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hatch project

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#251 ls2lxhatch


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Posted 24 January 2012 - 09:38 PM

I think that if someone sees a modification made on this forum that they think could cause problems then they should point it out. If it turns out they are wrong then there is no real harm done. If they are right then it is valuable information.

I find it difficult to understand how an engineer would not conclude that the strength of the chassis rail has been comprised.

If strength of the chassis rail has been comprised now is the time to find out while the car is unpainted and in pieces. You can not rely on that fact that other people have done the same modification. It is possible that they have also done other work you are not aware of to strengthen the chassis rail or maybe it just hasn't failed yet.

#252 racean69


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Posted 26 January 2012 - 11:15 PM

Love ya work mate .

Carn't wait to see some paint

#253 derrin71


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Posted 27 January 2012 - 08:51 AM

Paint will be at least a month away. I still have plenty of things to keep me busy in the meantime. I will keep the updates coming.

#254 derrin71


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Posted 30 January 2012 - 07:55 PM

Finished work for a week so i have a bit of spare time, especially since it's raining.
Gave my home powdercoating kit a bit of a test run, i coated a couple of bumper brackets in mid gloss black.
Turned out pretty good i think.

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Before i get asked, the kit is an Eastwood one, i got it from Jeggs in the states along with a heap of other stuff like fuel and brake lines etc.
You strip whatever you are going to coat down to bare metal, spray it with the powder and then bake in an oven at 230 degrees for about 30 minutes.
If you google 'Eastwook powdercoating kit' there is a video on how it works.

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I bought an old stove for $25 from the local recycling shop, you can't use the one in the kitchen as the process contaminates it and you can never cook food in it again.

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My new hoist also arrived today, it probably won't go up until after the car is painted as i need to move the body to do it.

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#255 _Greg313662_

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Posted 30 January 2012 - 08:55 PM

Great thread/posts, GREAT car, AWESOME work and you lucky focker you got a hoist?!!!

My SS 5.0 Litre is almost ready to think about paint n panel although I'm seriously looking at shortcuts and lots of bog to get it ready for my wedding in September. I don't understand fellas giving you flak about how you have gone about your build, some of us may NEVER have the luxury of a bare metal, rottiserie paint job.

Hell, mine has crush spots where jacks and bush bashing have had their effect on the underside. At one stage the fella that drag raced mine boxed the lower trailing arms with 1/2 inch plate...fully welded along their length!!!! He also cut a 6 inch notch out of the gutter that runs across the top of the firewall and a HUGE hole in the passenger side of the transmission tunnel that had the edges just folded over like he made cuts like an X and just peeled it open!!! I'm just going to have to cover these up or live with them the best I can.

So I guess I'm just trying to say that some have the time, resources and patience to do what you have and others will just have to make do. To those that may pick the eyes out of your project, maybe they've got an SS, SL/R, XU1, L34 or an A9X and feel they can take the higher ground but most people have got SHIT!! You've got a TORANA mate. One of the most legendary and successful Australian muscle cars of all time. And it's YOURS!!

I have heard more than once a young apprentice say "what's a Torana?" or " Geez your Barina goes hard" and I pity most fellas who haven't driven or witnessed what owning a Torana is all about and for a Torana owner on this forum to bag another is just...well...GAY!!

Keep up the fantastic work mate, sorry for the rant if it offends (eats ars3 that I might have to say that these days) and most of all...keep up the posts, they give us low budget fellas something to drool over. Can't wait to see the end result.


#256 _Liam_

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Posted 30 January 2012 - 09:03 PM

Great thread/posts, GREAT car, AWESOME work and you lucky focker you got a hoist?!!!

My SS 5.0 Litre is almost ready to think about paint n panel although I'm seriously looking at shortcuts and lots of bog to get it ready for my wedding in September. I don't understand fellas giving you flak about how you have gone about your build, some of us may NEVER have the luxury of a bare metal, rottiserie paint job.

Hell, mine has crush spots where jacks and bush bashing have had their effect on the underside. At one stage the fella that drag raced mine boxed the lower trailing arms with 1/2 inch plate...fully welded along their length!!!! He also cut a 6 inch notch out of the gutter that runs across the top of the firewall and a HUGE hole in the passenger side of the transmission tunnel that had the edges just folded over like he made cuts like an X and just peeled it open!!! I'm just going to have to cover these up or live with them the best I can.

So I guess I'm just trying to say that some have the time, resources and patience to do what you have and others will just have to make do. To those that may pick the eyes out of your project, maybe they've got an SS, SL/R, XU1, L34 or an A9X and feel they can take the higher ground but most people have got SHIT!! You've got a TORANA mate. One of the most legendary and successful Australian muscle cars of all time. And it's YOURS!!

I have heard more than once a young apprentice say "what's a Torana?" or " Geez your Barina goes hard" and I pity most fellas who haven't driven or witnessed what owning a Torana is all about and for a Torana owner on this forum to bag another is just...well...GAY!!

