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HQ Statesman

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#201 _nial8r_

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Posted 25 July 2011 - 02:22 PM

shit you do cop it were you are, what about where you and the wife have bought your house?? snow there too?? NSW ( well were i am ) its hasent been to bad, think one night it got down to 4degrees and the coldest day we have has so far is 12 i think. there has been more rain than anything though, we have had the biggest rain fall for july since 1950.

hey looks like you have some great hills on the roads were you are, rip the bonnet of the stato and do some downhill sledding :buttrock:

#202 Potta


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Posted 25 July 2011 - 05:04 PM

Car is looking sweet!!

Bit by bit it is coming together.

It was pretty bad before but now its going to be a rust free beast!

Lovin it.

#203 _jabba_

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Posted 25 July 2011 - 05:58 PM

The internet informs me that Dubbo is currently 15.7C, practically summer


Freezing i know, i can barely leave the house :P.

Your stato is coming along nicely, can't wait to see it with some paint on it :). Not long now?

#204 _jabba_

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Posted 25 July 2011 - 06:01 PM

... NSW ( well were i am ) its hasent been to bad, think one night it got down to 4degrees and the coldest day we have has so far is 12 i think.

We've had the odd -3/4, not that I've been keeping track. Too cold for me :P.

#205 _nial8r_

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Posted 25 July 2011 - 06:52 PM

... NSW ( well were i am ) its hasent been to bad, think one night it got down to 4degrees and the coldest day we have has so far is 12 i think.

We've had the odd -3/4, not that I've been keeping track. Too cold for me :P.

i love the cold is summer that kills me but -4 you can keep that right up there in Dubbo :sleep:

#206 _SLR Torrie_

_SLR Torrie_
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Posted 25 July 2011 - 07:04 PM

Lovely work as always!

#207 _nzstato_

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Posted 25 July 2011 - 07:52 PM

Thanks everyone, slowly getting closer to the prize. I'm sure we can all agree that it aint too warm round these parts (wherever they may be) at the moment.

New house is fine I'm sure. Its not as high up as where we are now and sheltered from the southerly as it is on a north facing hillside. Only downside is that we are likely to get some pretty good frosts in the winter. But I can deal with that.

#208 _nzstato_

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Posted 31 July 2011 - 06:03 PM

Been digging rust and old repairs out of the roof gutter this week, its a fine example how the only person you can trust to do a job properly is yourself.

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I finished the weld on the roof with the panel file and you can barely tell its there, job well done

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Come on, this isnt good workmanship

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Another section

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Also welded in a new section on the drivers door where the mirror mounts and am in the process of drilling for new studs for the sill chome, this has required a bit of tweaking of the front guards.

#209 _nial8r_

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Posted 31 July 2011 - 06:29 PM

well done on the progress Sam :buttrock: that sure is some nasty looking rust behind the rain gutter but good to see you got it sorted. do you think it will be ready before you move in to your new pad ?

#210 _nzstato_

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Posted 31 July 2011 - 06:38 PM

^ Cheers, moving on the 9th of next month. I'm praying I'll have it in epoxy and at the painters by then.

#211 _jabba_

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Posted 31 July 2011 - 09:45 PM

wow, that roof rust was shocking. I wasn't expecting to see that!

#212 _nzstato_

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Posted 01 August 2011 - 05:53 AM

^ Its going to be loaded with cavity wax when I'm done

I kept saying to myself, "I'm not going to cut into the roof, I'm not going to cut into the roof, I'm not going to cut into the roof"
Looks like I did, don't know if there is any area in an HQ which usually rusts which I havent fixed...

#213 _nzstato_

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Posted 16 August 2011 - 07:51 PM

Remember this?

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Well it now looks like this

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Took me AGES to get the panel back straight, not only were there all those little dents in it (BB gun I think) it was oil canned and stretched to hell.

Havent been posting alot but have been doing lots of little uninteresting jobs. Taking it to the painters on friday for a coat of epoxy. Am scuffing all of the paint up round the jams and have been going over every inch of the body to double check it is all up to scratch (few little pieces here and there to fix up). Will also clean the steel up and give it one more lot of deoxidine before fri. Also finally fixed my bloody trans leak, has been pissing me off (and pissing all over the floor) for the last 6 months. 75c and I replaced the filler tube o-ring (it's always the stupid little things).

#214 _Bomber Watson_

_Bomber Watson_
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Posted 16 August 2011 - 08:24 PM

Looks great mate.

