Posted 31 March 2010 - 11:45 AM
Meanwhile back in the shed, while looking at the stereo components that I had all leftover from my UC Hatch I decided I'd start measuring up the boot for the stereo install. Figured I could start on that while I had all the parts, and had nothing else to do while saving $$ for the Panel Beating.
I had discovered that in the tyre well on one side was sitting up higher than the other. So I banged it, it wobbled and immediately grabbed the screwdriver and stabbed it. Much to my anger, I had found the whole left hand rear quarter panel was just Sikaflex molded to look like the panel and painted over top. I think I ended up swearing a few thousand times, and cursing whatever JockSteve who previously owned the car before my father. Gotta love backyard wannabe panel beaters don't ya?! *curses* Tried to just scrape the Sikaflex out, but it doesn't get you in the end I took to it with the angle grinder and cut the entire piece out.
Didn't really wanna dig around on the other side in case I found more dodgy PB skills, so I had gone down and purchased 2x new rear quarter panels from Rare Spares for both sides. Already had the beaver panel replacement for a previous Torana I had which didn't end up getting used. And threw them in the backseat of the Torana and left it for awhile.
Eventually I calmed down a couple of weeks later, and decided to contact every PB South of Perth I could find, even a couple in Perth too (out of probably the 80 PB's I had contacted 5-8 of them would actually touch the rust). I was roughly quoted around the $4-5k mark. Back to the slow process of saving even harder for the rust to be done. Finally, a mate of mine who owned a Panel Beating shop had contacted me, asking if I still needed the work done on the Torana. Of course I said yes, but however couldn't afford to pay for it. He explained he was selling up, and to just bring it in with everything I wanted done marked out in white texta. I did as he asked, and away he went working on her. She spent a total of 2 months at the Panel Beaters, where he worked on her in his spare time. I was also in no rush for it to retire back to it's garage.

L/H rear quarter panel welded in.

Luckily, the R/H rear quarter didn't need to be replaced. He just re-welded a little bit of it where the rust was starting to go through the previous weld.

These holes were plated and then bogged. You can also see that I had all the studs for the chrome strips grinded off and had the hole for the Antenna plated/welded too (as there is already one on the roof, which was just easier to leave there instead of risking warping the roof in trying to weld that).

Had noticed a 50c coin sized bubble in the pillar the week it went to the PB, didn't bother digging it out. Instead, drew a huge circle around it with an arrow saying 'have a look at this'. PB rung and told me that it was indeed a huge rust hole that he plated/welded as well.
Edited by 76_LX, 31 March 2010 - 11:58 AM.