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Lucky the lime green metalic GTR 1972

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#26 _nicko61_

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Posted 04 December 2010 - 07:50 AM

The Flares on back looked very subtle,(i would have left them)sounds like your engine will be a ball Tearer,
coming along nicely ,

#27 _Agent 34_

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Posted 05 December 2010 - 03:12 PM


I just love the square guards edges and the lines that they have on the Lj. In my view whilst some flaring looks ok , the front guards are going back to original and then the rear would not have the square line. It's a bloody big job and expensive to fix the rears, but it will be worth it in the end.

Ps I have looked at them a was of two minds if i was going to worry about fixing them or not, a bit of luck with parts and this has made it a bit easier, if the parts didn't come through then i may not have done them.

#28 meanmachine72


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Posted 06 December 2010 - 09:10 AM

It's a bloody big job and expensive to fix the rears, but it will be worth it in the end.

yeah i had to do the same to my car!!once 1/4s were removed the inner archs had to be repaired
too as they formed part of the crappy flare job..the guys from the 70s and 80 had no
respect for these cars.....it will look a treat when back to standard

#29 _Agent 34_

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Posted 07 December 2010 - 04:15 PM

Update - the upholster

I went looking for an upholster to fit some new roebuck covers to the existing seats and what I found was a guy who was third generation upholster !!

So now the game plan has changed, after 30 minutes telling me everthing about my seats, how they have been repaired, it was not the right material, whats wrong with other peoples seats, why the stiching is done the wrong way !!

I decided that I had found my man to do the seats, carpet, headlining, kick panels, rear parcel shelf and he knows the right guy for the visors too.

This is what they look like now

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#30 _Agent 34_

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Posted 28 December 2010 - 06:50 PM

Update - 2010,

Ive met many a great fellow this year on this forum. Just to fill in the gaps here is a post of where to in nsw;
h & G smash smash, panel and paint - still looking and baby sitting the cars till the new year.
John Gong- smash and restroation parts and panels = got new guards, two sills and rear left quater off john. thanks john
Manly instruments- does gtr dash and testing
sydney soda blasting-
upholstery - can remember the name now - orchard road brookvale- will post he is a freak I had to sit down when talking to him
Warringah brake and clutch

The dash is at Manly instruments for testing of the gauges and also re - bezelling ( i think that's how it's spelt ) of the gauges face as the old ones were blemished.

The full interior is at the upholster and the only bad decision i have to make is houndstooth, herringbone or roebuck ? it came out with roebuck, but i like the lighter colours of the internal fabric's rather than the roebuck inserts.

Next step is to pull off the side of the gearbox to see what the reco box is ?

At the moment it's been fully re painted and not installed.


#31 _ls1lj_

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Posted 29 December 2010 - 07:49 AM

Comming along nicely Grant.Posted Image

#32 _Agent 34_

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Posted 31 January 2011 - 02:41 PM


Well it's been a bit over 6 weeks, the major works started on the body of the GTR and the mascare of the donor car in a self less donation in order for the better car to live again. It's a bit like Kerry Packers Helicopter pilot giving up his kidney so the Big Man could fire up again for another few years !

The main thing that has happened is that we found all this rust, " what a suprise " , I have to say that if and when this gtr car gets sold there will be plenty of proof that the body has been fully sorted and that there is no major matters that need to be undertaken.

The good thing is that the donor car has all the right bits to undertake the replacement parts.

so here are some pics

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#33 _CraigA_

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Posted 31 January 2011 - 02:59 PM

Posted Image

Hey Grant, I was in the workshop over the weekend and was amazed that that four door hadn't dropped to the ground!!

Lesley is a really capable guy and will put this jigsaw back together nicely.

Edited by CraigA, 31 January 2011 - 03:00 PM.

#34 _Agent 34_

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Posted 31 January 2011 - 03:18 PM

Well at leat it will be easy to access all the motor parts when it's change over time happens.

#35 _Agent 34_

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Posted 03 February 2011 - 06:59 PM

Gearbox -worked out that the gear box is a M20, it's the 496 stamp on the main shaft.

Picking up the front end tomorrow for the dismantle , paint and brake calipers refurb.

The sleaves have been orderd for the block

Ive decided to repair the rear parcel shelf as it's the only part of the car that will have the scars left of speaker holes

The upoholster has broken his leg and the seats will be a bit longer - but this is no problem at this stage.

All the instruments have been tested and are all working - the dials and faces of the gauges have been re done

Trying to sort out the instrument panel for colouring

Sending the top dash away and also the glove box to be re done

Going to see Wayne tomorrow and pick up his spring decompressor to take the front end apart, Im keen to see Waynes Green Machine #3 tomorrow and am looking forward to having a chat about the front end refurb and other things.

signing off grant.

bugger it's hot !!

