Lucky the lime green metalic GTR 1972
Posted 16 September 2013 - 09:10 AM
Posted 16 September 2013 - 02:03 PM
Well done Grant, you made it to Toranafest. .
You should now sit back and and bask in your glory. Have a beer, relax and admire what you have achieved .....
But back to reality - work, wife, kids etc, etc, etc. and the teething problems of a restored car.
_Agent 34_
Posted 16 September 2013 - 05:17 PM
Thanks guys, but whats a road trip with out an incident !
It goes like this ;
Lee Gillmore ( gun metal grey gtr) and me going down the highway today , side by side , we look over at each other and drop a gear and go , after blowing the bejezues out of both cars and coming up with the win , i pull in front
The driver side shock bolt comes out , hits the road , goes back , hit's Lee's bumper , and then fully smashes the shit out of his driver side head light , I kid you not it was like in the movies !!!!!!, there was this explosion of glass at 140 klms
the bolt dented the bumper with thread marks and no other damage - thankyou lord !
I could not believe it , 3 inches up , left or right it was major paint damage to the front of the car, FAAARK
I just ordered another set of jets and needles for the carbies which should sort out some issues, but had a ball it was awesome to get there and participate with all the other guys, the car came up a treat.
Posted 16 September 2013 - 05:23 PM
Did you get your bolt back?
Posted 16 September 2013 - 06:15 PM
............................ , I kid you not it was like in the movies !!!!!!, there was this explosion of glass at 140 klms ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
I think you made a typo error. You can only travel at 110 klms (legally).
Thankfully it wasn't more serious.
Posted 16 September 2013 - 06:55 PM
I'm glad I got your door opened at the fest,or would driven you nuts on your way back home.
Posted 16 September 2013 - 07:24 PM
IN THE FLESH , ON THE ROAD ... . ...well done Grant....good on you mate.!
that march 17th XU1 loooooks awesome who owns that ???..any pics of that car ??
Posted 16 September 2013 - 07:54 PM
_Agent 34_
Posted 16 September 2013 - 08:53 PM
I think you made a typo error. You can only travel at 110 klms (legally).
Thankfully it wasn't more serious.
errr yes mick that's correct it was @ 110 klm's , but FARRRK it surely seemed like 140 LOL
Nobody likes march 17 th green, the retarded step child of the torana colour chart lol!
bingo ,
that;s pretty funny
Hey grant,
I'm glad I got your door opened at the fest,or would driven you nuts on your way back home.
yes John, I also need a door opener actuator - have you got one , passenger side pls
boys , it was a top weekend to say the least and I had a ball
Did you get your bolt back?
yep Gozzy it was a double FAARRRK moment indeed
Posted 16 September 2013 - 11:39 PM
Yes I do have one mate.
_Agent 34_
Posted 29 January 2014 - 09:09 AM
Few items have been going on but the latest one was copping the rath of the local law and being deliberately pulled up for some false RBT on the highway going to summer nats on saturday morning. The secondary result was a direction to the EPA testing station where by it was ascertained that the noise was 98 DBA.
A torana under the ADR was 96.
Changed the muffler, when and got it tested and then it registered higher. It was a stock standard , xu1 reproduction exhaust.
Looks like i will have to take the whole muffler off and then start again to get it re tested, what a load of shit
not happy JAN
Posted 29 January 2014 - 12:49 PM
Bastards. How can they possibly pick on such a nice classic. Or have you since shoehorned a 308 with blower and mini tubs? lol
Posted 29 January 2014 - 04:06 PM
Thanks guys, but whats a road trip with out an incident !
It goes like this ;
Lee Gillmore ( gun metal grey gtr) and me going down the highway today , side by side , we look over at each other and drop a gear and go , after blowing the bejezues out of both cars and coming up with the win , i pull in front
The driver side shock bolt comes out , hits the road , goes back , hit's Lee's bumper , and then fully smashes the shit out of his driver side head light , I kid you not it was like in the movies !!!!!!, there was this explosion of glass at 140 klms
the bolt dented the bumper with thread marks and no other damage - thankyou lord !lo
I could not believe it , 3 inches up , left or right it was major paint damage to the front of the car, FAAARK
I just ordered another set of jets and needles for the carbies which should sort out some issues, but had a ball it was awesome to get there and participate with all the other guys, the car came up a treat.
