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Whats the best CAM for the street you've had, 186-202

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#26 rodomo


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Posted 24 July 2010 - 01:31 AM

My experience with Strokers is limited But I do know a bit about the 235 version. It is true they don’t like big revs. 5800 would the limit. But what they lack in high rpm HP they make up with in the way of torque. Crow aren’t that bad. A bad batch of cores can haunt any cam manufacturer. I would pick a cam with 6000rpm limit in mind. You also want a fairly wide lobe separation. This spreads the power band wide to make use of the torque offered by the extra cubes. I’d use a crow 35667 cam. We have installed this cam in a 186 daily driver with one of our new SIM002 EFI Intakes. It idles well and makes power between 2500-6000. The 100 lobe separation and the high lift both help improve the cylinder filling. Cylinder filling in emphasised with the extra cubes you have. A 72 XU1 cam only has a rev range of 2500-5800, but because it relies on duration rather than lift to fill the cylinders I feel the 35667 will offer better performance in your application. I hope this info helps
this is info i got from a fella who makes main stud girdles, anyone no of a really really good holden 6 engine builder in adelaide

Edited by rodomo, 24 July 2010 - 01:33 AM.

#27 _Drag lc_

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Posted 24 July 2010 - 06:53 AM

mmm wonder who that is...................

this is info i got from a fella who makes main stud girdles

#28 blake


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Posted 24 July 2010 - 02:45 PM

QUOTE: anyone know of a really good engine builder in adelaide?

TW Engineering, at ST agnes are great. they helped build a really strong red 202 for a forum member on here in his xu1. they also did some machining work on my dads 427 big block and they did a very good job.

Cheers Blake
tanyone no of a really really good holden 6 engine builder in adelaide

anyone no of a really really good holden 6 engine builder in adela

#29 TerrA LX

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Posted 24 July 2010 - 03:11 PM

If you would like to change the colour of you post please we may be able to read it???


Sounds like you need to borrow someones rose coloured glasses...

Edited by TerrA LX, 24 July 2010 - 03:12 PM.

#30 _iwanacoupe_

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Posted 25 July 2010 - 03:00 PM

thanks blake

#31 _Paul_S_

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Posted 27 July 2010 - 02:22 PM

R94 from redlands was a pearler, tried a few cams in an Lc i had including 392c & 285c. Ran the best times with the R94, 13.02 103mph 9 port head (318hp) & a 600dp on a john cain, Tri-matic with a 3000 converter.

#32 WhaleOilBeefHooked


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Posted 27 July 2010 - 04:19 PM

I had custom grind wade cam 52/96 in a 202, had to hammer it in to get past cam bearings, pro'lly scored em whilst fitting, & you could actually count each time she fired. Great street cam ?? Nope useless on thu street but 140+mph top speed was a real HOOOT...

#33 N/A-PWR



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Posted 13 April 2014 - 10:42 PM

he he, I had a 41/78 Cam,

 which did very well between 3100 to 7800rpm, at 1/2 inch lift, but this time round will be about a 51/79, will let you know how it goes when I get one. Dave I


my mate had a Competition Cam from the States, which was a 41/43, and it ripped his clutch to shreds.




Nowadays, the Cams can have greater Lift speed, and can do the job with a smaller Grind, but still, I am looking for the Best

Edited by TORYPOWER, 13 April 2014 - 10:57 PM.

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