My second Torana had a build date of 8/77 and a paint code for Mandarin Red making it one of the last ones painted in that colour.
It will run later for scheduled cars. GMH traditionally changed the colour charts when a new Series was released and the continuing Series alongside it eventually changed to the new colours too. That September 1978 chart was for the new Holden Series (HZ) and Torana, Sunbird and Gemini would eventually follow. It would be similar to when HJ was released, remaining HQ paint would be sent to Dandenong to be used on LH Torana. Same would have happened with LX. You will find that once the new 9/77 colour chart was released you could no longer order a Torana or Sunbird in Mandarin but they would still be building them off the Schedule in Dandenong well past the start of HZ so no paint was wasted. Remember that Dandenong were not building HZ at the time, only assembling them using hard trimmed and painted Elizabeth panel van and cab-chassis bodies. Therefore, there was no need for HZ paint in the Dandenong Body Plant where Torana and Sunbird were painted. Dandenong painted the HZ guards, bonnet and nosecone but not in the BAP, they were done in another area prior to the HZ bodies entering the VAP.
The A626 and A627 colour charts are the opposite, A627 is a mistake correction as they forgot to add Torana to A626 even though A626 was released for LX Torana. They were issued for LX Torana, and HJ then eventually followed suit using the same colours. A628 was issued for HX with the same basic colours but the HX Series model range changed so had to have a new chart issued.