Well after 12 months or so of this car being gone it's come back for round two!
I need to fit the brake booster assembly and clutch master under the dash to keep the firewall clean. So that means cutting : )
I started by doing a basic fit up of the pedal box to see how much I need to cut out. Then I cut the outer plenum more than that, so I'd have access to the edges of where I need to weld in the new inner plenum. Make sense? Not really : )

Then I cut the inner plenum, as it's too low and doesn't allow the pedal box to go where I want it. Much like what I had to do to the monaro.

Once I was happy it had room to sit where I wanted it to, I could make a start on the mounts.

The mounts are just 3mm angle with nutserts pressed and tacked in.

With the basic brackets sorted I then had to make a frame to support it, as the firewall isn't supposed to take the load from the pedals. I made a 50x25x2.5mm frame that will get welded to the inside of each A pillar and stitched to the brace I put inside the firewall recess.

For now it's still just tacked in, until I'm 100% sure it's in the right spot.

Where the frame meets the inside of the A pillar is a factory seam with 3 pieces spot welded together, so it'll be plenty strong enough to hold this frame.

The pedal box bolted in.

I'm happy with the clearance under the dash.

The pedals hang in a good possie too. Plenty of room for a loud pedal : )

Next job is to make the new inner plenum. I've cut out where the vent hole used to be, as it's now irrelevant. I'll fill this back in then make the new cover for the plenum.

Here's the vent hole filled and one side of the new inner plenum made and welded into place.

Here's the new inner plenum screwed into place.

All welded. I used the old spot weld way with this as I find when it's done quickly you can weld nearly as fast as doing a full weld but without the chance of burn throughs. I also plug welded through the slots I'd punched in the lid where the screws used to be.

Once everything under here has been cleaned and etch primed I'll sikaflex all the seams.

Plenty of room in here now,

With all the welding done on the inner part I sanded the primer from the edge of the outer plenum, blew the plenum out then masked it so I can etch prime the new metal.

I also etched under the piece of the outer plenum that's getting welded back in,

I was quick to unmask the plenum, but then thought I could paint inside satin black while the outer plenum isn't in the way, so I remasked it and blacked it out.

I sikaflexed all the seams under the dash too.

Plenty of room to get to the fluid reserviors.

Once the plenum cover goes back on none of this will be visible. Lovely : )

It'll get a set of cable drive wipers same as the monaro to deal with the smaller area in the plenum, but that's a small price to pay for a nice smooth firewall : )
Edited by dirtbag, 07 June 2012 - 12:58 AM.