I replaced the factory rails with Recaro rails and made up some adaptor plates. The cheapest aftermarket seat rail is the
Autotechnica 639F from REPCO.
The rear pillars are bolted to the plate using countersunk high tensile bolts. The front pillars are welded to the plate and then tapped. The plates were designed so holes can be cut in the carpet and the carpet fitted over the pillars before the rails are bolted on. I plan to use Dynamatt on the floor which is about the same thickness as the plate so the carpet will be flat.

Recaro 0.70.9NT rails mounted on adaptor plates with new seat adjuster hoop

The factory mount bolts on the Monaro seats at the rear are further apart than the front bolts. I have removed the factory mount bolts. The rear bolts have been replaced with countersunk bolts. The front bolt screws into the adaptor plate and will attach to the Recaro rails. The rear bolt for the Recaro rails is tapped into the adaptor plate. Nylock nuts are used to attach the seat to the Recaro rails.

When the seats are in my driving position the rails and adjuster hoop are hidden by the seat.

There are some pictures and dimesions of the other types of seat rails I looked at using to mount the seats on this
page of my website.