If the paint in the jams is acrylic i'd suggest you dont scuff it up but strip it....


#215 _mick74lh_

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Posted 16 August 2011 - 11:27 PM

Nice work. Good on you for persisting through all the bodywork on this car. Should be a pretty big milestone getting it all primed.

#216 _nzstato_

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Posted 20 August 2011 - 05:59 PM

Big activity this weekend. Thursday night I re-stripped all of the exposed panels and re-deoxidined the lot. Gave me one last chance to check it over.

Friday night, mate of mine came round and we trailered it over to the painters, they're ford and mopar guys so there were plenty of ribbing about an HQ turning up on a trailer, good blokes though.

This morning my dad and I went round, just to scuff up all of the door jams (there's the old fella in the photo)

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and the painter went over the steel with the DA to key it up.

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After going over we found one spot where I really should have had a bit more of a dig. This was the back corner of the boot (which looked fine), after scuffing up with the paper the paint just flaked off to reveal bog. Dug at it with a screw driver to reveal holes, I was pretty pissed with myself at this point (it can be fixed though), its the same on the other side.

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But it got over it, and some paint got sprayed (I got out of the workshop at this point)

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Came up nice, one of the other benefits with using black epoxy is that it shows up all of the rough spots really well, makes finding where I need to fill alot easier.

Got to drive it out into the sun

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And then made it home

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Picked up a tin of this from the panelbeater too (hopefully I don't need to many of them.

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#217 _jabba_

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Posted 20 August 2011 - 08:50 PM

It must feel good to be onto bog work after all that metal work you did!

Edited by jabba, 20 August 2011 - 08:51 PM.

#218 _Bomber Watson_

_Bomber Watson_
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Posted 20 August 2011 - 09:01 PM

U-Pol makes beautiful products. You will enjoy that tin.


#219 _Quagmire_

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Posted 20 August 2011 - 09:56 PM

U-Pol makes beautiful products. You will enjoy that tin.


oh yes
dolphin glaze is da bom :)

#220 _Bomber Watson_

_Bomber Watson_
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Posted 20 August 2011 - 10:04 PM

Agreed Quag, im liking Dolphin glaze over Hot shot.....Both Upol spot putties but yeah cheers for the tip.


#221 _Quagmire_

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Posted 20 August 2011 - 10:57 PM

Agreed Quag, im liking Dolphin glaze over Hot shot.....Both Upol spot putties but yeah cheers for the tip.


$10 cheaper here too
gotta love that :P

#222 _nzstato_

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Posted 21 August 2011 - 08:38 AM

^ Got it at trade price so cant complain with that, the panelbeater there reckons its the best stuff to sand he has come across, they've convinced me not to be afraid of using filler (as long as it is only a light spread). The 100k hot rods they build in the US (i.e. coddington) would have the whole shell in the stuff then block it down for ages to get it really smooth.

Sad thing is that the project may get put on hold for a month, since I am away then got the move coming up (might update that thread instead).

#223 Mort


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Posted 21 August 2011 - 09:31 AM

Not to worry about putting it on hold, for a little while anyway,at least it's got a protective coat on against the elements now so hook in with the move and we'll all stand by and wait for updates from the new headquarters :lol: and you will also have alot more room for more projects.

+1 with the body filler, i used to bag cars with body filler when i was younger, you'd always see the yank cars on TV and Aussie ones in the mags and dream of having a straight , smooth, bog free car, then i grew up and started watching the car shows (Overhaulin, American Hot Rod, etc), have since changed my attitude and won't be afraid to use the stuff now (with in reason).

Edited by Mort, 21 August 2011 - 09:37 AM.

#224 _Bomber Watson_

_Bomber Watson_
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Posted 21 August 2011 - 01:22 PM

Trust me, when you see the amount of bog in truck bodies, drill rigs etc, see how thick it is (i've seen up to 10mm on the jack leg of a drill rig) and see how much they flex and move around without the bog falling out you wont be so skeptical.


#225 _nzstato_

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Posted 05 November 2011 - 04:45 PM

So LONG time since last update. Since then I have moved to my new house (and completely a mini-renovation on some of the rooms), bought a new project (Austin A35, will be holden 202 powered) and essentially completed most of the filler work on the HQ.

Haven't taken many photo since I've been more concerned on getting the damn thing done. All of the hanging panels are in high-fill and hopefully taking the shell down next weekend to get sprayed.

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This weekends job is to finish rubbing down the panels.

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