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Project reHATCHed

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#51 _Rana Girl_

_Rana Girl_
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Posted 01 October 2010 - 07:46 PM

thanks Patch...

getting closer now almost all the rust nailed finally :rockon:

colour dunno had a couple of false starts with thinking we had people lined up to paint it not turning up to look at the job when they said they would or not ending up being interested but think we've got onto the right track with someone now who's been and looked once and coming back over the weekend (hopefully) to do a quote so getting closer... but then I might have to keep it under wraps a bit once it's done anyway cause will be a while before we have funds to do interior dunno yet if I'll reveal the paint too much till she's close to being back together :lol:

#52 _Rana Girl_

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Posted 03 October 2010 - 10:11 PM

how long will it be till we some colour on it???

Got a rough quote done today if we go with this fella he said be a couple of months before he could make a start and then he'd need her for a couple of months so all going to plan maybe be in paint about Feb

#53 _patch_

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Posted 04 October 2010 - 03:57 PM

yea nice thats not to bad

#54 _LXJET_

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Posted 05 October 2010 - 08:20 PM

Well done.. keep up the good work.. Your hatch is pretty much like mine with the rust.. you are a little ahead though.. Need to get stuck into it again soon!

#55 _Rana Girl_

_Rana Girl_
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Posted 20 October 2010 - 08:42 PM

:D :party: :rockon: :bliss: Rust repairs are all done :bliss: :party: :rockon: :D

no photos of them as the last few weren't much to show just a few small spots and one a few cm's under the dash in a rotten spot to try and get in a photo

nose cone has been soda blasted, engine bay has had last of paint removed last night and put into primer, roof is being paint stripped right at this very minute only leaves under side of bonnet and paint stripping is also over and done with

Was starting to think I'd have to start the rotissery it's own project thread if it had many more mods done...

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The guy that it looks like will be doing the body work is an older gent and had asked could it be made easier for him to turn on his own so it got a make over and while he was on the go with doing that he put it on wheels for him aswell so he can easily manouver the whole thing

#56 76lxhatch


    That was easy!

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Posted 21 October 2010 - 06:28 AM

Looking good!

I reckon having swivel castors on a rotisserie is the most important part, especially if working with limited space (and who isn't)

#57 _Rana Girl_

_Rana Girl_
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Posted 22 October 2010 - 03:04 PM

Yeah 76lxhatch I'm waiting for him to say I dunno why I didn't have it set up like that in the first place, going to make it heaps better for the gent doing the body work to be able to move her around easily...

Engine bay and bonnet finished going into undercoat yesterday

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roof finished being paint stripped yesterday too and got a coat of undercoat on last night...

Think she is pretty much all but ready to go get back rolling to head to body works now :bliss: and sounds like he's only got a couple of small jobs to go in infront of us so hopefully about a month and she will be off :bliss:

#58 _patch_

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Posted 23 October 2010 - 08:26 AM

is it just me rana girl or have i seen theses pics before... lol so whos doing the body work and paint?? not brad is it?

#59 _Rana Girl_

_Rana Girl_
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Posted 23 October 2010 - 05:28 PM

lol Patch thought I'd done a double post for a minute but yeah I normally just update here and TTO at the same time...

We were about to ask Brad if he was interested in taking her on then someone turned up right under our nose. One of the neighbours has a shed all set up in town just does a bit of work here and there so no huge backlog it should get done in a timely fashion and not get left sitting in a corner forever like some tend to do. He's pretty keen to do her was actually down the other night giving us a bit of a hurry up(it worked too she's coming together nicely in the week since he did that) only a couple of quicker jobs in before us so all going to plan she should be off to him in a month or so...

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by the way that is dust on the guards not surface rust everything in the whole shed is covered in it from where all the grinding and stuff has been going on with the hatch

#60 _patch_

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Posted 23 October 2010 - 08:50 PM

thats pretty luck having a guy up the road doing it. least you dont have to trailer it half a kay to a panel beater and no traveling to and fro to check on thr procces.
once i get the motor for mine in the next couple of weeks and all fitted im going to try and convince a couple of dads mates to fit the flairs on and paint it. but dont think they will fingers crossed tho lol

#61 _Kush_

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Posted 23 October 2010 - 09:00 PM

I'm sooo gonna have to build a rotisserie. It'll be so much easier!

#62 _bpi_

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Posted 24 October 2010 - 08:00 AM

This is coming up top's. Ive been watching this thread and seeing all the work being done and the whole time im thinking " i hope they loose the sunroof". Then in one of your last posts you state the cars almost ready to send off for paint work. Im thinking, bummer sunroof's staying!. Then in the latest pic's showing the priming i see sunroof gone. GREAT WORK! The workmanship is fantastic. Keep the updates coming.
Cheers Ben

#63 _Rana Girl_

_Rana Girl_
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Posted 24 October 2010 - 11:34 AM

nah Patch not that lucky she still has to do some trailer travelling the guy is a neighbour but his shed he works out of is in Lton somewhere...

Yeah Kush step 1 of project = make rotisserie! Has sure made things a lot easier

lol bpi I was wondering if anyone was going to say anything about the roof didn't post pics of the process of doing that cause thought it might be a bit of a taboo thing you know people do it but it never seems to get talked about much... can post them if there is interest. I wasn't fussed about if the sunroof had to stay but was under severe pressure from a couple of people that it had to go so I layed down the ruling that only way it was going was if we could find another roof and do it properly must of been meant to go cause we turned one up easily... I can tell you it was a scary sight walking into the shed and seeing her with her lid clean off was bloody glad when it all went back on without a hitch especially with the other half telling me the back up plan if it all went to crap was she became a convertible :lol: .

Edited by Rana Girl, 24 October 2010 - 11:35 AM.

#64 _patch_

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Posted 24 October 2010 - 01:32 PM

ah ok i thought he was going it in his back yard shed

#65 _bpi_

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Posted 24 October 2010 - 06:51 PM

Yeah it would be great to see pic's of the roof being re-skinned. Is it going to be repainted Papaya?
Cheers Ben

#66 _Rana Girl_

_Rana Girl_
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Posted 24 October 2010 - 07:53 PM

Patch his backyard shed is full of... :DOH::sofa: Ffff...ords :mellow:

nah Ben not going back Papaya not even much original metal left in her now :lol: so not much reason to return her to what she was... she's going to be green

We won't be hiding that its roof has been re-skinned (kinda obvious to anyone that saw the before version anyway)& if we ever went to sell it anyone looking would be told so I don't have a prob putting the pics up... guess they also might be helpful to anyone with thoughts of doing the same... so here you go...

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so with that ^^^ off brought us to the point where I disliked looking at it (there was an element of fear that being as we'd had no stuff ups to that point that this would be a BIG one and the convertible threat would need to be carried out)

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had previously posted a pic of the above rust but it was an area that seriously needed addressing and roof off had an added bonus of making fixing it a lot easier job

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trial fit ^^

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and I failed to get out to get a pic of it bare metaled so that about brings us to the ones already in above post :)

#67 _Kush_

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Posted 24 October 2010 - 08:22 PM

Wow! Reskinning the roof! That seems like a massive job....... Don't you have one of those special searchlights that you shoot up into the clouds and Dirtbag shows up and waves his magic wand around?

#68 _Rana Girl_

_Rana Girl_
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Posted 24 October 2010 - 08:40 PM

haha Dirtbag the magic genie that you shine a light and he appears think pretty much everyone with a project would like the idea of that... got images of some running outside right now to point torches at the sky just encase it works :lol:

yeah I thought it sounded like a huge job too which was partly why I wasn't fussed if the sunroof stayed did seem like a massive thing to be tackling going into it but we consulted with a few people as to the best way to go about it & it actually didn't end up being too bad to do. Think there were actually other bits that had him grumbling more :lol:

by the way Kush still got that rear cut sitting here promise we will decide one day if we want to keep that tail light section or not

#69 _Kush_

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Posted 24 October 2010 - 08:53 PM

That's cool, I've started at the front and I'm working my way back. But I'm still keen. The cogs don't move very fast at my place. I can only spare 1hr per afternoon :( it sux because I want my car NOW! NOW! NOW! :)

#70 _Rana Girl_

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Posted 25 October 2010 - 08:08 AM

Oh good good got some time up our sleeve then... I think he's got the thought in the back of his mind as soon as we get rid of it something is going to happen and we'll need it lol

I don't want mine oops I mean "ours" done NOW I'm even more impatient than that I want it done 12 months ago... once it is sitting in paint and we are waiting to gather more funds to finish her off seeing her sitting like that is going to be a real killer...

#71 _rrrhys_

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Posted 25 October 2010 - 10:23 AM

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You guys are doing an awesome job! I have a similarly huge job ahead of me and I'm collecting up information on rust repair panels.
Where did you get this C-pillar outer section? Is it a rare spares item? I can't find anything that looks like it. Please say off the shelf! Posted Image

Is it these? (Product code RP2150). The more I look at it the more I think it is..

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#72 _Rana Girl_

_Rana Girl_
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Posted 25 October 2010 - 03:25 PM

Yeah Rhys your onto them there RUST REPAIR PANEL LX COUPE C PILLAR R/HAND (Product Code: RP2150) & L/HAND (Product Code: RP2151)... so the good news are those are off the shelf (or they order them in as needed if like our local Rares)...

bad news is if you find like we did that the inner area under there needs to be replaced too you might have more trouble getting hold of that we couldn't find it anywhere so he folded it himself... we didn't look too hard though cause he knew he could make some so someone might come along and say you can buy the inner section at blah

Just got to love hatchs and their rusty C Pillars good luck with yours

Edited by Rana Girl, 25 October 2010 - 03:26 PM.

#73 _nial8r_

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Posted 04 November 2010 - 07:29 AM

holy crap thats come along in leaps and bounds makes me feel kinda lazy in my build lol, i was wondering what your were gonna do about the rust on the underside of the roof and well i guess you sorted that little problem out, keep up the good work and keep the pic's coming Posted Image Posted Image Posted Image

#74 _patch_

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Posted 04 November 2010 - 04:10 PM

see as tho yas have done the rust repairs on the hatch ill bring mine down so yas can get a starrt on mine lol :lol:

#75 _jameslx_

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Posted 04 November 2010 - 06:54 PM

grate job grate body work its gunna have less rust then a new car

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