That's a nice statey you had there. They really do suit dark colours, the passenger side mirror would have been a help too with backing the old girl too...
Just a quick update (sadly with few photos)
-sorted the wiring (stupid freaken alarms)
-Remounted all of the heater ducting
-Filled and bled cooling system
-Filled transmission
-Steering shafts back it (after redoing all of the rubbers)
Soon to refill the powersteering, does this need any special attention in the way of preventing air bubbles????
Went to fill and bleed the brakes...

Then I noted the bloody master cylinder was leaking (s**t s**t, not on the paint...

) oh well serves me right to leave it dry these last couple of months, have to order a new kit tomorrow (they're not to hard to rebuild are they?)...