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Personal Plates Poll

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Poll: Personal Plates Poll (80 member(s) have cast votes)

Personal Plates Value

  1. I would pay up to 100k (0 votes [0.00%])

    Percentage of vote: 0.00%

  2. Voted I would pay up to 10k (1 votes [1.25%])

    Percentage of vote: 1.25%

  3. Voted I would pay up to 5k (5 votes [6.25%])

    Percentage of vote: 6.25%

  4. Voted I would pay up to 1k (13 votes [16.25%])

    Percentage of vote: 16.25%

  5. Voted I would pay up to $500 (44 votes [55.00%])

    Percentage of vote: 55.00%

  6. Voted I think they are a waste of money (7 votes [8.75%])

    Percentage of vote: 8.75%

  7. Voted I like them on other peoples cars (6 votes [7.50%])

    Percentage of vote: 7.50%

  8. Voted You would have to pay me to put one on my car (4 votes [5.00%])

    Percentage of vote: 5.00%

Vote Guests cannot vote

#1 ls2lxhatch


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Posted 13 August 2010 - 03:15 PM

There have been a couple of private plates for sale on the forum recently.

It makes me wonder what people would be willing to pay for their ultimate private plate. For the sake of the poll we will assume that you could not sell the plate for more than you paid for it (it is not an investment).



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Posted 13 August 2010 - 03:25 PM

$500 for me... Around the cost of what they'd cost @ VicRoads.

#3 _nial8r_

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Posted 13 August 2010 - 04:38 PM

NSW is about the same but if i ever came across the plate NIAL8R i would pay up to 1K for it, my plate now that i have is the same but instead of the "L" it is a "1" >> NIA-18R......

#4 _mello92_

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Posted 13 August 2010 - 04:50 PM

Its $2295 in QLD for a full custom plate. Joy.

Edited by mello92, 13 August 2010 - 04:52 PM.

#5 _niterida_

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Posted 13 August 2010 - 05:21 PM

$200 - I just can't see the sense of spending money on something like this. They add nothing to the car in terms of performance or looks. They add a little bit of fun or humour or sentimental vale but thats about it. If you must have something funny or significant then just get it painted or stickered on the car.

Actually there is one other reason for personal plates - colour. I have only ever had one set and the only reason I got them was to match the colour of them to the car - blue and white looked stupid on my black car.

Edited by niterida, 13 August 2010 - 05:23 PM.

#6 _Skapinad_

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Posted 13 August 2010 - 06:06 PM

such a waste of money... I mean why get LX SS on a LX SS... no shit we can see the car and the badges on it !!! Even more annoying is the MR... or SIR.... plates no offence if ya got em each to their own, but I would feel like a cock driving around with them on my car !! unless of course you officially change your name to suit the plate !!!

#7 WhaleOilBeefHooked


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Posted 13 August 2010 - 06:59 PM

such a waste of money... I mean why get LX SS on a LX SS... no shit we can see the car and the badges on it !!! Even more annoying is the MR... or SIR.... plates no offence if ya got em each to their own, but I would feel like a cock driving around with them on my car !! unless of course you officially change your name to suit the plate !!!

Sorta Like getting SHT-80X and putting them on the oldest, rustiest piece O crap... Fairly obvious to everybody who lays eyes on it -- EXACTLY WHAT IT IS...... Ussually found in piles.......



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Posted 13 August 2010 - 07:08 PM

such a waste of money... I mean why get LX SS on a LX SS... no shit we can see the car and the badges on it !!! Even more annoying is the MR... or SIR.... plates no offence if ya got em each to their own, but I would feel like a cock driving around with them on my car !! unless of course you officially change your name to suit the plate !!!


I preter custom plates that give the car a character... AGENT0, POLAR8, LXCHEV, etc etc. Put them on a car and they instantly grab attention... Then your no longer driving 'The Torana" You taking MRLXSS for a spin...

Im not a fan of like name plates - JOHNSLX ot anything like that... it lacks creativity... Also not a fan of the fully sick custom mix plates... 4FT3R, they look funny (especially the font of the VIC plates versions)

But yeah, to each their own... The $400 i spent on my plates i think was money well spent! Transformed the car! (Why else do we do most of these mods)

#9 mr5000


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Posted 13 August 2010 - 07:32 PM

i think every one is entitiled to have what ever they want on there and i reckon its cool
but when you see things like crimnl and shit like that i think its a bit gay

#10 _Skapinad_

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Posted 13 August 2010 - 07:56 PM

such a waste of money... I mean why get LX SS on a LX SS... no shit we can see the car and the badges on it !!! Even more annoying is the MR... or SIR.... plates no offence if ya got em each to their own, but I would feel like a cock driving around with them on my car !! unless of course you officially change your name to suit the plate !!!