Keep up the fantastic work mate, sorry for the rant if it offends (eats ars3 that I might have to say that these days) and most of all...keep up the posts, they give us low budget fellas something to drool over. Can't wait to see the end result.


I don't think anyone has actually had a go at Derrin, I'd like for someone to point out if there is a potential flaw in my ideas/work as well.

As far as I can ascertain, the only one close was Terra asking if he owned a hammer/dolly.

I think the emotionless medium aka text writing, made it sound a lot worse than it is.

#257 _Greg313662_

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Posted 31 January 2012 - 10:31 AM

Yeah you're most probably right Torry freak, a few beers and being a newbie I wouldn't know who's who or if their mates. Just seemed like he's copped a fair amount of criticism throughout the thread and I wasn't convinced it was all constructive. But yeah you're right "I think the emotionless medium aka text writing, made it sound a lot worse than it is."

And yeah sorry for the rant, sober ish in the morning and that's exactly what it looks like!!

#258 derrin71


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Posted 31 January 2012 - 12:50 PM

Thanks for the encouragement fellas.
I aways stick to the rule of no texting, phone calls or comments on websites when under the influence.
No chance of getting in trouble or p......g people off.

#259 _Greg313662_

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Posted 31 January 2012 - 02:39 PM

Yeah good point, thanks Derrin. It really was meant as encouragement in a round-about, heavy handed, makes-little-sense kinda way. I'm surprised I could still type!

Anyway, will take your lead and try to keep away from the PC when inebriated.

Thanks for letting us into your build, keep 'em comin.

#260 _Gunmetal LH_

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Posted 01 February 2012 - 01:42 PM

Like that powdercoating kit! I never thought of even looking for one before now?

That bonnet lines up with the guards beautifully! Big scary hammer worked well!

#261 derrin71


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Posted 04 February 2012 - 02:44 PM

A couple of deliveries arrived during the week.
My 9 inch, 3.5 ratio, tru trac, 28 spline axles.

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I decided aganst the borg warner for a few reasons, the one i have is 4.11 ratio (too low), it has only 25 spline axles and i can't get suitable disc rotors.

My stroker kit also arrived from COME, the pistons went straight to the machine shop as they want to measure them before they bore the block.

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I have just arrived home after a trip to the Toowoomba swap meet. Spent up big buying a heap of stuff i needed.

#262 Tyre biter

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Posted 05 February 2012 - 08:29 PM

Go you good thing Derrin - Must be killing you that you can't put it all in just yet?
Tell us, what did you score at that swap meet?
Cheers, TB

#263 _LXSS350_

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Posted 06 February 2012 - 03:29 AM

If you want another way to do the rails without the Kframe holes and lip and keep ridgity,integity and strenght then you could always look at Yep 427's solution. Very very neat (awesome build) and being triangulated its still very strong.

Most people take the lip off because of the limited exhaust room.

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#264 derrin71


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Posted 06 February 2012 - 06:18 AM

At Toowoomba i bought a heap of stuff. All of the rubbers, blinkers and tailights, a heap of nuts, bolts and clips, plenum drain pipes etc.

#265 derrin71


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Posted 11 February 2012 - 06:17 PM

Finished my diff off today, welded a couple of brackets to take the brake lines. Cleaned up some of the welding. Painted the housing and brake brackets. Made up some new brake lines and also blasted and painted the springs and shocks silver.

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Hopefully get some more done tomorrow.

Edited by derrin71, 11 February 2012 - 06:18 PM.

#266 _sjp67m_

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Posted 11 February 2012 - 08:08 PM

How did you strip the body ? Paint stripper or sandblast ?

#267 derrin71


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Posted 11 February 2012 - 08:18 PM

To strip the paint i used a combination of wire wheels, scouring pads and sanding discs. It wasnt too bad as i only did one panel at a time.

#268 _sjp67m_

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Posted 11 February 2012 - 08:22 PM

And what primer did you use ?
Are you painting it in 2pack paint ?
I've just started a project now

#269 derrin71


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Posted 11 February 2012 - 08:36 PM

When doing the body work i used single pack etch primer.
The final primer will be 2 pack high build.
The final colour will be done in 2 pack.

#270 _sjp67m_

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Posted 11 February 2012 - 08:40 PM

Is etch primer compatible with 2 pack ?

#271 derrin71


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Posted 11 February 2012 - 09:06 PM

I know mine is , just ask your paint shop.

#272 _A9XOSS_

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Posted 11 February 2012 - 09:17 PM

hey who did your diff ? looks like a great job, top mount brackets look same as the ones on my new 9 inch.
which should be ready very very soon.

#273 derrin71


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Posted 11 February 2012 - 09:30 PM

G&J Diffs in Victoria. Very pleased with their work.

#274 _Liam_

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Posted 11 February 2012 - 10:30 PM

How much was the Diff Derrin? Looks awesome.

#275 derrin71


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Posted 12 February 2012 - 11:33 AM

$3750 including freight. Delivered within 14 days of order.

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