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Body resto on rusty 1969 Camaro

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#301 Bart


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Posted 29 June 2011 - 11:49 AM

You've gotta love the aftermarket support for american cars, its amazing.

It is yummy
I would prefer NASCAR syle sway bars on it though


Edited by Bart, 29 June 2011 - 12:03 PM.

#302 Bart


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Posted 29 June 2011 - 12:08 PM

You've gotta love the aftermarket support for american cars, its amazing.

It is yummy
I would prefer NASCAR syle sway bars on it though



#303 Bart


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Posted 30 August 2011 - 12:13 PM


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#304 _dirtbag_

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Posted 30 August 2011 - 12:57 PM

Yeah there's certainly some nice stuff available from the states, but in Qld anyway not a lot of it can be used due to it not having ADR approval : (

So Bart, can I interest you in the VH45 out of my firebird yet?

Edited by dirtbag, 30 August 2011 - 12:57 PM.

#305 Bart


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Posted 30 August 2011 - 01:33 PM

Yeah there's certainly some nice stuff available from the states, but in Qld anyway not a lot of it can be used due to it not having ADR approval : (

So Bart, can I interest you in the VH45 out of my firebird yet?

I would love to grab it for the crankshaft but my wife would kill me as we are renovating

#306 _dirtbag_

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Posted 07 June 2012 - 12:54 AM

Well after 12 months or so of this car being gone it's come back for round two!

I need to fit the brake booster assembly and clutch master under the dash to keep the firewall clean. So that means cutting : )

I started by doing a basic fit up of the pedal box to see how much I need to cut out. Then I cut the outer plenum more than that, so I'd have access to the edges of where I need to weld in the new inner plenum. Make sense? Not really : )

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Then I cut the inner plenum, as it's too low and doesn't allow the pedal box to go where I want it. Much like what I had to do to the monaro.

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Once I was happy it had room to sit where I wanted it to, I could make a start on the mounts.

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The mounts are just 3mm angle with nutserts pressed and tacked in.

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With the basic brackets sorted I then had to make a frame to support it, as the firewall isn't supposed to take the load from the pedals. I made a 50x25x2.5mm frame that will get welded to the inside of each A pillar and stitched to the brace I put inside the firewall recess.

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For now it's still just tacked in, until I'm 100% sure it's in the right spot.

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Where the frame meets the inside of the A pillar is a factory seam with 3 pieces spot welded together, so it'll be plenty strong enough to hold this frame.

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The pedal box bolted in.

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I'm happy with the clearance under the dash.

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The pedals hang in a good possie too. Plenty of room for a loud pedal : )

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Next job is to make the new inner plenum. I've cut out where the vent hole used to be, as it's now irrelevant. I'll fill this back in then make the new cover for the plenum.

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Here's the vent hole filled and one side of the new inner plenum made and welded into place.

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Here's the new inner plenum screwed into place.

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All welded. I used the old spot weld way with this as I find when it's done quickly you can weld nearly as fast as doing a full weld but without the chance of burn throughs. I also plug welded through the slots I'd punched in the lid where the screws used to be.

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Once everything under here has been cleaned and etch primed I'll sikaflex all the seams.

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Plenty of room in here now,

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With all the welding done on the inner part I sanded the primer from the edge of the outer plenum, blew the plenum out then masked it so I can etch prime the new metal.

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I also etched under the piece of the outer plenum that's getting welded back in,

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I was quick to unmask the plenum, but then thought I could paint inside satin black while the outer plenum isn't in the way, so I remasked it and blacked it out.

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I sikaflexed all the seams under the dash too.

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Plenty of room to get to the fluid reserviors.

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Once the plenum cover goes back on none of this will be visible. Lovely : )

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It'll get a set of cable drive wipers same as the monaro to deal with the smaller area in the plenum, but that's a small price to pay for a nice smooth firewall : )

Edited by dirtbag, 07 June 2012 - 12:58 AM.

#307 _LS1 Hatch_

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Posted 07 June 2012 - 01:26 AM

Really good stuff !

And sure it will be a lot neater under the dash than the Camaro I did...ha ha..


#308 lxsstorana


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Posted 07 June 2012 - 05:14 AM

Great work and you make it look so easy to do.

#309 StephenSLR


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Posted 18 June 2012 - 02:09 PM

So he has to fill it from inside the car?

You'd want no leaks onto the carpet, brake fluid is quite smelly.


#310 _dirtbag_

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Posted 29 October 2013 - 07:03 PM

Yes it'll get filled from inside the car, like all under dash assemblies.



Well the next thing I attacked after mounting the late model celica seats was the dash. 69 camaro dashes look like crap so I made a few changes.






I brought the base of the whole dash rearwards 50mm so it wasn't sloping so much.










This thick wall pipe will be the mounts for the Audi air vents.










I wanted to make the guage cluster narrower as they're too wide and ugly. I also wanted to make more space for another vent on the drivers side.








So now I needed to bring the other side of the guage opening in so it was the same as the other side. I ended up just removing the whole centre section and remaking it.








The custom dash pad will cover the top part of the dash, but I steeled it out so it has plenty to bolt to.


Then I sawed some holes for more vents. Heater/air controls and stereo will be added in here later.






Here's a standard dash.








I then made up a simple guage cluster.








After a bit of mucking about I got the posts for the cable drive wipers mounted.






Then I mounted the new RS hideaway headlight assemblies and spot lights.






We didn't like how you could see the top edge of the grill below the nose cone so I extended the nose cone out half an inch and down about 10mm to cover it.








Next up was to mount the radiator and fabricate an engine bay.

















#311 _Bomber Watson_

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Posted 29 October 2013 - 07:43 PM

I will be blunt, i dont like the new dash to much, so far. 


But i also dislike the stock dash, so disregard this for now.


That engine bay is sensational though.


Picks of the grille fitted with the modded nosecone?




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Posted 30 October 2013 - 05:02 AM

Luv the dash

#313 _dirtbag_

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Posted 30 October 2013 - 01:57 PM

Here's some pics of how I extended the nose. It's subtle, but at least it hides the plastic top edge of the grill and makes it look a bit more aggressive.








After just lightly tacking the wire in place I used some tape to fill in it and see if it was going to have the look I was after. It did : )












So with that sorted I steeled it out and primed it.




#314 _LS1 Hatch_

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Posted 30 October 2013 - 02:10 PM

Pretty neat idea....little hard to tell (for me) from the pics , but are you still using the factory metal upper grill reinforment piece ?


I've done up a few '69s and that little gap between the reinforment and top panel does look a little odd when you get up close to the cars.

#315 _LS1 Hatch_

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Posted 30 October 2013 - 02:14 PM

PS, did you swap to the conversion style electric headlight doors instead of the original vacuum ones?  Makes it a lot easier now with kits for them, ha ha..


(I did it a while ago and made my own using '69 housings and adapting the original electric motors and arms from a '67)



If you scroll down a bit, you can see the ones I did here..





Your engine bay sure looks a lot more fancy though :)

Edited by LS1 Hatch, 30 October 2013 - 02:16 PM.

#316 _dirtbag_

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Posted 30 October 2013 - 02:19 PM

I don't have a metal grill piece so I guess the answer is no : )


It's a very subtle mod that not many people will ever notice but now I've done it and narrowed the bumper I look at the front of other 69s and they look pretty crap. Maybe I'm biased   hahaha.



The rear end came in for a change or two as well.




















New front brakes. C5 corvette 6 piston calipers and alloy stubs. Nice!






Here's another pic showing the nose mods.




Jeff yes they're electric. Quite a pain to fit but they look awesome.

#317 _LS1 Hatch_

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Posted 30 October 2013 - 02:24 PM

Brakes are a little bit small ;)


Great looking work as always though :D


Oh, and the piece was a factory thing that went along the top egde of the grill..




I mucked around trying to get it to fit decently on the orange car I built, but in the end let Stylerod (where it was painted there..) sort it out properly since that is not really my exact skill, ha ha.


Oh, and good deal on being electric, the factory vacuum ones are a pain...


(the ones I did from scratch were a pain too, but worth it in the end I reckon and saves a heap of room over the big vacuum pods and linkage,etc )

#318 _LS1 Hatch_

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Posted 30 October 2013 - 02:27 PM

PS... if you ever find yourself visiting SoCal, sure I could keep you busy for an afternoon or two with the rear pillar on my hatch....ha ha..


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Posted 30 October 2013 - 07:53 PM

Luv Luv Luv those wheels, what are they.

#320 _dirtbag_

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Posted 31 October 2013 - 12:52 PM

Wheels are Rushforths Rated X.



Here's something else you might like. 408 cube cast iron block LS from Texas Speed, Holley EFI, Tremec 600 5 speed and pro charger.












Unfortunately I'm going to have to cut the extractors apart and re coat them as they hang down too low.










I had to notch out a piece of the inner guard to fit the blower.








I had to make a new bracket to relocate the power steering pump to suit the blower.














#321 _LS1 Hatch_

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Posted 31 October 2013 - 12:56 PM

Saw those intakes at SEMA last year...they were tall from memory, made my Edelbrock look low rise nearly, ha ha..



Pretty neat powerplant for the car though. :)

#322 Bart


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Posted 31 October 2013 - 08:11 PM

You may be interested I used similar in my LJ top front arms





Edited by Bart, 31 October 2013 - 08:13 PM.

#323 _Bomber Watson_

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Posted 31 October 2013 - 08:14 PM

I shall concede, thats an alright looking engine :P

#324 mitchg


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Posted 31 October 2013 - 08:18 PM

:o quick, screenshot this before he changes it :P


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Posted 31 October 2013 - 10:20 PM

Thanks Tim, yep this thing is right up my alley, those wheels would look great on the Challenger.

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