers, TB