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Harrys Cafe de wheels

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#1 GTR469


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Posted 29 May 2010 - 04:34 PM

Anyone heading out? I might wonder down rain or not.


#2 wot179


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Posted 29 May 2010 - 04:41 PM

Cold and wet is my prediction.

Ill be at home in front of the heater.

#3 dattoman


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Posted 29 May 2010 - 04:48 PM

old man .............

#4 wot179


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Posted 29 May 2010 - 05:01 PM

Almost as old as you...

#5 rodomo


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Posted 29 May 2010 - 05:03 PM

I'm with you Wot.
I won't be going either.

#6 dattoman


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Posted 29 May 2010 - 05:05 PM

I'm not going either then

#7 _threeblindmice_

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Posted 29 May 2010 - 06:27 PM

To wet and cold ,for me to Craig .

#8 _WhiteKnight_

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Posted 29 May 2010 - 07:05 PM

You BIG bunch GIRLS not going, so i stayed home. LOL

:stirpot: :stirpot: :stirpot: :stirpot:

cheers Keith

#9 tsn007


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Posted 29 May 2010 - 09:18 PM

I went ,but not in the Torana

Handful of fords GT inside under cover,
about 6 Chrysler PT's

and 2 Torana's,a stock white lx and a red lx SLR5000

oh and the usual VL 's

#10 _threeblindmice_

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Posted 29 May 2010 - 10:19 PM

Posted Image

#11 GTR469


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Posted 29 May 2010 - 10:25 PM

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That has made my day :rockon:

#12 MONZA1


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Posted 27 June 2010 - 09:04 PM

Did anyone go last night? I heard a story that the police & RTA turned up. Can anyone confirm or refute?

#13 _TUFF75LH355_

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Posted 27 June 2010 - 09:20 PM

mate of mine went, he said he left early because they were setting up a defect/emissions testing station like they have before.

#14 _LH SLR 3300_

_LH SLR 3300_
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Posted 27 June 2010 - 09:43 PM

Yep, part of Operation Taipan, roving marked & unmarked cars pulling over modified cars & directing them into the underground carpark where Police, RTA & EPA were set up. They were mainly getting late model Jap cars like WRXs & Skylines but i did see an angry sounding V8 LJ get worked over & later in the night they were cruising where the muscle cars were parked doing rego checks (including my car) picking cars for pulling over outside. That's when i left as my car wouldn't pass one of there inspections. I guess it's easier to harass modified car owners than go after real criminals like drug dealers & rapists. Thing is, as always, 99% of the people there were doing nothing wrong just hanging out & socialising. This so called operation was in my view blatant revenue raising.

#15 Mort


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Posted 27 June 2010 - 10:23 PM

Our side: end of tax year, probably getting quotas up for the bean counters.

Their side: if you not doing anything wrong and car has no problems you have nothing to worry about.

Living out in the bush we don't get any of that shit so my opinion doesn't really count but when you read these sorts of threads and the occasional news story it gets up my nose.


#16 GTR469


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Posted 27 June 2010 - 10:24 PM

Shit. Any one else from here get harrased?

#17 _LH SLR 3300_

_LH SLR 3300_
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Posted 27 June 2010 - 11:22 PM

I generally don't have a problem with Police & i'm sure the cops there would've rather been elsewhere, they're only doing what their superiors tell them to do. I also believe that if you draw attention to yourself with your driving habits, you are kinda asking for trouble from them & if your car is unroadworthy to the stage that it can possibly harm or worse others, then it shouldn't be on the road. The genuine enthusiast's cars i see at Harry's are usually fastidiously maintained & well cared for, probably more so than alot of other cars i see on the road, & this is where i do have a problem. Most of the things these cars were getting pinned for had nothing to do with safety or such, i saw a stock standard WRX defected for being too low & too loud. When they revved it for the DB test i could barely hear it. I also fail to see how a pod filter or a performance brake upgrade consitutes a car being "unroadworthy". As for my own car, i believe alot of the mods i've done to my car have made it a far safer car to drive than what it would've been when it was new, but they would've earned me an unroadworthy from these Police so rather than give them the satisfaction of putting a car i spent countless hours & dollars restoring & improving off the road for relatively minor infractions, i left. I know it's an age old complaint that's been heard before, but i know we as modified car owners make easier targets than the real criminals out there.

#18 _rallystripes_

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Posted 27 June 2010 - 11:59 PM

As far as i know and have been told by an insurance company,lowering a car beyond the manufactures recommendations will make it unsafe.
The car has been engineered to stop within a set distance with its unmodified suspension.When you interfere with the height of the car you interfere with this braking distance.There is an allowance for lowering your car however but beyond that its deemed unsafe.

HD-HR Holdens should be lowered well beyong factory specs to make em safe imo but when i enquired about lowereing a car this is what was told to me.If i lowered my car beyond the allowances and had an accident,they may refuse to pay my claim.

