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Fine spline diff dates

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#1 _Mike73_

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Posted 25 September 2010 - 05:46 PM

Hi all Bathurst 73 fans,
I have a very early Bathurst 73 and I was wondering if anyone has an earlier date than my fine spline axle housing, it is a 4.9, 3.55, 3.36 type, XM code 9934111. dated 9 G 3 my Bathurst 73 dated 16th of August, it was probably started off the same time as the others that were produced on the 14th of August.
I do not have the centre housing- gear assembly as it was blown up many years ago, before 1986, long gone.

I would also be interested to learn the code and stencilled part number for a 3.08/ 2.78 axle housing if anyone has one of these?

Some of my August 73 diff housings have a paint mark on them that matches the car colour too, has anyone esse noticed this?
My AUG 73 GTR also has the same mark on the gearbox too.


#2 _Ozzie Picker_

_Ozzie Picker_
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Posted 26 September 2010 - 01:42 PM

hi mike,

interesting,where exactly is the date stamp code,so i can have a look at mine,from memory it has maybe XM painted on it.
has anyone a picture where it is so i don,t spend a lot of time searching for it.

cheers craig

#3 _Mike73_

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Posted 26 September 2010 - 04:56 PM

hi mike,

interesting,where exactly is the date stamp code,so i can have a look at mine,from memory it has maybe XM painted on it.
has anyone a picture where it is so i don,t spend a lot of time searching for it.

cheers craig

Hi Craig,
here is the picture of my GTR code and part number, ( drivers side ) it starts with 28 of course.
This Aug 73 GTR code is the same as the first of the LC XU-1's without the baffles.
I do not have the painted codes etc for my XU-1 as they were oblitterated many years ago, I have managed to retrieve my codes off my build sheet.

The actual housing dates are stamped in a similar position to the painted stencil but on the passengers side instead, this may be difficult to see if your has been sandblasted or a thick coat of paint.
The actual centre cast housing that holds the gears has it's own date as well.

Posted Image

This should show the location of the painted codes for you, most were painted over or blasted away fron road dirt.
Hope you can find yours,


Edited by Mike73, 26 September 2010 - 04:58 PM.

#4 _Ozzie Picker_

_Ozzie Picker_
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Posted 26 September 2010 - 08:29 PM

thanks mike,

when i restored my car the painted letters where still easy to see 20plus years ago,so i traced them and replicated it when i restored the housing,

i,ll get under there one day and check for the stamped number,the diff centre one is easy to see.


#5 _sunburst73-xu1_

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Posted 26 September 2010 - 09:32 PM

I had a crack at mine.
Attached File  101_1705.jpg   30.44K   209 downloadsAttached File  101_1711.jpg   51.19K   200 downloads
Sorry I should say mine is not fine spine.

Edited by sunburst73-xu1, 26 September 2010 - 09:33 PM.

#6 _Mike73_

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Posted 27 September 2010 - 11:45 AM

Thanks Dane,
These course spline housings ( maybe that should be assemblies ) were used right through from when the started to fit the baffles in the LC to the second week in August 73, my build sheet shows that the WM was replaced with the XM, this is 3.36 ratio of course.

These numbers do not seem to come up in the parts books so I am guessing this was an assembly line number and you could not get a complete assembly from a dealer.

If a complete assembly was required I suppose you had to buy individual parts, but in the 70's this would have been a lot of money.

Another thing with the parts books apart from all the other mistakes the section on diff housings fails to acknowledge that 2.78, 3.9 and 3.55 were optional ratios.
Those of us that know our interchangeability of parts can soon work out that these housings are shared.

A quick look and the 3.9 was not covered anywhere, so I don't know what a race team was supposed to do if they blew their 3.9 diff!


#7 _Ozzie Picker_

_Ozzie Picker_
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Posted 27 September 2010 - 07:46 PM

I had a crack at mine.
Attached File  101_1705.jpg   30.44K   209 downloadsAttached File  101_1711.jpg   51.19K   200 downloads
Sorry I should say mine is not fine spine.

hi dane,o

top job mate,you are doing a great job.

when its finished you will be bored working on the house,i know from experience it sux.

thanks for the pictures i can easily see the date stamp now, i,ll easily find mine,may have to us some stripper.

#8 71xu1



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Posted 27 September 2010 - 10:01 PM

Hi Mike 100% correct it is also unbaffled LC XU1 part number but it should also have another number on the end. Part number =7digits. Do you know the number?
Cheers Dave

#9 _Mike73_

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Posted 28 September 2010 - 02:56 PM

Hi Dave,
the assembly number is the same as yours 2809359 and the date is 22 G 3 ( production 13th August )this makes it over a week later than my 16th August Bathurst XU-1 which is dated 9 G 3

I am thinking yours probably had the tall bump stops so this would be a superseeded part which retained the same number.
If it is 8 didgits I don't know the last one sorry.

See you at Woodbridge on the 10th.


#10 71xu1



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Posted 28 September 2010 - 09:33 PM

Hi Dave,
the assembly number is the same as yours 2809359 and the date is 22 G 3 ( production 13th August )this makes it over a week later than my 16th August Bathurst XU-1 which is dated 9 G 3

I am thinking yours probably had the tall bump stops so this would be a superseeded part which retained the same number.
If it is 8 didgits I don't know the last one sorry.

See you at Woodbridge on the 10th.


Hi Mike part number should read 2809395 and there shold only be 7 digits in total.
See you at Woodbridge on the 10th

#11 _Mike73_

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Posted 12 March 2012 - 03:02 PM

Hello everyone,
The diffs changed from the WM assembly ( for 3.36 LSD ) to the XM ( 3.36 )fine spline assembly in early August.

A 3rd of August built XU-1 has a WM course spline assembly and my 16th of August built XU-1 has the XM fine spline assembly, this is definate.

The vehicle build dates cannot be totally relied on as things did get out of order too.
I do know of a 9th of August XU-1 that still had the course spline unit and the 14th of August upgrade models should also have the XM fine spline upgrade, but I have not seen any final spec XU-1's built before mine to be able to confirm this. Neither have I seen any build sheet of my model at an earlier date.

Using more relaible dates that are stamped on the housings themselves, the change over from course to fine spline was between the 4th and 9th of August, these of course were not seen in completed XU-1's respectively, until a week later at the end of the production line.


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