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Registering a vehicle with missing identification tags

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#1 enderwigginau


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Posted 29 July 2010 - 09:22 AM

From Transport Policy office -

The department has processes in place when a vehicle is presented for registration and the compliance plate is missing. The operator is required to provide proof of previous registration. If this is satisfied the vehicle is registered as is and it is recorded that the vehicle does not have a compliance plate fitted. If proof of previous registration cannot be provided, the year of manufacture and proof of origin will determine whether the vehicle can be registered. Whether the vehicle was manufactured for the Australian market is also considered, as is the presence of other identification numbers. Compliance plates are required to be fitted under the Australian Design Rules (ADR) to ensure vehicles meet structural and safety standards for road use in Australia. A replacement adhesive label or a letter of compliance can be provided where a lost or accidentally damaged label can be proven, however the only instance whereby a compliance plate may be replaced is as the result of a recall by the manufacturer who may refit a replacement plate.

If you have further concerns as to the process in place for vehicles with a missing compliance plate, you may like to contact the Vehicle Standards and Regulation Unit
on 32534851. Approval must be provided by this Unit before the vehicle may be registered.

Please note, there IS NO provision for placing remade tags on any vehicle unless by manufacturer recall.


#2 _Skapinad_

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Posted 29 July 2010 - 10:02 AM

sounds like that is for the ADR plate only, so you could replace VIN and body id tags as they do not contain any info relevant to ADR's ??

#3 enderwigginau


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Posted 29 July 2010 - 12:17 PM

ADR is the only one they care about in particular, but from discussions, it counts for all ID tags.
The reason it only says ADR is that modern cars do not have other tags like Toranas etc.


#4 _mumstaxi_

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Posted 21 August 2010 - 02:41 AM

I think this would be perticulary relevent with regard to the fact,some later model cars now just have "stickers" instead of metal tags, so i guess during a crash repair its not just removeable/attachable with a couple of rivets.

Most of the time the tag/sticker is in such a position on the car, that if the tag got damaged due to colision,chances are the car would be off to the wreckers anyway,

I was always under the impression you could obtain replacement stickers/tags, but obviously not acording to Grants info above.


#5 enderwigginau


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Posted 23 August 2010 - 01:28 PM

I believe it may have been acceptable here in the past, but not now.
Other states DO still allow it, but you still have to fill out the necessary paperwork with your rego authority.
NEVER give your details to a retailer to have tags made unless rego has sent you to them first.


#6 _LH8VD69_

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Posted 24 November 2010 - 12:58 PM

I know here in W.A you can register a car without any tags. Transport does their usual roadworthy and issues the car with a plate. pretty straight forward really. If the vehicle in question is a custom built rod or the sorts it gets more complicated. Goes without saying .

#7 _fatlh5000_

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Posted 24 November 2010 - 01:34 PM

I have no personal experience, but I would of thought that you would least need the ADR tag, and the manufacture date/ year tag(s) to confirm what Australia Design Rules the vehicle was manufactured to comply with.

I was recently required to take my car to the EPA(by a minor defect notice), and they rely on knowing what the build date, and what ADRs are on the tags. With Toranas this becomes very important to determine what pollution gear is required.

So I am not sure how you could register a car without these tags.

#8 TerrA LX

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Posted 24 November 2010 - 02:17 PM

I have no personal experience, but I would of thought that you would least need the ADR tag, and the manufacture date/ year tag(s) to confirm what Australia Design Rules the vehicle was manufactured to comply with.

So I am not sure how you could register a car without these tags.

Prior to 1969 there were no ADR's ,... still a few pre 69' vehicles registerd.

Home > Roads > Motor Vehicles, Trailers & Bicycles > Australian Design Rules
Australian Design Rules

The Australian Design Rules (ADRs) are national standards for vehicle safety, anti-theft and emissions. The ADRs are generally performance based and cover issues such as occupant protection, structures, lighting, noise, engine exhaust emissions, braking and a range of miscellaneous items.

The current standards, the Third Edition ADRs, are administered by the Australian Government under the Motor Vehicle Standards Act 1989. The Act requires all road vehicles, whether they are newly manufactured in Australia or are imported as new or second hand vehicles, to comply with the relevant ADRs at the time of manufacture and supply to the Australian market. When a road vehicle is first used on Australian roads the relevant state or territory government's legislation generally requires that it continue to comply with the relevant ADRs as at the time of manufacture.