It is a shame you couldnt enjoy your night and i wonder if they would find your car "unroadworthy" after making improvments to it.

#19 _WhiteKnight_

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Posted 28 June 2010 - 05:02 AM

I am with you Matt as left early due to what was happening at Harry's with a stock standard WRX which means we that have the modified cars wouldn't stand a chance as these guys were only after revenue raising.
As said previous they should be more worried about the real criminal acts that occur is Sydney rather than harrass modified cars that mingle at Harry's every Saturday nite. Whilst these cars are parked at Harry's they are generating business for the district & if the local authorities (police & RTA) decide to harrass the modified cars at harry's then this meeting venue will no longer be there.

i have had my rant for the morning

cheers Keith

#20 tsn007


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Posted 28 June 2010 - 07:28 PM

I too left early with Keith,
apart from the Cops and RTA it was too cold and the footy was on

I am also concerned about the "Roadworthy" of my car

I am not mechanically minded and recently had to get a pink slip for my 1976 hatch
I visited a local workshop for the first time and asked for a pink slip,the owner/mechanic had a quick look around the car ,checked the odometer and asked me if everything was working good, i not knowing said yes a few minutes later and $30.00 handed over i had my certificate of roadworthy. How can this be right

I have asked a professional if my car is safe to drive and "legal" and i am now worried that if the police pull me over i am likely to get a defect
Whats the point of yearly inspections if they are not carried out properly if something needs replacing i will just get it fixed.

Even if my car is engineered will the RTA see it as "roadworthy" ???

#21 wot179


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Posted 28 June 2010 - 07:43 PM

I too left early with Keith,
apart from the Cops and RTA it was too cold and the footy was on

I am also concerned about the "Roadworthy" of my car

I am not mechanically minded and recently had to get a pink slip for my 1976 hatch
I visited a local workshop for the first time and asked for a pink slip,the owner/mechanic had a quick look around the car ,checked the odometer and asked me if everything was working good, i not knowing said yes a few minutes later and $30.00 handed over i had my certificate of roadworthy. How can this be right

I have asked a professional if my car is safe to drive and "legal" and i am now worried that if the police pull me over i am likely to get a defect
Whats the point of yearly inspections if they are not carried out properly if something needs replacing i will just get it fixed.

Even if my car is engineered will the RTA see it as "roadworthy" ???

Blokes like that are getting harder and harder to find,so dont lose him.

Buy him a carton at xmas,keep his name to yourself and for christs sake,dont put his name up on a public forum.

There is nothing you can do if the cops decide to hammer you.Just shut up and cop it.Most guys here have dealt

with it at some time,dont take it to heart or personally,its just part of the whole petrol head scene.

Always has been,always will be.

Its not worth chucking a hissy fit and whinging about it all being so unjust,because its not a just world.Just live

with it.

Peace be with youPosted Image

#22 _LH SLR 3300_

_LH SLR 3300_
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Posted 28 June 2010 - 08:03 PM

From my experience, a comprehensive engineer's report & valid pink slip, even the most stringently issued ones, are no protection from some cops. If they really want to find something to pin you for, they will. As Keith said, they pinned a stock standard WRX. No milo tin exhaust or 22" chrome rims, it was a stocker, a little rough around the edges but more or less as it left the factory & not noticeably different from any other standard car you'd see on the road. That didn't help the owner though. For the most part i believe that if you're not doing anything wrong & your car appears to be roadworthy & in well maintained condition, you have nothing to worry about. The individual Police at Harry's on saturday night, well i'm assuming for the most part anyhow, probably had nothing against cars like ours & if you were to "make their aquaintence" under most any other circumstance, wouldn't have a problem with your car. I believe the superior officers in charge of that operation on saturday night directed the junior officers to target specific cars like ours. It amazes me though how many drunk drivers were possibly allowed to drive on the streets that night because the Highway Patrol were too busy defecting modified cars to set up RBTs & because Police superior's in their infinate wisdom decided the group of people who owned modified cars that were parked & mingling around Harry's posed more of a threat to society.

#23 _threeblindmice_

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Posted 28 June 2010 - 09:57 PM

They could patrol the dangerous black spot areas , but they need them ,as a reason to come down on , owners of mostly well kept modified and standard cars , having an evening at Harrys .

#24 _WhiteKnight_

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Posted 28 June 2010 - 10:44 PM

If the law enforcement keep this up them there will be no future for Harry's Cafe

cheers Keith

#25 _ass308_

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Posted 29 June 2010 - 07:29 AM

ive only been to harrys for about 20mins

and this was always going to happen,the place is trouble with a capital t for my mind,be thankful it took so long

your much better off doing a muscle car cruize

Edited by ass308, 29 June 2010 - 07:30 AM.

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