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LC LJ Coupe outer weatherstrip clips

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#1 _PeteXU1_

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Posted 06 May 2010 - 11:34 PM

Hi guys,

I'm about to replace my weatherstrips and need some clips. I found the part on scottsoldautorubber.com.au and this list of clips was attached. Can anyone tell me if any of these clips are the right one for the job? They didn't know which one. Cheers, Dan

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#2 S pack

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Posted 07 May 2010 - 01:19 AM

Hi guys,

I'm about to replace my weatherstrips and need some clips. I found the part on scottsoldautorubber.com.au and this list of clips was attached. Can anyone tell me if any of these clips are the right one for the job? They didn't know which one. Cheers, Dan

Posted Image

Hi Dan

None of the above.
Will post a pic of correct clip for you Friday evening.
Also a pic of a special tool you can make for easier installation of clips.
The LC/LJ outer belt weatherstrips were also attached with contact cement as wells as the clips.


#3 S pack

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Posted 07 May 2010 - 08:44 PM

G/day Dan

The clip on the right is for the 2 door outer belt weatherstrip and the clip on the left is for the inner strip.
May be worth trying Rare Spares for the clips if you can't get them from Scotts Old Rubber Co.
Posted Image

This is the tool I made for installing the outer weatherstrip clips. I found it helps to apply a little daub of grease to hold the clip onto the tool.
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Instructions from LC shop manual. Correction to my previous post - Neoprene cement not contact cement.
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Good Luck

#4 _PeteXU1_

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Posted 08 May 2010 - 09:39 AM

Dave, this is much appreciated. Very helpful. I found a few of the clips in the bottom of the door and have modified a few spare headlining clips (similar shape - just heated up and re-bent) I will try it over the weekend and let you know how it goes.

#5 _sunburst73-xu1_

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Posted 08 May 2010 - 01:02 PM

This is 1 job I am dredding to do.

#6 S pack

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Posted 08 May 2010 - 09:48 PM

Dave, this is much appreciated. Very helpful. I found a few of the clips in the bottom of the door and have modified a few spare headlining clips (similar shape - just heated up and re-bent) I will try it over the weekend and let you know how it goes.

Hey Dan

Did you use an oxy to heat up those headlining clips up and reshaped them?
If you did you may have ruined the temper in the spring steel and they won't grip properly and may fall off over time.

#7 S pack

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Posted 08 May 2010 - 10:00 PM

This is 1 job I am dredding to do.

Hi Dane

It's not that bad a job to do, just use plenty of swear words, have a few beers and chuck a few tools across the shed to relieve the stress. Just joking.
Make up that clip installing tool, it makes the job so much easier. Another tip is remove the inner belt strip to get a better view of what you're doing and have someone hold a torch to shine some light on the subject.
Probably drop a few clips into the door until you get the hang of it.


#8 _PeteXU1_

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Posted 09 May 2010 - 11:01 AM

Yep, I think a few sware words will come out - and I probably should get new clips.

As The car is bare at the moment (just returned from paint) , I was thinking of dropping the glass into the bottom of the door to fit? Would this be easier to do?

Also, I bought the new strips from rare spares and they didn't have the clips there.

Does anyone know of somewhere that will supply them?

#9 S pack

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Posted 10 May 2010 - 01:10 AM

Yep, I think a few sware words will come out - and I probably should get new clips.

As The car is bare at the moment (just returned from paint) , I was thinking of dropping the glass into the bottom of the door to fit? Would this be easier to do?

Also, I bought the new strips from rare spares and they didn't have the clips there.

Does anyone know of somewhere that will supply them?

Hi Dan

Basically assemble all the components into the door first starting with door lock mechanisms, window regulator and bailey channel then the window. Install the 1/4 window assy, align the window into the bailey channels then fit and tighten 1/4 window fixing screws. Leave the glass at the bottom of the door. Then fit outer weatherstrip, inner strip, lift up glass enough to engage window regulator, wind window up further and install window buffer/stop. Check operation of window up and down and adjust position of 1/4 window assy in door frame if necessary if window is too tight.

As for the clips I would have thought Rares would have them, bought my new clips and strips from GMH but that was years ago and I reckon they wouldn't stock them now.
There is or was a place up here at Enoggera in Brissy that sells repro rubbers etc (not Rare Spares). I'll see if I can track them down.


#10 S pack

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Posted 10 May 2010 - 11:52 PM

G/day Dan

I checked with The Rubber Shop at Enoggera and have been advised that new genuine LC/LJ weatherstrip clips cannot be obtained anywhere and has been that way for about the last 15 years.
Had a look at the scotts old rubber co web site. They are indicating that the Ford Cortina clip Pt No. 350.019 is suitable for the LC/LJ 2 door application. Maybe it's worth checking with scotts old rubber co and find out more info.
Other option is to scrounge the wrecking yards for pre loved clips.

Good Luck

#11 _PeteXU1_

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Posted 23 July 2010 - 08:17 PM

So I finally got around to fitting the weatherstrips (well at least the drivers side). I bought some clips from Scotts Old Auto rubber as mentioned above. They are for a cortina but worked a treat (look very similar to original clip). I made myself a tool like the one pictured too. With the right tool and clips, it took me about an hour to fit one side.

Thanks for all the help and advice on this one.

#12 _sunburst73-xu1_

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Posted 24 July 2010 - 04:28 PM

Where are Scotts old auto rubbers???

#13 _PeteXU1_

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Posted 25 July 2010 - 10:39 AM

In Huntingdale, Victoria. They have a website for ordering also.

#14 flygtr028


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Posted 27 July 2010 - 08:26 AM

Check out Aussie Muscle car parts they list the clips but are out of stock at the moment

#15 _hp179block_

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Posted 19 March 2011 - 06:01 PM

Check out Aussie Muscle car parts they list the clips but are out of stock at the moment

(I know this is an old topic but thought I'd add to it anyway.)

Don't bother with Aussie Muscle Car Parts for these. They list them, but no luck. I'm not happy...

What they mean when the say (quote) " LC-LJ Torana Weather Outer Clips (door) (4)" isn't what they actually are. Firstly my order didn't arrive. After unanswered emails, a phone call led them to being resent. What arrived was clips for chrome strip which runs below the door belt (1 bag of 20, in spite ordering 2 lots of 4). Rang Aussie Muscle Cars and was told yes, that's what they are and no they don't sell the clips I'm after and send them back and we do a credit for them. Haven't received a credit yet 3 weeks later.

#16 meanmachine72


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Posted 20 March 2011 - 10:59 AM

there a guy called hbtorry(ebay name)that sells these from time to time,
he sells both 2 door and 4 door ones.....

#17 _hp179block_

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Posted 20 March 2011 - 08:46 PM

there a guy called hbtorry(ebay name)that sells these from time to time,
he sells both 2 door and 4 door ones.....

May be in luck on this one. I have contacted hbtorry on eBay and they've said they have blanks for 3 sets, which are uncompleted at this stage. Not sure if I should buy all 3 sets so others on the forum can get them or just get the one set

#18 _les_

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Posted 21 January 2012 - 08:42 AM

Is this what you are looking for http://www.rarespares.net.au/Common/ShowImage.aspx?product=CP1086

part number CP1086

#19 frash da bucket

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Posted 21 January 2012 - 10:24 AM

They are the same one's i removed when i stripped down a 4 door about 5 years ago,but they were green in colour.

#20 S pack

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Posted 21 January 2012 - 11:26 AM

They are the same one's i removed when i stripped down a 4 door about 5 years ago,but they were green in colour.

2dr & 4dr inner belt weather strip clips are the same.

#21 _boynuz_

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Posted 09 February 2012 - 04:02 AM

Do the lc gtr have the inner weather strip or instead use the chrome molding that holds
the door trim. ?



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Posted 16 May 2012 - 09:38 PM

Is there some trick to this I've spent the last two hours on it and can't even get one clip on. Got the new clips from Scott's old auto rubber and new window seals from rare spares. Be f u cked if I can get em on, sickaflex might be the go

#23 S pack

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Posted 17 May 2012 - 12:37 AM

Is there some trick to this I've spent the last two hours on it and can't even get one clip on. Got the new clips from Scott's old auto rubber and new window seals from rare spares. Be f u cked if I can get em on, sickaflex might be the go

Are you installing the clips with the longest tang on the clip facing the door glass? They won't go on the other way around, the long tang will foul on the door skin.


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Posted 17 May 2012 - 06:03 AM

Yeah man long bit to the inside made the tool up and everything got my hand in the door lock end at one stage to make sure everything was lining up in the end it was four hours at my highest level of patience for no result so unless someone's got a miracle fix for this I'm down the hardware today for a tube of sikaflex.

#25 _EMJ 73 LJ GTR_

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Posted 26 May 2012 - 11:22 AM

I purchased a set of the exterior weatherstrip clips from ebay, though found that the tongue of the clip was too long and rubbed on the glass. Ended up scrounging around b/w my GTR and donor car and came up with 8 decent clips. Like others had a tool made up per the LC Owners manual and spent a good part of a day fitting the clips to 2 doors. Lots of sweat and choice words, esp when my father took a nice chip, of at least 3 layers of paint out of my freshly painted door. Only a few tears...... :cry: (luckily found the paint chip and was able to stick it back on...with only me knowing its true location). For the interior weatherstrip purchased a set of repro's from Rare Spares.

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