got an issue where i start the car up but need to rev it to somewhere around 3-4000 rpm to get the alt to kick in and the charge light to go out. with engine running/ idling the charge light stays on and the volt meter shows the 12- 13 battery volts. after a nice solid rev, the light goes out and 'wham' the volt meter goes off the clock. the alt is a newer style universal one thats on my Chev. it has the stud for the battery cable to charge etc and 2 spades terminals 1 and 2. i asked the boys at castlemain auto to give me a wiring diagram and was told to connect lead for battery charge light to terminal 1 and a +12v ign source to terminal 2 i assume for excitation.
so what do you think, why such high revs to enable alt to charge?
once the alt has kicked in, it charges at idle like it should.
Edited by Torryhead, 08 September 2010 - 07:09 PM.