#36 _Macka_

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Posted 07 February 2011 - 07:18 PM

<br />Update;<br />Gearbox -worked out that the gear box is a M20, it's the 496 stamp on the main shaft.<br /><br />Picking up the front end tomorrow for the dismantle , paint and brake calipers refurb.<br /><br />The sleaves have been orderd for the block<br /><br />Ive decided to repair the rear parcel shelf as it's the only part of the car that will have the scars left of speaker holes<br /><br />The upoholster has broken his leg and the seats will be a bit longer - but this is no problem at this stage.<br /><br />All the instruments have been tested and are all working - the dials and faces of the gauges have been re done<br /><br />Trying to sort out the instrument panel for colouring <br /><br />Sending the top dash away and also the glove box to be re done<br /><br />Going to see Wayne tomorrow and pick up his spring decompressor to take the front end apart, Im keen to see Waynes Green Machine #3 tomorrow and am looking forward to having a chat about the front end refurb and other things.<br /><br />signing off grant.<br /><br />bugger it's hot !!<br />

<br /><br /><br />

Coming along Grant. Keep up the good work and was good to talk the other night. Ended spending half the night in the garage working on the LC. cheers Macka

#37 _Agent 34_

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Posted 14 February 2011 - 04:40 PM


Well its amazing what a hard life these little cars got, they were thrashed to an inch of their life, smashed into anything, repaired, thrashed again, smashed again.

The car has been telling a storey and this story is at least two separate front end smashes passanger side and also driver side, well at least they were consistent. Anyway the passenger side was a beauty, they must have hit something that hard that the bumper stop on the main cross member has been bent upwards, this would also explain the work done to the inner guard and re spot welds of the chassis rails.

Now for the record, in it's cabin is oversprayed green, the inner door is green, the other inner door white ( replacement) , the internal heater box is green, the parcel shelf is green, the hood linning is green . The car matches up, but at some stage has had a repair to the passenger chassis rail, there evidence of new welding to these areas which is not consistent. Our view is that it's had a major hit to this side and this has caused some big damage to the inner guard and also the front end.

If i ever sell it i just want it to be on the record here that it matches and work has been done to the car to this area. We are for the record replacing the front OF the stamped guard under the battery tray as the headlight surround is rusted beyond repair and i want to do this right.

anyway here is the evidence that it taken a big hit

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#38 _ls1lj_

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Posted 17 February 2011 - 12:46 AM

Hey Grant

If you haven't done so already i might be a good idea to get a few guys from your local torana club to have a look, take a heap of pictures and get the club to file them soit is always on record and there can be no diputes down the track.


#39 _Agent 34_

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Posted 20 February 2011 - 05:28 AM

Ben Im off to my first nsw torana club meeting on wednesday at the good old " grey hound club of nsw" at yagona. it shoul be good and im looking forward to talking to the guys. It one of the items that Im going to bring up now that you mentioned it as well.

Its too hard to disprove stuff when shit hits the fan and a bit of prep work and documenting the work will help any new buyer shoul it come up for sale.

#40 _CraigA_

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Posted 20 February 2011 - 07:04 AM

Hey Grant, the meeting is on TUESDAY night at the Greyhound club. Be good to see you there.

#41 _Agent 34_

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Posted 01 March 2011 - 02:44 PM

Front K frame and front end updated;

GOT POR 15 will paint;

Well when to the guys at POR in mona vale and bought the products; Cost to do a full front member $85.

The options were;
sand blast - powder coat
sand blast - two pac
sand blast - POR
No sandblast - POR

The finish will be fine so Ive decided to go the POR without sandblasting, I looked at one that he had there and it cam up very nice.

The reason for not sandblasting was that it allowed me to get on with the job of painting and re assembling the front end ASAP.

So now I just have to get the K frame re welded, and then painting. Im buying another K frame front end + diff housing off a forum member for some parts then getting the most un bash one and using it.

The front brakes have been re kitted and also fitted with new DBA rotors.

Im Keen as to get the front end back together as it will be a milestone to have ready.

#42 _Agent 34_

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Posted 08 March 2011 - 07:36 AM

Lost the last blurb due to microsoft failure to integrate with an apple I phone for photos;

long storey but here it is again in short version ;

Was out at H& G smash and was looking for some parts in the boot of the four door and found two fly wheels buried under all the stuff;
1) standard 10 kg
2) lightened 7.6 kg- bonus - no need to buy yella terra one, although would be nice if it was around 8 + as this was what i was going to buy super lights are around 6 kg i think.

So i just need to replace the ring gear on the flywheel as it's got a part of the gear that has some damage to the teeth and also the gear seems to be one a bit wonky in some spots like it was not put on properly.

other good thing and while it's small was there was one door finished - it's nice to see this starting to happen.

So another part of the puzzle has unfolded and the motor went like this - yella terra head 186 probably stage 3 - 60 thou fully balanced and lightened fly wheel ! four smashes - one nose graft - three gutter jumps ! - hydraulic clutch

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#43 _Agent 34_

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Posted 16 March 2011 - 04:35 PM


Im unsure whether to go back to the original roebuck full black or go for the houndstooth inserts. I like the idea of the lighter internal colour to the car. Anyway the guys still got a broken leg and just had the plates removed so Ive got heaps of time. Does anyone have any photos of a lime green metalic with houndstooth inserts ?

