The outer guard is cut to the finished height I want, and some extra left on the inner guard to fold up to it.
After massaging/stretching the inner guard up to the outer guard and tacking (without pulling on the outer guard):

I was hoping the corner shown would stretch far enough without cutting, but it wouldn't. So I made a cut in the middle of it, and everything came together:

You can see the gap created by the cut here, I will weld a small filler piece into that hole. You can also see how (once I've welded and cleaned everything up) there will be a reasonably flat surface at the top just in case the tyre still occasionally makes contact, hopefully it won't cut it.

And a final shot showing the clearance with the flare, I'm happy that it should be ample.

As noted above the flare still needs some modifying and a bracket to hold it out a little further.
Will finish welding it at some stage, that will be a slow process so hopefully no warping! I'll probably tidy up the two bottom corners of the cut first too so the line is a little smoother, you won't see them under the flare but I'll know...
Edited by 76lxhatch, 21 July 2017 - 10:46 PM.