Lucky you didn't damage his headlight surround, I've already fixed that one for him before ;-)
Maybe you should get a stock exhaust and fit it to pass the Db test and then swap it back over. I think most of us would fail that noise test. Torana's are meant to be loud aren't they?
_Agent 34_
Posted 29 January 2014 - 07:13 PM
James, yep it's got to go back and get another muffler fitted mid way and then into another muffler after the diff.
i have a spare y pipe that we will use . the F%@ken Indian F@$%ken EPA authorised tester had no idea what so ever , the navy should have sunk his boat on the way over.
the engine makes more noise than the exhaust now , the solids are banging away up front and with the induction noise it's louder at the front.
Most torana's would fail the test IMO.
they assured me that it was 95 dba @ 3200.when i picked it up.
It took me till 1 pm to get back to work and #300 for the rear muffler and fit.
still not happy JAN
Posted 29 January 2014 - 09:58 PM
Posted 29 January 2014 - 11:53 PM
And who's gonna notice 2 db's for fr0ck sake.
Feeling your pain Grant, its that kinda cop that makes people hate cops.
Just being a fr0ckwit because he can.
Posted 30 January 2014 - 12:08 AM
Hang in there Bro. You can handle anything, cause you've restored a Torana.
Posted 31 January 2014 - 06:25 PM
This sounds all to familiar Grant, some of our club members got stung for the same infringement last year. Just one of the reasons why I stay away from this Event.
Edited by sunburst73-xu1, 31 January 2014 - 06:26 PM.
Posted 31 January 2014 - 08:55 PM
Yeah its another way they are trying to shut things like this down.
Scare away all the punters so nobody goes then it is deemed unpopular and seeya later, event canned.
_Agent 34_
Posted 08 February 2014 - 07:16 PM
cleared, but it sounds like a 6 year old with a chest infection, weezing like an accordion.
So i'ts back next week to remove the muffler and then I'm going back to the dyno for a test and tune with needles and jets on a Saturday.
Motor has about 1500 mile on it now and it seems like most of the bugs are gone.
got a list to do for the PI trip and also the nationals in SA.
the guy at the testing station has seen 100 cars alone, there was a Warwick yellow monaro 327 there as well on the second trip for clearance.
_Agent 34_
Posted 04 March 2014 - 06:59 PM
Getting the car ready for Phillip island and spannering the car, we noticed that the lower control arm " rubber bush" has separated from the outer steel housing , happened both sides and this was a rare spare product. It looked like there was a donut between the K frame and the edge of the control arm where it attaches to the K frame .
Very bizarre indeed, replacing the rubber bushes tomorrow , but far out what a failure of the product.
Posted 04 March 2014 - 07:03 PM
Getting the car ready for Phillip island and spannering the car, we noticed that the lower control arm " rubber bush" has separated from the outer steel housing , happened both sides and this was a rare spare product. It looked like there was a donut between the K frame and the edge of the control arm where it attaches to the K frame .
Very bizarre indeed, replacing the rubber bushes tomorrow , but far out what a failure of the product.
Grant the exact same thing happened to my RH LCA bush and that was a genuine GM part.
I believe the Rares bushes are made by Mackay auto rubber.
Edited by S pack, 04 March 2014 - 07:03 PM.
_Agent 34_
Posted 04 March 2014 - 07:35 PM
i suppose it's just one of thoes thing's , Lucky i had a spare set of bushes in the garage as i would have been really rooted as it was sort of crabbing when i applied the brakes and was wondering why it was pulling to the passengers side, now i know why.
Tidied up about 10 items as well. changed the CD stromberg springs from red to light blue ones which are " medium". want to get the throat open a little earlier and see how things go.
I'm onto a great mechanic now so I'm stoked to say the least. someone who fixes and gets the job done and has experience with Old holdens.
Got about another 15 items that will need to be done for the nationals in barossa but can work though these after Phillip Island.
Another pimple to over come in order to become enlightened the torana way !
Posted 04 March 2014 - 07:43 PM
_Agent 34_
Posted 04 March 2014 - 08:07 PM
did them up loose , put the car back together, let it sit for a 2 weeks , did some small trips , tightened up when to torana fest , re tightened up after torana fest again.
I think it's just one of thoes things , may be the rubber and the metal didn't bind and just let go. I'll replace and see how it goes. very strange indeed how the rubber could work out like it did
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