I preter custom plates that give the car a character... AGENT0, POLAR8, LXCHEV, etc etc. Put them on a car and they instantly grab attention... Then your no longer driving 'The Torana" You taking MRLXSS for a spin...

Im not a fan of like name plates - JOHNSLX ot anything like that... it lacks creativity... Also not a fan of the fully sick custom mix plates... 4FT3R, they look funny (especially the font of the VIC plates versions)

But yeah, to each their own... The $400 i spent on my plates i think was money well spent! Transformed the car! (Why else do we do most of these mods)

yeah fair enough... at least you call your car MRlxss not yourself !! that would just be strange......

get chattin to a bloke down the pub who loves torana's...

"yeah mate you may have seen me round, I'm MRlxss".... LOL!

and Johnslx is just as bad as the mr whatevers... at least old john isnt trying to make himself seem more important than he is...



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Posted 13 August 2010 - 08:05 PM

such a waste of money... I mean why get LX SS on a LX SS... no shit we can see the car and the badges on it !!! Even more annoying is the MR... or SIR.... plates no offence if ya got em each to their own, but I would feel like a cock driving around with them on my car !! unless of course you officially change your name to suit the plate !!!


I preter custom plates that give the car a character... AGENT0, POLAR8, LXCHEV, etc etc. Put them on a car and they instantly grab attention... Then your no longer driving 'The Torana" You taking MRLXSS for a spin...

Im not a fan of like name plates - JOHNSLX ot anything like that... it lacks creativity... Also not a fan of the fully sick custom mix plates... 4FT3R, they look funny (especially the font of the VIC plates versions)

But yeah, to each their own... The $400 i spent on my plates i think was money well spent! Transformed the car! (Why else do we do most of these mods)

yeah fair enough... at least you call your car MRlxss not yourself !! that would just be strange......

I'm weird, but not that weird! Thats as bad as talking in the third person!

#12 _Big T_

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Posted 13 August 2010 - 08:14 PM

Big T would love to have BIG T but the $2200 he would need to pay would be half the cars value so its sort of wasteful in Big T's opinion. He will get personalised plates as the alternative when on club rego is an "S" plate eg S-12345 which just attracts the attention of police who find them confusing. He will just have to go for something non-descript like "SAA-10"

#13 _Squarepants_

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Posted 13 August 2010 - 08:38 PM

I reckon personalised plates should describe the car or the driver, that's why they are called "personalised".
"LX SS" on an LX SS is ok for prestige value but lacks creativity.
To me putting "MR" or "SIR" etc is a big statement (no offence MRLXSS) as to have something like that, you're suggesting that your car is the ultimate, eg. VL GOD. That VL is about the craziest VL around so it's not so bad, but to have that plate on a busted arse VL turbo with minor upgrades would be a wank.
Having your name or initials and date of birth (eg JIM 76) is a big waste of money as again, it lacks creativity and also everyone knows your name so they can abuse you personally if you do something in traffic that they don't like.
My plates are "TID33" as my car is definitely tidy (tidee), It's not the fastest or the best or the ultimate in anything, it's just a clean, straight car that's very customised so it deserves custom plates to set it apart from all the other clean, straight cars out there.
That's my 2 cents worth anyway.

Edit: my plates cost $295 and I wouldn't pay any more than that unless I wanted something that only a prestige plate would say, which are around $2000. If I couldn't get it for cost price, I'd think of something else. People charging mega bucks for custom plates shits me to tears! As stated above, they are not an investment, they are an expression of personality/enthusiasm.

Edited by Squarepants, 13 August 2010 - 08:44 PM.

#14 _nial8r_

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Posted 13 August 2010 - 09:00 PM

arhh each to there own, each to there own !! i have person personalised on both my bike and signed my car ones over to the wifes SS, but in saying that its just like having flares and sh*t on a torana with massive 265's under the bum of it and only having a 6 pot screamer under the bonnet that would be flat out loosing traction on wet grass Posted Image to me thats a look that some like and some dont, just like number plates..... and im not having a dig at anyone, like i said and have always said its each to there own, you want a babyshit brown coloured car with pink polker dots well so be it... its you car, you like and thats all that matters !!! Posted Image

#15 _Quagmire_

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Posted 13 August 2010 - 10:10 PM

well if i'm not allowed figam2 plates anymore then no i don't want em at all

#16 tinkers



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Posted 13 August 2010 - 10:15 PM

Where is the "Someone bought them for me" option? :)

#17 _LH SLR 3300_

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Posted 13 August 2010 - 10:20 PM

The RTA gets enough money out of me every year as it is without paying for the "privilage" of displaying personalised content plates. I've heard in some states like Victoria, once you buy the plates, they are yours, whereas in NSW you have to pay an annual fee of up to & including $500 for them. Personaly i can't justify the extra expense on top of my rego every year.