The First Edition ADRs were distributed for discussion purposes. However, they were not adopted as a legally binding set of standards under either national or state/territory law.

The Second Edition ADRs first came into effect on 1 January 1969. These ADRs were selectively applied under state/territory law. They were subsequently made part of the national standards by Determination No 2 of 1989 published by the Commonwealth Government Gazette (Special Gazette series) No S 291 dated 1 September 1989.

#9 TerrA LX

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Posted 24 November 2010 - 02:20 PM

I think the onus would be on you to prove that your vehicle was, say a 1975 holden torana (via the chassis number, proof of ownership etc), then it would obviously need to comply with ADR's upto 1975.

#10 _fatlh5000_

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Posted 24 November 2010 - 02:31 PM

I hear you Terra, there are a 'few' pre 69 cars registered at present.

I am curious as to how you could register a car without knowing the ADR or the year/ manufacture date, which is known to built 74-77 (ie. a Torana).

Thats all.

#11 enderwigginau


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Posted 25 November 2010 - 12:37 PM

When in doubt, you can be assured that the rego officer will err on the latest date for that body type.....
If you cannot prove it's an LH, look forward to fitting pollution control.


#12 _Ben78_

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Posted 08 September 2015 - 07:09 AM



I am looking at buying a LX hatchback.

Owner has told me ADR tag is missing.

Chassis number is on the car.

He has no previous rego documents.

Has a number plate with the car but when I run a check it comes up as a sedan.

The last 4 digit's of the chassis number come up but on that check.


Are the last 4 digit's of the chassis number unique, or could another car have the same 4?

How would I find previous rego details another way?






#13 _Ange Neo_

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Posted 17 November 2015 - 07:56 PM

Hi I purchased a lc with no tags and checked with vic roads today all I have is the chassis number and they still have all other details in there system and last rego was 1993 and they said you can still get rego without tags as long as chassis number is still there. Cheers

#14 Bigfella237


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Posted 17 November 2015 - 08:43 PM

Has a number plate with the car but when I run a check it comes up as a sedan.


Are the last 4 digit's of the chassis number unique, or could another car have the same 4?


Sorry I'm replying to the older post here...


Ben, not sure about QLD but in NSW they don't have a shape code for a hatch so Torana Hatchbacks fall under "SED" on the rego papers (although I've seen some incorrectly labelled as a coupe too).


There were over 60,000 LX Toranas in total, so to answer your second question, yes there would be up to seven vehicles out there that may have had each of the same last four digit combination...


ALX 00****M

ALX 01****M

BLX 02****M

CLX 03****M

CLX 04****M

CLX 05****M

DLX 06****M


With regard to the bigger question, the definitive answer for NSW is as follows:


(screen caps from: vsi-19_motor_vehicle_compliance_plates_rev.0.1(Nov-2007).pdf)


Attached File  Vehicles Without Compliance Plates 01.JPG   121.22K   8 downloads


Attached File  Vehicles Without Compliance Plates 02.JPG   193.55K   6 downloads


Attached File  Vehicles Without Compliance Plates 03.JPG   207K   6 downloads


I'm unsure of the policy in other states but if anyone has the info handy then post it up!

Edited by Bigfella237, 17 November 2015 - 08:45 PM.

#15 _Tbann_

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Posted 30 May 2016 - 09:56 AM

I am looking at buying an 1974 lh Torana it has 1 id tag attached that matchs the chassis number but also has 2 other tags not attached that seem to be off a 1975 lh. Is it worth me speaking to qld transport about the chassis number and weather I will have trouble regoing it?

#16 yel327


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Posted 30 May 2016 - 10:10 AM

Post up the numbers here, it may just be a 1975 model LH Torana. 1975 model year starts on 1st September.

#17 shanegtr


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Posted 30 May 2016 - 07:22 PM

My LJ is registered with no ID tags. Rego papers state "vehicle exempt from fitment of compliance plate". Chassis number is used for ID rather than the VIN as that tag doesn't exist. 

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