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#26 _Big T_

_Big T_
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Posted 23 November 2010 - 08:56 AM

did anyone take any pics of my commodore haha

Oh, so that was you in the beat up dunnydore? I should have put two and two together and gone and introduced myself. I dont think I have any photos but if anyone else from QTCC does I will post them up for ya.

When I saw your car pull up I thought "hmmmm, theres some drifting gone wrong" but it makes sense now :D

Steve - thanks mate :spoton: All that time and effort (yeah right hehehehe) I have put into the car has paid off.

#27 _T0rana_

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Posted 23 November 2010 - 11:08 AM

haha yeah :( my poor commo , time to save up for anew car coz the cops cant catch the guy who hit me and all the panel shops quoted over 3g for repair so its not worth it, your torana is looking really good at first i didnt reconise it as yours at first coz all the panels were one colour :P

#28 _Squarepants_

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Posted 23 November 2010 - 08:02 PM

Good day, thanks Wayne and co!
Tony, sorry I didn't have a good chance to catch up with ya, but it was good to see ya again, even if it was just in the staging lanes. The UC looks good mate! :spoton:
Sarsha, I said G'day to ya in the parking lot, but I don't think you recognised me. I was in the white VR. I saw ya car there, looks a bit sore and sorry.
Nathans car was doing some wicked skids, even if he didn't crack the 12's he was after! :rockon:
I'm spewin' my Tory couldn't make it out there as I think it has lifter issues atm, but I took my daily POS VR out and was quietly surprised at how well it did (it didn't break!). It was a lot of fun anyway and it was good to see such a big turn out of high quality cars.
Can't wait for the next meet!

#29 _OLC383_

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Posted 29 November 2010 - 06:30 PM

Anybody wishing to check out some photo's of the great day head to www.dragphotos.com.au click on the test n tune galeries page then click on the 20th November test n tune and have fun, not everybody is on there but there a couple of nice looking Toranas on there,

Thanks again for comming along to all those that did


#30 _Big T_

_Big T_
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Posted 30 November 2010 - 09:37 AM

Geeze I was beginning to think Just Dave had a thing against orange UC's........ but page 10 brought a smile to my dial :D

Thanks for the link Wayne :spoton:

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