A lot of people on these forums are already familiar with my long term pride & joy 'LXCHEV' sedan, however I doubt many people know much about my LX Hatchback. So I thought I'd start a thread showing the history of the car since I've owned it, and bombard you all with a million photos.
The reason I bought this hatchback was simply that I needed a new daily driver. LXCHEV was costing too much, and rather than buy a boring car, I wanted another Torana. You see, I have genuine Torana blood in my veins, and being able to enjoy driving a Torana every day has always been high on my list of priorities. Anyone else who has a genuine Torana daily driver will know what I'm talking about - the day to day experiences are just awesome, and it makes you keen to get out of bed each day knowing you're going cruising to work!
Anyway.... here's the first few photos I took, mid 2005, as I bought it...
Factory 4.2 V8, aussie 4 speed SL....
It had been parked in a local industrial area with a For Sale sign on it for a couple of weeks. I ended up dropping in for a chat and walked away the new proud owner.... it didn't take me long to realise the appeal of a hatchback.. not only do they look cool, but they are so practical too for carrying stuff in the back..
Note some of the awesome granny pack features: sexy rear louvres, mud flaps, bumper bar over-riders, 13" stockies, tiny 2 barrel carby, 4WD stance, and of course the massive pea-shooter exhaust out the back.... I loved it

My beast, day 1: