I took a section of 35mm RHS, drilled a hole in the top and took a slice out of the bottom with a hacksaw blade. Cut a 5/16 bolt to length. Took a small piece of 0.8mm panel steel (I later ground down a section of it to roughly 0.6 to set the panel gaps) and cut a slot it in, and finally a small offcut of alluminium for the 'tail piece'
I welding the small piece of panel steel to the nut and this is what I got...
All that for a few pieces of scrap and a bit of time. Then I thought about taking it another step forward, why not integrate it with a 'heat sink' on the back side of the panel to make welding thin sheets (0.8mm panel steel can be a bitch) easier. I took a bigger offcut of alluminium, notched it out and now we have this...
And now for the test...
Easy, simple and it works....
Edited by nzstato, 24 August 2010 - 06:36 AM.