#18 mitchg


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Posted 13 August 2010 - 10:25 PM

Dad bought his AWZ00M plates about 10 years ago outright and has had them on all his cars and doesnt pay any annual fee. I currently pay $90 a year for LX3800. They totally changed the look of the car and I'm happy with them. I think personal plates set off a car and tend to 'finish' it.

But everyone has a different opinion :)

#19 ls2lxhatch


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Posted 13 August 2010 - 10:28 PM

Where is the "Someone bought them for me" option? :)

Feel free to add the option. I do not appear to be able to edit the poll.

#20 dattoman


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Posted 13 August 2010 - 11:05 PM

I own a few
None are on cars
And still deciding on the one for the Caddy

And by the way...I like TINKERS plates

I don't think they are worth any more than the original purchase price
If you can't get exactly what you want and theres another option close... go for it
If you really really want a plate thats gone and you have to haggle the price with the owner... pay what your ego thinks its worth

I hate plates that contain 2NV..... fags

#21 rodomo


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Posted 13 August 2010 - 11:22 PM

There are some pretty historic number plates available for re-issue.
$295 in Vic.
Wouldn't look too conspicuous on an LC XU-1? Though, I haven't looked to see if these particular plates are available.

#22 RIM-010



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Posted 14 August 2010 - 01:59 AM

I paid $95 for my [RIM-010] plates. Well, I got them for Christmas but I was quite happy to pay for them. I like them because they are personal, and they don't look like custom plates (I think [RZS-270] were the originals...). The only people that know what they mean will be people from around here and friends and family...

But I'd be happy to pay up to about $500 for a set of full custom plates, I reckon... After I build a car that justifies them, that is :D




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Posted 14 August 2010 - 09:03 AM

I totally agree with what Matt said earlier. For me, custom plates finish off a street machine build, and give the car some character and style; something to identify it as a customised build. A good custom plate will give the car instant recognition and over time it's amazing how the general public remember them and instantly associate the car and driver. Just think of LITRE8 - it's the perfect example. It's not just "that red Torana with that big engine"... Of course this isn't for everyone, and if we all did the same thing it'd be a boring world. But that's my opinion, and getting back to standard plates - they are soooo boring!! Sometimes I see a hot car, and standard plates... and just think it needs those custom plates to "finish" it off. It's like a 98% built car.

With custom plates, a matched colour really suits some cars, whereas black just about suits anything. Some of the standard plate colours are horrible.

I'm generally not a huge phone of name plates either, eg BOBSLH (just as an example - no office if Bob and his LH exist).... but they're still way better than standard ones. I love things like "RNAMUK" - cheeky and funny, perfect for a cool Torana. And plates like MRLXSS, MRGTR, MRLX etc etc (all mates cars)... way cool. Respect for my Torana brothers :)

PS. As for the poll - I also voted $500 max. Would never pay much more than that, no matter how cool the plate was, I'd just keep looking.

#24 rodomo


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Posted 14 August 2010 - 10:06 AM

I'm generally not a huge phone of name plates either, eg BOBSLH


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#25 _Viper_

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Posted 14 August 2010 - 10:35 AM

I totally agree with LXChev, it instantly labels the car... you sometimes see a car down the drags and instead of saying to ya mates later, man did you see that purply Valiant with the big wheels.... no no not the one with the 265 the other one!.... you can say Man did you see "MENACE" That thing is tough as...

Ive always believed in naming the car, not a label for the driver and it being something unique and creative.... when I was going to put a V8 into my Gemini I was going to get MOTORV8TD which I thought was clever as it had a double meaning ie Motivated and it has a V8 motor in a TD Gemini, and would have entered it into the Motorvation car show...

I been trying to think of suitible plates for my cars for years but figured id wait till their finished then just stare at them for a day untill something suitable pops into my head

oh and I voted $1000... after a 30K+ build whats another 1k for the exact unique part you really want.

Edited by Viper, 14 August 2010 - 10:37 AM.

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