The black etch is useful as you can see where things need to be filled a little bit more. Was hoping to have it in filler primer today but I dropped my gun and busted the tip off it. Its a no-name brand from Mitre10 so it looks like I'm going to have to get a whole new one, bugger.
After seeing the post on hiding the wiring for the heater I attempted something similar...

The HQ unit is a little different in that it has this little resistor coil thingie which a plug goes into. So i cut the fins off the plug and soldered some wires in the back so I can still wire the thing up.

Looking a my posts I don't seem to have gotten far for such a long period of time even though I'm trying. Keep telling myself that once I get the front back together its all downhill from there...:Headbang2:lets hope so