Firstly I'll introduce myself, I'm Grant live in Sydney and I'm reliving my youth !. Im sure there are plenty of you here as well, It's a bit like AA . If there are AA people here dont take offence. But this forum is a bit like therapy ! My wife thinks that Im having an affair, I sort of am with the car, anyway
It all started about a year ago when I brokered a deal with my lovely wife, you see I was doing a house renovation, running a business. There had to be a cherry at the end of it all for me as I don't get that excited about kitchens, so long as I can make a Coffee and have something to eat then that fine by me.
I said that I wanted a new bike, I like to do a bit of bike racing, but with three kids, business and commitments, the idea of another bike was not working for me for a few reasons, I cannot take the two boys to the track and leave then, SO it the turned to cars, it started out as a EH, then HR, then a HG and HK, then I started to look at the torana Lj. Firstly I could not believe how much the cost of them were, my base price I was prepared to spend seemed to only buy a wheel ( not a nibless thingy) anyway.
I looked and looked and waited, started a love affair with Ebay, Carguides, stopped eating, staying at work so I could surf the net looking waiting for the right car. I found the GMH forum and the addiction just got worse, reading, looking, for GTR's you see that i could not afford a xu1, but maybe I could afford a GTR, I had my heart set on a LJ as I used to have a xu1 mock up and it was my first car and subsequent loss of license, but that's another story.
Anyway the fever never left and I had lost about 10kgs, my wife took me to the doctor and he said that there was nothing wrong medically and that i't was all in the mind.
The craving took me to lismore to look at a gtr but it was missing tags, I bugged the begeezes out of Bazza for tag info and even put some sunday arvo calls for guidance ( thanks bazza) you gave me steady advice. If went to the sunshine coast as well to look at a silver LC gtr , but i really wanted a LJ.
The first car that I went to look at was in sydney, however it was a very high price for the car, but it had all the tags, the orignal block, the real down part was that the front guards were flaired and so were the rears. This put me off straight away and the price was to high. I let it go and did not pursue.
Six months went by and the fever didn't pass, I thought that I would just try the original car with the flared guards again, the owner was in a different position and was serious with relation to the price he now wanted.
We brokered the deal and what I got was a GTR 8/72, lovely flared guards, miminal rust, matching tags / motor + great 4 door for parts and spares + other assorted Xu1 parts.
I went to torana fest and bugged may of the owners in order to try to find the best start point and spoke to many people and thanks for your advice.
The fever finally broke when I got the car home, Whilst the car needs work you cannot have everything when buying a car for a price.

so without further ado, here is " Lucky "

Step 1 was taking Luckies doors off and these came off today, thanks to " Inox " and gong's " how to guide " I also prayed to the LJ DOOR PIN GOD'S prior to going to bed.
Step 2 he will be off to sydney soda blasters next week in order to find out what secrets he has under the paint, I know that there has been some "A" pillar work to the passanger side and also on the left and right of the bottom of the front window pillars, but it seems that this has been done correctly.
So I can tell you all that I will probably need you help and advice to get me through this, but so far you have all been pretty help full.
All I want to do is put it back to original and see that lovely lime green metalic paint with sprintmasters glistening in the sun and a lovely stumble from the motor and a burble from the rear.
here goes !