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Harrys Cafe de wheels

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#26 _WhiteKnight_

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Posted 29 June 2010 - 08:17 AM

And where does the Muscle Car Cruise end up travelling to most times(HARRY'S)

cheers Keith

#27 _rallystripes_

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Posted 29 June 2010 - 01:53 PM

Were there 2 WRXs getting defected as one has been described as "too low,too loud" and then "stock standard".Not trying to be a smart arse im just making an observation.
But yeah,sounds like even if you had a brand new car they will still defect you for having a chip in your taillight or rego sticker not put on straight enough.

#28 _Herne_

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Posted 29 June 2010 - 02:05 PM

And where does the Muscle Car Cruise end up travelling to most times(HARRY'S)

cheers Keith

Maybe Harry should make a formal/informal complaint that the extra police attention will and in fact is affecting his business. I used to have an RBT set up near my pub, I complained and got it shifted!!! So in some circumstances it can be done...


#29 mitchg


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Posted 29 June 2010 - 03:59 PM

Id be interested to see if they are back next month. I have never seen the police there twice in a row but if they were there, I really think they need to target ricers that hang out near the krispy kremes.

#30 _ass308_

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Posted 29 June 2010 - 04:13 PM

from what ive been told,they end up at harrys after the cruise.the muscle car cruise i went on,went to pit town.there was a sausage sizzle,jumping castle for the kids,shannons were there,u could also go to the bar and get a drink,and the cops ran it.

no defects or rta insight.after that people buggered off to harrys because its already an attraction.thats the way i see after one event,and from what my engine builder tells me

#31 _CraigA_

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Posted 29 June 2010 - 04:33 PM

Id be interested to see if they are back next month. I have never seen the police there twice in a row but if they were there, I really think they need to target ricers that hang out near the krispy kremes.

I reckon you're right Mitch.

The problem for the ricers is that they are easy to hassle because the simple addition of a pod type filter makes them defectable. Add the cannon exhaust and big wheels and they are an easy target.

The problem for the non ricers is that we could get caught up in the net that the RTA/Police/EPA cast over an event like Harry's.

I know my XU1 would fail an EPA noise test so I'm very reluctant to head back down there, which is a shame as its always a good night with lots of cool cars. The last thing I need is to have my car defected.

Some of the cars there are well beyond what the authoritiies would deem legal so I'm sure many just won't risk it anymore.

#32 mitchg


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Posted 29 June 2010 - 04:46 PM

Ill be out there next time, ill let everyone know of the cop situation :P

#33 _LH SLR 3300_

_LH SLR 3300_
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Posted 29 June 2010 - 06:17 PM

I don't think i'll go back there for awhile. Even though my car has had a comprehensive restoration & everything that should work does, in some instances, better than when it was new 35 years ago, i too don't need the inconvenience of a defect notice applied to it for modifications that in my opinion anyhow have no bearing on the safety of myself or other road users. Especially when the car is simply parked in the car park so i can enjoy a relaxing bite to eat & admire the other cool cars there with my wife & son. Yes there were two WRXs at Harry's who got nailed, a black one (stocker) & a red one (STi exhaust, large wheels etc). I didn't get to see the red one up close but i did see the black stocker & speak to it's owner. It had some legitimate faults, one being a loose battery, fair enough, but it had factory rims, suspension & exhaust so i couldn't understand how it was deemed to be too low & too loud. But then as pointed out already, if they want to get you for something, they will. Also some Police not only believe they're job is to uphold the law, but also believe they are the law itself. Then as WOT 179 said though, it's just a fact of life, always has been & always will. I'm just disappointed that i have to miss out on a past time my family & i enjoyed very much through no wrong doing on our part other than owning & driving a modified car.

#34 _WhiteKnight_

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Posted 29 June 2010 - 07:42 PM

Aloose battery that is frucken petty when concidering there is that much shit under the bonnett of a WRX that even if you took it to a drifting comp it wouldn't even budge.

cheers Keith

#35 LXM21


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Posted 29 June 2010 - 07:54 PM

ive only been to harrys for about 20mins

and this was always going to happen,the place is trouble with a capital t for my mind,be thankful it took so long

your much better off doing a muscle car cruize

Yep,exactly whats going to happen, owners of the classics will just stay away. No way would I be going there to get rounded up !!!

#36 _threeblindmice_

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Posted 29 June 2010 - 09:22 PM

It's winter anyway and dark at 5PM , I hope it will blow over in the next few months .