On hot days it's just nice to sit in cloth rather than vinyl i think

Also with the front cross member I'm still toying wiht the idea of re drilling the holes in the K frame a bit lower and adding some metal to this area similar to the Xu1 cross frame, my welder man does not do car work any more so Im on the hunt for another guy who can weld up the cracks in the cross frame trailing arms and add the metal to strenthen this area for the holes to be drilled lower, I don't really want the full 25mm may be half , but just want to add the extra meat to the area to assist the new pressure.

#44 _Nitter_

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Posted 16 March 2011 - 08:24 PM

This one sold a while back, green vinyl though...

My link

#45 _wblje_

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Posted 16 March 2011 - 09:58 PM

very nice build. be a nice car when finished. kids will love going for a cruise with ya

#46 grumpy xu1

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Posted 27 March 2011 - 01:14 AM


Im unsure whether to go back to the original roebuck full black or go for the houndstooth inserts. I like the idea of the lighter internal colour to the car. Anyway the guys still got a broken leg and just had the plates removed so Ive got heaps of time. Does anyone have any photos of a lime green metalic with houndstooth inserts ?

On hot days it's just nice to sit in cloth rather than vinyl i think

Also with the front cross member I'm still toying wiht the idea of re drilling the holes in the K frame a bit lower and adding some metal to this area similar to the Xu1 cross frame, my welder man does not do car work any more so Im on the hunt for another guy who can weld up the cracks in the cross frame trailing arms and add the metal to strenthen this area for the holes to be drilled lower, I don't really want the full 25mm may be half , but just want to add the extra meat to the area to assist the new pressure.

Mate, just my opinion but i would restore it back to all vinyl allthough i do like the original houndstooth optioned cars too. i had green houndstooth in black vinyl in a lc 4 door about 19 yrs ago was in it when i got it no photo,s sorry but it looked f@@king awesome in it. You seem like selling is a strong posibility so go original. Lime green met is definately my favourite lj colour though might build 1 that colour myself mate good luck grumpy xu1

#47 _Agent 34_

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Posted 16 April 2011 - 06:50 PM


Interior - well the seats have been re covered as per the code on the car and not in the hounds tooth - I chickened out at the last minute. They will have to be wrapped and stored for the next few months.

Donor car - well yesteday finally got the donor car back to my place and up under the house and up on car stands - now i can start to get the bits off and re conditioned as needed. It's also now missing the roof which someone is using to repair a sun roof in a gtr.

Front end - got all the new rubbers from rares last week, Im getting the front end pained the GMH black and not the POR 15, spoke to the spray painter and he is going to do it, so next weeks it's all off to H & G smash.

paint and panel - it's sleeping at st marys at the moment, not much progress there at the moment.

engine - the original jl motor has been re sleved. But i have bought another motor with all the goods and it's a blue / black motor. Ive decided to build up the monster motor and keep the original motor and re build it later.

Bought a second hand grill off ebay, it seems pretty good condition and hopefully it will be good, it's an orignal silver one.

#48 _Agent 34_

_Agent 34_
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Posted 18 April 2011 - 11:36 AM

Here are the seat photos,

Grices old factory race commodore, it's in for some repairs at H & G

and what's left of the donor -

the donor

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#49 _Agent 34_

_Agent 34_
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Posted 27 April 2011 - 05:21 PM

F##$ k it I'm fire right up !!!

i have to say that seing waynes 2elcs car fire up was great to say the least.

right back to business;

fully wire buffed the front end parts that could be buffed ready for paint,

dropped off the lower and upper control arms + assorted bits for sandblasting today.

rang rear spares for the bumper stops for front they say that they have them, they don't have the rear - seems wierd a bit that they don't have them.

also there was a thread that i started called the " other hole" i have used this information to check and re check "as my old tafe teacher told me checky checky twice cutty cutty once e "

there are some stamp marks in the K frame but they don't line up on exactly the 16mm mark and are random, one side measured up but the other didn't . this is in relation to lowering per control arm holes.

so for what i want it's a 16mm only.

also you should look at the purple wallet and time eater, it nearly made me want to keep the flares in a big way nice work dude with that car.

Next step;

next week full front end off to h & g Smash painter for some " come to mumma GMH black paint " for the front end bits.

then it's back to " come to puppa " for re assembling

as 2elcs would say

" a bit more done "

#50 _Agent 34_

_Agent 34_
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Posted 29 April 2011 - 05:29 PM

right update,

picked up the front calipers/ pads/ and new dba rotors from warringah clutch and brake - i have to say the guys there a great

wheel stubs sandblasted = go to painter

bought a new grill of ebay - couried to nsw from vic through e-go couriers - 20 bucks

here are some pics of the wire brushed cast parts the rest is with the sand blaster and also the preped front end with cut engine mount for extractors

keeping the dream alive

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