#37 _WhiteKnight_

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Posted 30 June 2010 - 07:31 AM

Maybe the local newspaper should get involved with this it would be a great story if the authorities destroy a great business.

cheers Keith

#38 _LH SLR 3300_

_LH SLR 3300_
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Posted 30 June 2010 - 06:21 PM

Somehow i don't think it would achieve much Keith, good on you for having the conviction to think of something though, but there is a saying that the first casualty of the media is the truth. Look at all the BS in the media about car hoons. Some P-Plater crashes his VS Commodore with chopped springs & 17" mags & it's front page news "Drag racing hoons strike again" or something along those lines. If someone was to contact the local rag with a story about Police harrasment of car enthusiasts driving buisness away from Harry's & others i reckon some journo wanting to get a name for him or herself would turn it around on us & life for modified car owners who frequent Harry's on a saturday night would get even tougher with non-stop Police patrols & defect stations. Any story hanging sh*t on the modified car culture is gold to the media & they love doing it, ironic how events we organise & run to benefit the community like Cruise for Charity barely rate a mention though. Nice thought though Keith.

#39 _Herne_

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Posted 30 June 2010 - 06:36 PM

Maybe the local newspaper should get involved with this it would be a great story if the authorities destroy a great business.

cheers Keith

It's well worth a try Keith, find someone with a good case of verbal diarrhea and ask them to write a spiel, many here on this very forum come to mind who could do this.
If you never try you will never know.


#40 _billywest_

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Posted 02 July 2010 - 06:52 PM

Maybe the local newspaper should get involved with this it would be a great story if the authorities destroy a great business.

cheers Keith

It's well worth a try Keith, find someone with a good case of verbal diarrhea and ask them to write a spiel, many here on this very forum come to mind who could do this.
If you never try you will never know.


yeah mitch i am with you i am going to pop in and see what happens stay tuned all of the outcome see ya there mitch

#41 orangeLJ


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Posted 05 July 2010 - 10:57 AM

Hey, if you all didnt live in Sydney, or wernt too afraid to bring your cars the hour or so to the coast, Ive got numerous business complexes that would LOVE to host things like what goes on at Harry's

#42 _ozbox_

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Posted 05 July 2010 - 03:59 PM

after reading this thread im thinkin all you guys just better stay at home and put the slippers on or trade your cars in on new shoppin trolleys....

regardless of where you are or how you try not to get pinged if you have a modified car and you are prepared to drive it then best be prepared for the inconvenience of a defect and the inconvenience of getting it cleared...

if you cant handle that then dont have a modified car...simple... :Headbang2:

#43 _nial8r_

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Posted 05 July 2010 - 07:01 PM

the way i see it is if you have the piece of paper from an engineer stating your car is all up to scratch then they have no right to slap a sticker on ya window, but yeah life goes on and we all keep rolling Posted Image

#44 LXM21


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Posted 05 July 2010 - 07:42 PM

after reading this thread im thinkin all you guys just better stay at home and put the slippers on or trade your cars in on new shoppin trolleys....

regardless of where you are or how you try not to get pinged if you have a modified car and you are prepared to drive it then best be prepared for the inconvenience of a defect and the inconvenience of getting it cleared...

if you cant handle that then dont have a modified car...simple... :Headbang2:

And contribute to the revenue raising of this state government ?, dont think so !!!!

#45 GTR469


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Posted 05 July 2010 - 08:02 PM

Anyone heading there this saturday, i may go straight from the drags

#46 _Herne_

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Posted 05 July 2010 - 08:59 PM

after reading this thread im thinkin all you guys just better stay at home and put the slippers on or trade your cars in on new shoppin trolleys....

regardless of where you are or how you try not to get pinged if you have a modified car and you are prepared to drive it then best be prepared for the inconvenience of a defect and the inconvenience of getting it cleared...

if you cant handle that then dont have a modified car...simple... :Headbang2:

I think there is a subtle difference between a random chance and actually flaunting it where you know the coppers are active and just waiting for you to turn up. I for one would not be attending if the coppers were so hot and active that they were defecting unmodified cars just because they are targeting the area. Having said that driving any modified vehicle there is always some risk that you will attract unwanted attention.

To answer the other post re engineers certs. The fact that you have an engineers certificate is irrelevant to the police - as with modified cars they act on suspicion and only need reasonable doubt that something is wrong and then send you for a roadworthy.
As stated its a fact we all have to live with, well apart from those that drive Grandpa spec cars and I cant see much fun in that :)


#47 _pato_

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Posted 12 July 2010 - 11:00 PM

what days are you guy at harrys, i live close and have just got my own torana now, would love to see some others in the area

#48 _WhiteKnight_

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Posted 13 July 2010 - 08:06 AM

Its always the last Saturday of the month we all attend Harrys.

cheers Keith

P.S. i live local also

#49 _WhiteKnight_

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Posted 24 July 2010 - 01:44 PM

Hi all
Is anyone going to Harry's tonite?????

cheers Keith

#50 mitchg


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Posted 24 July 2010 - 02:05 PM

Next weekend is the last of the month Keithy boy.

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